I'm depressed. I'm having doubts again.



  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    I was unemployed for 7 months... so yeah, I know the crappy feeling of it. Life is one big rejection... and only sometimes do jobs even write back to tell you "no." Stings the self-worth, don't it?

    However, one thing that kept me sane while unemployed was running. I started out pushing myself to do 3 miles. By the time I had a job, I was putting down an easy 10. It helps to push yourself to go that extra mile when all you have to come back to in an empty inbox.

    Good luck on all counts.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    We're all here to be each others cheerleaders, so Rah Rah Rah! Kick Some Butt! Rah Rah Rah! Get out of that rut!
    If I'm willing to give up my sugary chocolatey mindlessly snacking ways, then you can get up and go for a jog or whatever revs you up, and you can eat a healthy salad with grilled chicken and just enough vinaigrette to taste like a cheat meal. Or even a reasonably portioned steak.
    and if you need me to chant my horrible cheer at you tomorrow or the next day, add me. In fact, I could threaten to cheer at you so you keep going just to shut me up. Whichever works. :-) you don't have to believe in yourself, you have a bunch of people doing that for you. What we can't do is force you to make healthy choices. That's all you. And you can do it!
  • FitnessDivaK
    YOU CAN DO IT!!! You have to remember that in life, there are some things you have NO control over. If you've searched for jobs and reached out to this girl and you aren't getting the desired response, there's really nothing you can do to change it, just press forward in your search and keep doing the right thing. But what you do have control over is how you let those things affect you. Letting go of your weight loss goals will only hinder you. You can use this time to get your mind off of things. Who knows, you might meet a better lady out at the gym one day :-) NEVER let how others act make you do things that are detrimental to yourself. Not continuing on this journey is not going to make anything better...you have to ask yourself...am I really going to let the actions of others affect how I treat myself????

    At the end of the day, no one owes you anything...you owe it to yourself to do better! Let those negative reactions from others motivate you!!!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I'm sorry about your employment situation - that is very stressful and difficult. It can also be a blessing in disguise however. You have time now to excercise and make healthy food! You have time to focus on you. Money is probably tight right now but you don't need fancy food or a gym membership. Go for long walks and find a bodyweight excercise program on the net that you can do at home. Get books on nutrition from the library and learn how to feed your body. You have a little more time right now - why not use it to better your health? The way I see it - you can let yourself get sucked into depression by your circumstances or you can use them to show the world the strong man that you are. A year from now you can continue to be depressed and unhappy with your body or you can be fitter and more confident.
    I know it's not this simple - believe me I have struggled with depression my whole life. The only thing that keeps my head above water is taking good care of myself - nourishing my body and exercising, getting enough sleep and taking my fish oil religiously. Best of luck to you. You deserve a great life!
    This is some good advice. Walking or running are free. Free things on the net(such as this site) It is up to you to pull yourself up and get out there. When you feel better about yourself people feel better about you. By the responses here people here would like to see you succeed. This will work if you work it. Good Luck.
  • Sbethski77
    It's ok to get down once in a while just get right back up and do it for yourself. Your health is the most important thing and finding love will come. Don't listen to the guy who said "girls are ho's and tricks". There was great women and men out there and if you feel good about yourself you will get a job and find love.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    I was just there three weeks ago...depressed and doubtful.

    I changed my way of thinking about my situation. Instead of seeing myself as jobless, I decided to think of my gym time as my most important job. I spend about 3 hours a day there and another hour for a reparative nap. I focus a lot of my day on planning my food choices and spending time on MFP. There are not a lot of people lucky enough to have the time to focus like I do. If I had a job, I would be tired all the time, so I feel priviledged to have this time to take care of me.

    I understand about her being your inspiration. Continue to focus on your workouts (even home workouts) and eating better and the weight will start coming off. I just lost ten pounds in ten days! She will notice, and either she will give you more attention...or she won't. Even if she doesn't, I am telling you right now that you will start feeling so much better about yourself that others will notice, and your self esteem will start going up. That is a promise.

