One day in and I want to cheat!

Admittedly, I have some of the worst eating habits I know of, but I try to reign myself in when I know I'm getting out of control. I just started MFP today and I want to cheat already! I have no idea how I'm supposed to survive on 1,400 calories a day, I'm starving right now. Anyone else struggling? Maybe I can psych myself into believing I'm no longer hungry :cry:


  • what do you have your goal set for?
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    If you exercise you get to eat more :-)
  • GirlHungry
    What worked for me is eating at the same time every day and after a short time your body will get use to your schedule. Make sure you eat a well balanced nutrious meal and you shouldn't feel hungry if you are getting all the nutrients you need. It is hard at first my problem was trying to force myself to eat 1200 calories, I would starve myself then binge which was a bad cycle and not healthy but now I am on a schedule and I feel like I eat all the time!! So much food!!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    If you exercise you get to eat more :-)
    yep throw in some exercise and eat your calories back!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Look at the success stories pictures. That's what keeps me going. I haven't wanted to cheat on food so much but when I'm just sure I can't do the workout at all...all I have to do is look at the pics people post. Keeps me strong every time. :) And like someone else said, it's just plain getting used to your new lifestyle. Changing your mindset. Distract yourself, brush your teeth (to me that signals me that I'm done-even if I was thinking of sending hubby out for something...not after I brush my teeth). You have to want it! :D
  • zxaxel
    zxaxel Posts: 4 Member
  • 7534584
    7534584 Posts: 38
    I cheated at first. I lied about my exercise. I didnt write down everything I ate. I was embarrassed for my friends to see that I wasnt under my calories especially when they were. I decided to either unfriend everyone so I could look at my food at what it really was or just let everyone see anyway. What happened was I became motivated to hit my calorie goal. I guess I just decided I really did want to do this. I didnt just sign up cause my family did. I look at calories before I eat. That helps too,
    good luck
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    more fiber, more water, more exercise :)
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    When I first started, it told me 1400 calories. I laughed....went to another website and figured out that I could still lose weight if I put 1700 as my calorie count. I also worked out in order to eat even more.

    Now it's set to 1650 and I exercise almost every day so that I can eat about 1800-2000 calories a day.

    I read that you should decrease your calorie intake no more than 500/day from what you used to eat.

    Hope that helps.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    the first 3 days were pure hell, i had to chew everything super slow and space my food out like gets easier i assure can always work out to be able to eat more!
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
  • workingtowardsit
    I could send you a picture of my stomach and I'm sure you won't have any problems staying on your 1400 cal. diet. Just teasing. I started MFP early in the summer but due to an employment position I have far less time to focus on me. I have started back today. I have done pretty good on a high protein/low carb diet today and thankfully I have a friend along side of my unlike last time. I did mess up first thing this morning when my children we getting into the homemade sugar cookies and I said "Oh, I want that small one" Once I swallowed that cookie I remembered I was starting the diet/life style change today and had a confession session with my weight loss partner. I don't think I started out the best either. Do you have a purpose for the weight loss like a reunion coming up or a wedding? Why do you feel now is the time for your weight loss? Is it to maintain your comfort weight...?

    I have met some very nice women on here, one attends an online college with me. It is a very good place for support and a laugh every now and then. I look forward to meeting even more. I wish you the very best and look forward to chatting with you and cheering you on!

  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    I used the automatic thingy and set it for a 10 pound weight loss with 5 days of 20 minute exercise (I'm so lazy, I know). I tried the manual goal setting but I have no idea how to figure out all that daily intake stuff. Suggestions?
    what do you have your goal set for?
  • ricki9952
    water!!! Drink a glass before u eat then eat...and drink you 8 cups a day it helps me alot
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    I haven't exercised today thus far, but the day isn't over. It's only 9:30, lol. I still have time :happy:
    If you exercise you get to eat more :-)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Admittedly, I have some of the worst eating habits I know of, but I try to reign myself in when I know I'm getting out of control. I just started MFP today and I want to cheat already! I have no idea how I'm supposed to survive on 1,400 calories a day, I'm starving right now. Anyone else struggling? Maybe I can psych myself into believing I'm no longer hungry :cry:

    The first month was the most difficult on me, I was always hungry (I was on a 1200 calorie diet), so I always made sure that I had at least a 400 calorie burn so that I could eat 1600 calories. Still, the hunger persisted . . . until I changed my eating habits. I increased my vegetables and lean meats (read chicken, turkey, and fish) and decreased my boxed foods (I say processed, but then other people say every thing is processed once it's taken off the tree, bush, vine, eyeroll) and found that my plate was always fuller . . . therefore my belly was alway fuller . . . and usually there was room for some awesome no sugar added ice cream or a fabulous sorbet.
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    Yeah, I have to learn to make healthier choices with my food. The healthier choices cost so much more though :noway:

    Any suggestions for low cost high impact food?
    What worked for me is eating at the same time every day and after a short time your body will get use to your schedule. Make sure you eat a well balanced nutrious meal and you shouldn't feel hungry if you are getting all the nutrients you need. It is hard at first my problem was trying to force myself to eat 1200 calories, I would starve myself then binge which was a bad cycle and not healthy but now I am on a schedule and I feel like I eat all the time!! So much food!!
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    You're so right, especially about tooth brushing. I never want to eat after I brush my teeth, lol. I haven't looked at any pics yet, I'll do that next. Thanks!
    Look at the success stories pictures. That's what keeps me going. I haven't wanted to cheat on food so much but when I'm just sure I can't do the workout at all...all I have to do is look at the pics people post. Keeps me strong every time. :) And like someone else said, it's just plain getting used to your new lifestyle. Changing your mindset. Distract yourself, brush your teeth (to me that signals me that I'm done-even if I was thinking of sending hubby out for something...not after I brush my teeth). You have to want it! :D
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yeah, I have to learn to make healthier choices with my food. The healthier choices cost so much more though :noway:

    Any suggestions for low cost high impact food?

    I don't know where you live, but if you can find a local farmer's market you can get cheaper produce. Also, I find that WalMart has reasonably priced meats and produce. There are also super markets that specialize in local produce. Unfortunately, for much of the country, we're starting to get out of the awesome produce window that the spring, summer, and fall provides.

    Edit: one more thing. not for now, but in the spring find a coop. you have to put up a bunch of money up front, but it's cheaper in the long run.
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    I'm glad that you found your motivation, I'll have to make sure that I just keep my goal in mind. I just want to be healthy and not wheeze and whine when I have to walk up 3 flights of stairs. A little hunger won't kill me but heart and diabetes mos def will. No anyway :blushing:
    I cheated at first. I lied about my exercise. I didnt write down everything I ate. I was embarrassed for my friends to see that I wasnt under my calories especially when they were. I decided to either unfriend everyone so I could look at my food at what it really was or just let everyone see anyway. What happened was I became motivated to hit my calorie goal. I guess I just decided I really did want to do this. I didnt just sign up cause my family did. I look at calories before I eat. That helps too,
    good luck