Ive hit a plateau after 60 lbs lost... HELP



  • voguextc
    voguextc Posts: 23 Member
    I'm glad I found a post on this... It's been three weeks and I've for some reason been teetering between 170-165. It odd too cause I'm 20, I've lost 10 pounds and I'm already at a plateau. I eat plenty, exercise plenty, and drink lots of water. So I don't get it, but I'm going to try the "take a week off and eat more". I hope it works because I want to lose this weight by march... Which doesn't seem too horribly bad -.-
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    If you're hitting a plateau on a calorie deficit it's due to water retention. Eating more will purge the water because you're changing your diet. Also exercise makes you retain water. It's actually not that you've stopped 'burning fat'. I think you'll do fine and your trainer has you on the right track. Nothing wrong with taking a break once in a while.
  • 2blueeyedbabies
    I, too, hit a plateau a couple weeks ago. I told my trainer about it on Monday. He suggested increasing calories by 200 (from 1100 to 1300) and I'm now walking 3 min, then jogging 1 min (15 min before training and 15 min after) 3 times a week at the gym instead of just walking. I looked at him like he was crazy -- how could INCREASING my caloric intake help me LOSE weight? Weighed myself this morning and am down 5 pounds in 5 days. I will never question him again! :)