    Start today. If you do, tomorrow you will feel better. Do it again tomorrow...the next day you will feel even better. Soon, one day becomes two, two becomes a week, a week becomes a month, a month becomes a year....and you will be a different person, one who doesn't have time to be depressed or doubtful.

    I have faith in you. Start right now.
  • albinamom
    albinamom Posts: 2 Member
    Do this for yourself not for anyone else,YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS not some things ALL THINGS ,through Jesus Christ,who is our strength ,our strong tower our hope.
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    Lose the weight for yourself. Start eating healthy and working out and you'll be amazed at how good you'll feel about yourself and just in general. When you feel good about yourself you'll be more confident in asking someone out. Another girl will come along...maybe even a better girl...and you'll never even second guess yourself in asking her out...it'll just happen because you'll have the confidence you need. If this girl doesn't like you the way you are then she doesn't deserve you now or after you lose the weight. I am amazed at how much better I feel in general after becoming healthier and how much more confidence I have in myself that I haven't felt in a very long time. Bottom line, DO THIS...you won't regret it!!! :)
  • Kaytee233
    Kaytee233 Posts: 54 Member
    I understand what you mean...I've been there. There are a lot of good people on this site, most of us willing to help and motivate! Feel free to add me :) that goes for anyone else too!
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Look, you shouldn't let anything come in your way!

    I've liked this guy.. I always tried to seize the chance of talking to him and try to find things in common between us so he could like me back. He liked me but i know he didn't like me that way.. It always felt like my weight was getting in the way. I wasn't ''pretty'' enough for him. After i lost 10 kilograms one year later, he's the one who started approaching me.. but honestly i wasn't interested in him anymore. So yes looks matter but they're not everything... So if you want to ask her out, ask her out now. The worst thing that could happen is that she might say no but that's not the end of the world. There are tons of girls who would kill to go out with you and you're going to find one soon,, might be this girl, might be some other girl.
    Not losing weight, will leave you stuck there in a dark place of feeling you're not worthy enough for anything. So lose the weight, let the thinner guy behind all that fat and weight breathe again. Trust me, you'll be happier. :)

    Oh and about the job, fight for something and you'll get it! Don't give up.
    Smiiiiiiileeeeee! Life's good! :)

    Oh, and again please don't ever have doubts. Losing weight is AWESOME! OH YEAH B-)

  • mochaslim
    I agree with others who say u should do it for yourself, but I find it sweet that u are trying to better yourself for someone else. Have u ever thought maybe sitting her down and telling her these things will probably bring get around. I think if a man told me he liked me and he was trying to better himself, and I was part of the reason I would fall in love right then and there. Good luck.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I agree with others who say u should do it for yourself, but I find it sweet that u are trying to better yourself for someone else. Have u ever thought maybe sitting her down and telling her these things will probably bring get around. I think if a man told me he liked me and he was trying to better himself, and I was part of the reason I would fall in love right then and there. Good luck.

