New moms trying to finally lose the baby weight!!!

New moms trying to get on track??? I need all of the help i can get ; )


  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    I just had my baby on Sept 7, 2011 and I am slowly starting to get this weight off -- still healing from child birth but walking will be my best friend for the next few weeks. Feel free to friend me :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    im not a new mom..far from it ( mine are 7 and 8 years old ) but i never tried to lose the weight before..i have lost almost 40 lbs since febuary, but i could always use more friends too..good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    me me! I gained waaay too much with my 60 lbs! We should start a thread
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Semi new mom. Never really lost all the weight I wanted to with my first boy who is 5 now but I do have a 7 month old and trying to lose that weight now too.
  • renee474
    renee474 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in that club. I had a baby in December of last year and until recently have not been focused on losing the massive amount of weight that I gained during pregnancy. That's all changed now. I am on track changing my behaviors to healthy ones, however the weight is coming off very slowly. It's great to meet others who are facing the same challenges.
  • smart5
    smart5 Posts: 4 Member
    hello. Im also a mom trying to lose weight. My kids are not new tho. My oldest daughter is 5.5 and my twin daughters are 4. I never lost the weight after the first because I got pregnant with twins so fast after she was born. And in between the pregnancies I lost my mother. I was only 21 when she passed. So I gain a lot of weight due to stress of the death of my mom and the two pregnancies. I am looking for a few new friends on myfitnesspal to go through it with. I have lost 16lbs since using MFP.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I have a baby that just turned one and a 5 year old. I did fertility treatments to get my youngest and gained a bunch from that. I also had severe gallbladder problems during my pregnancy and my gallbladder out in December and have had to do steroid injections for my neck since. So, I am just now healthy enough to start working on the weight. I had been a regular exerciser and very healthy eater for around eight years before all of this happened. I just want to get back to my old lifestyle.
  • Vivavicki
    Vivavicki Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- I'm new on here. So excited to finally get my butt off the couch and start taking steps to get my life back! I have two children, the youngest I had 17 months ago. I ate a lot of "crap" during my pregnancy and have been having a tough time "retraining my brain" to say no to every cupcake, cookie, bowl of pasta, slice of pizza, or bag of pretzels or chips that passes my line of vision. I am sick of watching all my co-workers, friends and relatives have babies and bounce back to their pre baby figures,while I remain overweight. I went to a co workers baby shower today, and I vowed I will not let another person achieve MY dream of being fit and toned after pregnancy, while I just sit on the couch and complain about how fat I've gotten. I made a promise to myself I will be back in shape by the time my coworker comes back from maternity leave! I am so glad I found this website where I can take control and empower myself to become strong and fit!!!
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    I had a baby seven weeks ago!! Friend me if you would like :-)
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    I had a baby seven weeks ago!! Friend me if you would like :-)
  • crhaws
    crhaws Posts: 19 Member
    I'm semi new - my LO is 20 months. Babies are a wonderful adventure!! I am still working to lose the last of my baby weight. You can friend me if you'd like!
  • MrsShramek
    I have a 3 month old and im working on taking the weight off to so far havent lost any of my 15 lb nessecity and 35 lb goal.
  • Courtney_0_0
    Hey! I'd love to add any new mom-friends here--especially if any of you are working, too, and/or are a graduate student like me! I have a 15 month old and am writing a dissertation--my lawyer husband is always working, so I'm primary caregiver (thank heavens for my folks who watch the tot a few days a week so I can write!). On top of this, I'm an emotional eater... :( :P been here for five days, but already this is helping--love to chat with folks here when I have a chance and am totally happy to talk about babies, your work, school, teaching (I teach college-level writing and lit, just not this year). Couldn't balance everything and try to lose the weight before now, so am trying to make up for lost time! :) Current baby topic: teething and sleeplessness. *sigh* anyone else CRAVE carbs when tired? *argh* Feel free to add me! I am happy to support you. :)
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Hi there -

    I'm a first-time mom (he is now 7 months old) and I too am trying to lose the baby weight (and then some!!)

    I have used the site for a number of weeks, and I"ve already seen success. It is working better than anything else I've tried - I think you will find it useful!!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like some support!
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    My baby is 9 months old. I gained 35 lbs from the preganancy. I haven't been dieting since I gave birth cause I thought and so many people have said to not worry as the baby weight is gonna come off by itself well that's bull lol. I've been on MFP since August 29'th and so far I've lost 8lbs. You can send me a friend request anytime. Goodluck!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    <waving hand> I'm here too! I've been taking this seriously (at least logging every day, if not always eating that great!) since August 1st, but traveling a lot sure has made it harder. I'm just trying to remind myself that like pregnancy (and parenthood, for that matter), it's a marathon, not a sprint. We'll get there, and then we'll be in "fighting form" to run after our kids!
  • MaiaScore
    Hi everyone! I'm also trying to finally get rid of the baby weight after having my second baby last July 2011. I've never successfully lost weight the right way, meaning a combination of consistent exercise and healthy eating, so this time around, the right way is what I'm aiming for. Since I'm breast feeding my 2 month old daughter, I can't compromise her food source so I have to be smart about what I eat. So far I found that if I get sudden hunger pangs, I snack on veggies and dip while I prepare a meal (usually something with fish for protein). This seems to be working for me so far. I have a very supportive husband, who helps me make time to work out. But now that I have 2 kids, I always have the cel phone handy incase my hubby or the girls needs me. I still get that guilty feeling for taking the hour or hour and a half to work out on my own, but I try and brush it off and tell myself that I need that time to be a better wife and mom to my family. It took me 2 years to gain all this weight, so I'm going to be kind to myself and give myself time to get to my target weight. I'm hoping to meet moms here on MyFitnessPal who also share the same busy lifestyle and challenges as I do. Please add me if you need a friend to support you! Good luck to all the moms trying to get healthier! :)
  • Karolinacr
    Hi! My baby girl turned 4 months yesterday. I'm also trying to lose weight. I found this app for my iPhone and it is amazing! I need some support to lose weight. I am very determined to lose weight but I need some support and new friends here that are going through the same.

    I'm currently going to school, have a total of 2 children (9 year old boy andn 4 month old baby girl), work full-time and pretty much is busy all the time. My phone goes with me everywhere.

    Feel free to add me!! Let's win this race together!! I'm in ;)
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there,
    I have a 5 month old baby girl and am working on losing the baby weight. I gained approx. 40lb during the pregnancy and aim to lose that plus some. I started my weight-loss journey at 188.5 and joined MFP weighing 183.4. As part of my motivation to lose the weight I signed up for my first half marathon, which will be in Feb 2012.

    I would love to be a part of anyone's support group. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck!
  • mrsbrewha
    I am a semi new mom. Had a baby January 10, 2011. I am trying to get back on track myself. I just started because I am no longer nursing. I wasn't really concerned about it while I was nursing, but now the FAT must go! I have 52 lbs I need to shed off. So far after one day, I am down a pound. I need new mommies to befriend as well. I gained 55lbs with my second child in which 40 of it I lost while nursing, then my body hit a bottom and stopped losing the last 15 lbs.