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Fitness notes

Why did you get rid of exercise notes!? I use it everyday to record which muscle group or groups I worked on that day. Please bring it back
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for sharing your feedback. We are in the process of testing a new feature for the Food Diary which allows you to analyze your daily macro totals and add in an item to meet your goals. During this test, this feature will take the place of the Notes Button.

    You may also notice that the "Complete Diary" button is now located a bit to the right of where it used to be displayed. This button can be found to the right of the "Nutrition" button at the bottom of your diary.

    For now, your notes can still be accessed via Since you're seeing the test feature, we'd love to hear your feedback if you have an opportunity to give it a try. We're hoping it can help users find new and different food options to help reach their macronutrient goals.