One day in and I want to cheat!



  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    You're so right, I've only had 16 ounces of water today, I need to do better. Is it okay to had a touch of honey and lemon to my water? I hate water.
    more fiber, more water, more exercise :)
  • It's really hard to say without knowing what your diet consists of and how many meals you eat a day. I agree with adding exercise each day, as this will add to your alotted caloric intake. I eat 6 meals/snacks a day and try to always eat a protein with a carb. I also eat oatmeal everyday and try to get more fiber from veggies as well; which will help keep you full. Drink water, water, and more water. I hate water myself, so I drink flavored water/Crystal light which doesn't affect my calories much at all. It truly does help with curbing your appetite! It is a matter of retraining your body and your mind and will get easier as time goes on....I've lost 30 lbs. and am usually short on my caloric intake each day, without feeling hungry. Each day, picture what it is you want to look and feel like and remember the only one who can get you there is you!! Good can do it!!! :smile:
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    Hollie you're awesome, lol! I use my pictures of my stomach as a warning too :blushing:

    My purpose for changing my eating/exercise habits has everything to do with fear. I've watched family members abuse their bodies with bad foods, no exercise, smoking, drinking and just general carelessness and suffer for it. I'm so afraid of getting sick from not eating well or exercising properly that I've got to make a change now. I'd like to be one of those fit marathon grannies that I've seen on television and in magazines when I'm in my 80's and the only way to do that is by getting my act together. Thank you so much, you helped me to back away from the edge!

    I could send you a picture of my stomach and I'm sure you won't have any problems staying on your 1400 cal. diet. Just teasing. I started MFP early in the summer but due to an employment position I have far less time to focus on me. I have started back today. I have done pretty good on a high protein/low carb diet today and thankfully I have a friend along side of my unlike last time. I did mess up first thing this morning when my children we getting into the homemade sugar cookies and I said "Oh, I want that small one" Once I swallowed that cookie I remembered I was starting the diet/life style change today and had a confession session with my weight loss partner. I don't think I started out the best either. Do you have a purpose for the weight loss like a reunion coming up or a wedding? Why do you feel now is the time for your weight loss? Is it to maintain your comfort weight...?

    I have met some very nice women on here, one attends an online college with me. It is a very good place for support and a laugh every now and then. I look forward to meeting even more. I wish you the very best and look forward to chatting with you and cheering you on!

  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    Almost everything I eat comes in a box, can or plastic bag (not all of it is crap though). I know I need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and cut back on's just so hard. But I know I can't afford excuses. I rarely eat pork, fried foods or beef, so I'm good there. I have to stay away from sweets and salty snacks (chips and microwave popcorn). Sorbet is my Achilles heel, lol. I'll make sure I exercise on a regular basis so I can eat more.
    Admittedly, I have some of the worst eating habits I know of, but I try to reign myself in when I know I'm getting out of control. I just started MFP today and I want to cheat already! I have no idea how I'm supposed to survive on 1,400 calories a day, I'm starving right now. Anyone else struggling? Maybe I can psych myself into believing I'm no longer hungry :cry:

    The first month was the most difficult on me, I was always hungry (I was on a 1200 calorie diet), so I always made sure that I had at least a 400 calorie burn so that I could eat 1600 calories. Still, the hunger persisted . . . until I changed my eating habits. I increased my vegetables and lean meats (read chicken, turkey, and fish) and decreased my boxed foods (I say processed, but then other people say every thing is processed once it's taken off the tree, bush, vine, eyeroll) and found that my plate was always fuller . . . therefore my belly was alway fuller . . . and usually there was room for some awesome no sugar added ice cream or a fabulous sorbet.
  • I used to eat almost all processed foods too! I commute 150 miles a day to work so I did it for convenience I guess. Another member on this site suggested the following website for all clean/non processed recipes and it's amazing. Check it out: Hope this helps!!!
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    Thanks sooo much everyone, you're all awesome! I'll be heeding all advice: More water, less junk food, more exercise, reading success stories/viewing pictures and keeping my goal in mind. I hope i can be as helpful to you all as you have been to me, cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    Checking now, thanks bunches!

    I used to eat almost all processed foods too! I commute 150 miles a day to work so I did it for convenience I guess. Another member on this site suggested the following website for all clean/non processed recipes and it's amazing. Check it out: Hope this helps!!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Almost everything I eat comes in a box, can or plastic bag (not all of it is crap though). I know I need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and cut back on's just so hard. But I know I can't afford excuses. I rarely eat pork, fried foods or beef, so I'm good there. I have to stay away from sweets and salty snacks (chips and microwave popcorn). Sorbet is my Achilles heel, lol. I'll make sure I exercise on a regular basis so I can eat more.

    The hardest part is changing the way you see food. I never go to the grocery store with a specific plan, it's always "okay, I know I need fruit, veggies, proteins . . . what's on sale?" You can reduce your grocery bill by not buying the crap you's not supposed to eat anyway. Sorbet is okay as long as it's a more natural and strong in flavor, Talenti blood orange is good. Use a teaspoon, put it in a small bowl, and stick to the serving guideline. The more that you can make for yourself the better, because then you can control the contents and calorie count. Not everything in a box or bag is evil, but you should be able to read and understand the contents.
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    I keep telling myself that food can either be my poison or my medicine. I'm doing my best to take good medicine. I actually didn't grab nearly as much crap as I usually do when I go to the grocery store. I just have to be careful with my protion control, I'm way bad at that (read extra greedy). I'll look into the Talenti Blood Orange, thanks!
    Almost everything I eat comes in a box, can or plastic bag (not all of it is crap though). I know I need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and cut back on's just so hard. But I know I can't afford excuses. I rarely eat pork, fried foods or beef, so I'm good there. I have to stay away from sweets and salty snacks (chips and microwave popcorn). Sorbet is my Achilles heel, lol. I'll make sure I exercise on a regular basis so I can eat more.

    The hardest part is changing the way you see food. I never go to the grocery store with a specific plan, it's always "okay, I know I need fruit, veggies, proteins . . . what's on sale?" You can reduce your grocery bill by not buying the crap you's not supposed to eat anyway. Sorbet is okay as long as it's a more natural and strong in flavor, Talenti blood orange is good. Use a teaspoon, put it in a small bowl, and stick to the serving guideline. The more that you can make for yourself the better, because then you can control the contents and calorie count. Not everything in a box or bag is evil, but you should be able to read and understand the contents.