What do you eat that fills you up?

I need food ideas that are filling and low in calories. Mostly snack type foods that can be eaten between meals. But meal ideas are welcome too.


  • KristiBenvenuto
    KristiBenvenuto Posts: 7 Member
    Most soups are usually low in cal intake and because most have WATER in them it should fill you up for longer!
  • avaloneternal
    Tofu shirataki noodles and marinara sauce (entire bowl of pasta for about 75 cals). Fresh veggies dipped in mustard.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    salad....with lemon juice instead of dressing. also, a handful of almonds would do the work. If I eat 1oz of almonds, I already feel full and it's only the most 200 calories.
    ..oh, boiled egg too :)
  • efriling
    efriling Posts: 58 Member
    Fat free greek yogurt- read the labels tho, some is much higher in protein than other brands and those are the ones I like better. Also granola bars, an apple, a handful of nuts, hummus & carrots, oatmeal, also drink a hot cup of tea or low-sodium organic broth- they are all pretty filling for me as a snack! Hope that helps :)
  • adjuaO
    adjuaO Posts: 16
    I've been eating huge Honeycrisp apples lately and that does the trick for a while...chased by water.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I find bananas to be a good filling snack. I usually like to put them in my cereal and I can tell on days I don't I feel hungrier sooner.
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    So typically you wanna eat protein not sugars and carbs in evenings so depends on when you are wanting the snack. One thing you can always count on is lean meats like turkey...roll it up and or put a pickle in middle of it. almonds help keep your body working like a furnace and actually help burn cals. I love to keep boiled eggs and eat maybe a few whites and one of the yolks. Hope between us all some helped :).....:flowerforyou:
  • HelloKayla
    HelloKayla Posts: 12 Member
    I'm obsessed with baby carrots and sliced cucumbers (both raw). Fun, crunchy texture and great taste!
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    bump would love to hear your ideas
  • littlejellies
  • shrinkinglily
    Popcorn is a good one. I like it with soy sauce and nutritional yeast. So savory and yummy.

    Another is a think thin bar with a cup of hot tea or coffee. A LOT of protein for 200-ish calories. A good meal replacement for me if I am on the go. My favorite is the white chocolate. I do not like the chocolate brownie one.

    I like to eat artichokes with a little vegenaise or mayo. They take a long time and are pretty filling.

    Hmm, what else? My hubby makes a tofu or egg white scramble with tons of chard and sun dried tomatoes. Keep us full for a long time, about 3 oz of tofu per serving and just the oil from the tomatoes.

    I love love love a cup of whole beans, a little salsa, a corn tortilla. Heaven.

    Can you tell I am hungry right now? Hee hee hee.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    hummus & veggies
    banana & peanut butter (or Better Than Peanut Butter = half the calories)
    Zing & Luna bars (YUMMY and very high in protein)
    crackers + cheese + fruit
  • MaudeBeige
    raw mushroom marinated in balsamic vinegar (not too much of course!) with cherry tomatoes and then some spices to 'spice it up'!
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    Dr. Cracker seeded flatbread cracker with laughing cow garlic and herb cheese
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Popcorn is the best! I like it with stevia sugar substitute and a bit of sea salt- really really satisfying
    Whenever Im feeling snacky, I also like:
    flatbread with a few slices of light cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter or an apple
    For meals, you can't go wrong with spaghetti squash and some marinara sauce, or some baked cauliflower with some breadcrumbs and lemon.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    sliced apples with almond butter
    cut up fruit (fresh or frozen) or berries in cottage cheese (or if you're really craving sweet, throw a spoonful of jam into some cottage cheese) (I use homemade jams by the way-make them with the no sugar needed pectin and you can use very little sugar compared to most jams)
    almonds and yogurt (I like Astro organic vanilla, it's 2%)(and has no gelatin!)
    sliced apples with cheese
    corn thins (kind of like a rice cake but thinner and made of corn, as the name implies LOL) with avocado and tomato
    rice cakes with almond butter (or almond butter and jam if you want sweetness).
    I also try and keep a container of almonds in my purse or bag so I have something if I am suddenly hungry or am out and about longer than I intended
    bananas with almond butter (super good together in oatmeal or in a wrap too-I'm celiac so I use brown rice wraps)
    sliced veggies with plain yogurt mixed with some spices is good too
    Homemade soup is awesome for low calorie, healthy meals. I love making soups with tons of veggies, especially at this time of year! So many delicious local veggies and if I am really hungry I can eat a huge bowl of soup and it is HEALTHY
    Oh yeah, and hardboiled eggs. Easy to bring on the go and they keep well if you don't have access to a fridge. Super yummy if you have a tiny container of salsa to slice up the egg into, or I'll also bring a little backpacking spice container with hot sauce in it.
  • foursure
    foursure Posts: 2 Member
    plain greek yogurt with pb2 chocolate mixed in.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Cheese and crackers or apples and cheese otherwise any fruit. This is usually how i snack :)
  • MarsChallenge
    MarsChallenge Posts: 84 Member
    Honeycrisps!!! that has been my choice lately too.. can't get enough of them!!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member