Has anyone tried Alli pills?



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    They give you grease farts and loud, explosive greasy poo so I wouldn't recommend them unless you're going to stay home and wear raggedy undies or put on some adult diapers before you leave the house.
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    My coworker tried these for 3 months & lost 10lbs but quit b/c of the bowel issues everyone is talking about. She hasn't taken them for 6 months & still has problems w/ uncontollable leakage..  no diapers for me plz!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I tried them a long time ago and I had horrible nausea, but none of the other unpleasant side effects people reported. I did lose weight but it was just because I felt sick all the time-- I stopped taking them after a couple of weeks.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Well, hypothyroid runs in the family but I've been tested and I know I don't have it.
    But I do have "very" low iron (i've been on pills for nearly nearly two months for that though, feel a lot better) and I've got low blood pressure too :s

    I know what anemia and low blood pressure feels like. You can do this. I would go with increasing your workout. Do more intense workouts.
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Tried them once. Did experience that lovely side effect everyone keeps mentioning. Will NEVER do that again.
  • Worst experience of my life.

    I was afraid to go in public because you literally cannot control when your bowels will release. And it's oily. My friends used to make fun of me, because I'd get up and run to the bathroom while screaming "It's oil time!!"

    Seriously, I do NOT recommend Alli at all!!! It's the worst and has so many terrible side effects!!
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I have and they make you run run and run to the bathroom everywhere you go
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Someone told me they leaked "pizza grease" at night and ruined their bed.
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not a diet-pill nay-Sayer, I'm on one right now that was prescribed to me by a doctor.

    But Alli is awful, I tried it for about a week and all these terrible stories about leaking things, it's 100% true! I was even very careful about what i ate!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I've heard stories about pills wrecking people's bodies, but I'm not even taking them for a fortnight so I hope they don't effect me like that

    The thing is though, i have been on a fairly healthy diet and i'm very active but I haven't lost a pound! I've been on here since april and i've put on nearly ten pounds! D: Everyone i've spoken to about it can't understand why i'm 'not skinny' because apparently i don' eat much and i work hard etc :/
    I do think I eat enough though, I'm rarely less than 1200

    I was hoping the pills might kick start my body or something :s

    Maybe you could review your food/excersize diary. Investing in an HRM would be a benefit.

    The diarrhea pill won't 'kick start' your body. Clean eating, real excersize, and good rest will.

    Good luck! Have fun on vacation!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Well, hypothyroid runs in the family but I've been tested and I know I don't have it.
    But I do have "very" low iron (i've been on pills for nearly nearly two months for that though, feel a lot better) and I've got low blood pressure too :s

    I know what anemia and low blood pressure feels like. You can do this. I would go with increasing your workout. Do more intense workouts.

    This is stupid advice.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    I wonder why they don't have the happy smiley ladies on the ads doing the dash to the toilet to vent some grease...
  • I tried these for a little while, but didn't finish the bottle. I was really careful about the amount of fat in each of my meals, so I didn't have any of the leakage issues. However, I think the weight I lost while taking them was more from paying close attention to what I was eating instead of anything the pill was doing.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Well, hypothyroid runs in the family but I've been tested and I know I don't have it.
    But I do have "very" low iron (i've been on pills for nearly nearly two months for that though, feel a lot better) and I've got low blood pressure too :s

    I know what anemia and low blood pressure feels like. You can do this. I would go with increasing your workout. Do more intense workouts.

    This is stupid advice.

    Koosdel, do you care to share what is stupid about what I have said?
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    I tried them last year. They remove the fat from your food pretty much. If you eat fat is comes out, no matter where you are, it will come out and it's greasy. Looks like the grease in a frying pan when it comes out. You don't know it's coming either. You get a stomach pain and YEP that's it. You just pooped your pants. It stinks too. It takes a couple days to kick in. It's suppose to "teach" you what foods are fatty so you don't eat them. HELLO...you know when you are eating fats. I really think it works b/c you are scared to eat anything with any fat because you WILL **** your pants. The best thing I've found is this website. Count your calories, exercise. You can't lose alot of weight in a few days without harming your body someway. Do it safely.
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    Someone told me they leaked "pizza grease" at night and ruined their bed.

    That's the truth......Looks just like pizza grease too. LOL
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    same as everyone else rectal leaking.A friend of mine did it. trust me you think it is no big deal, but from someone who has to deal with it b/c of physical issus it is...
  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    wow wow wow . That is why i dont like stories .. I have been using alli and if you follow it correctly there is no NEED for rectal leakage . You have to control your Fat intake ..
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    UGH My mother & I tried them we both wound up throwing out underwear & pants. So GROSS!
    Please just eat healthy, take a walk everyday & be kind & natural~
    Any pills or added substances only harm your body.
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Someone told me they leaked "pizza grease" at night and ruined their bed.

    That's the truth......Looks just like pizza grease too. LOL

    hahahaha I dont mean to laugh but SO TRUE! *cringing*
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