    I am sorry, I dont agree with you. Even though it sounds romantic it is a little codependent when you love someone because they need you and that person needs you to love them to be able to get thru life. And I am speaking as someone who has been thru several codependent relationships before I broke the cycle. That is why it is so important to reach down inside yourself and find the motivation to do the things you need to do to take care of yourself. Because what happens to your motivation if that person that you are basing all your motivation and decisions on stops giving you that feed back that you need to keep going every day? Resentment and depression sets in then comes anger and blame and well you get the picture. And the other person. The one who fell in love with you because you motivated them to better themselves. What if you have a bad day, or a bad week or even a bad few months where you fall off the wagon for any reason. Will they stop loving you because they are no longer your motivation to better yourself? It is really late and I am really tired so maybe my examples are to simplistic or even make no sense and I am sure my spelling and grammar sucks. And I guess it is also none of my business. But I just read that post and felt a strong urge to speak out. Stepping down off my soap box now.
  • apee24
    apee24 Posts: 46
    Just to put in my 2 cents here, I have been bipolar since the age of 14. I am now soon to be 38. I have to say that one of the biggest things I have learned in my lifetime is that you have to strive for your own happiness. Only you can do it. Also, maybe the person that you are looking toward is not the person for you. I truly believe that every person has the right person out there somewhere. I know that it is very hard to be positive when you have things going on in your life, but things will look up. They always do. You can meet your goal!!!!
  • MemphisMarly
    Continue to focus on your workouts (even home workouts) and eating better and the weight will start coming off. I just lost ten pounds in ten days! She will notice, and either she will give you more attention...or she won't. Even if she doesn't, I am telling you right now that you will start feeling so much better about yourself that others will notice, and your self esteem will start going up. That is a promise.
    Even sexier than that first bit of weight loss is the improved confidence and ambition. ;)
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    As everyone has said do it for yourself so you can have a better life, if you are positive it will rub off on people so you will get a job and people will enjoy a happier you. I can tell you from experience trying to lose weight so you can win someone's affection just doesn't work at all. Do it to make yourself happier and for those who already love and care about you. To be brutally honest if this girl doesn't care for you if you are over weight then she isn't someone you want in your life as she must be a shallow person with an ego to boot. IF and I mean IF you still find you cannot do it for yourself then get annoyed................... do it so when she thinks you are hot you can say thanks and walk away............... I must admit that hasn't worked for me............ I wanted my ex to see what he is missing when I lose my weight but I haven't succeeded so now I am doing it for me and the love of my daughters who want me to hang around a weeee bit longer lol good luck with you weight loss journey and remember if you take a step back then you get up tomorrow to a fresh day and start all over again DON'T GIVE IN
  • mochaslim
    I agree with others who say u should do it for yourself, but I find it sweet that u are trying to better yourself for someone else. Have u ever thought maybe sitting her down and telling her these things will probably bring get around. I think if a man told me he liked me and he was trying to better himself, and I was part of the reason I would fall in love right then and there. Good luck.

    I am sorry, I dont agree with you. Even though it sounds romantic it is a little codependent when you love someone because they need you and that person needs you to love them to be able to get thru life. And I am speaking as someone who has been thru several codependent relationships before I broke the cycle. That is why it is so important to reach down inside yourself and find the motivation to do the things you need to do to take care of yourself. Because what happens to your motivation if that person that you are basing all your motivation and decisions on stops giving you that feed back that you need to keep going every day? Resentment and depression sets in then comes anger and blame and well you get the picture. And the other person. The one who fell in love with you because you motivated them to better themselves. What if you have a bad day, or a bad week or even a bad few months where you fall off the wagon for any reason. Will they stop loving you because they are no longer your motivation to better yourself? It is really late and I am really tired so maybe my examples are to simplistic or even make no sense and I am sure my spelling and grammar sucks. And I guess it is also none of my business. But I just read that post and felt a strong urge to speak out. Stepping down off my soap box now.
  • mochaslim
    I believe I stated at the beginning that I agree that he should do it for himself. And please do not be sorry for not agreeing with me, if I needed people in the world to agree with me I would be a sad person lol. But when I said at the end fall in love right then and there I was maybe a little to literal. All I am saying is as a person u have to live a little in my opinion and put yourself out there. Sometimes failing in one area is great motivation in another, meaning if he was to say something to her, the worst she can say is no, the word has never killed anyone as far as I know. And then if that happens, well u keep pushing.
  • mommy4ndbandtj
    The most important person to do this for is you. Do not do it for anyone else. She will find you once you find yourself. You can not love someone when you do not love yourself.

    I have worked hard on me, and I continue to do so everyday. I found me, love me, and viola ~ the man of my dreams just happens to be available.

    The same with your job situation. If you do not think your are worthy, how can an employer think you are?

    Change your thought process. You are here for a reason, figure out what that is by trusting that you can do WHATEVER you set your mind to. Start with the job, and you, I promise the rest will fall inline.
  • jenna198500
    jenna198500 Posts: 4 Member
    Steven. Your doing so well. Try not to think about past failed attmpts and think about how well we could possibly do. If u struggle, thats wat im here for. And when i struggle i need i there for me. So far u seem to be cruisin thru all of your efforts so keep up the good work. Plus i kno that the girl is ur main inspiration but these people are right. U gotta do it for u. If u get the girl thats a bonus :-)
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    I am prone to falling into depression and self-doubt...and lack of confidence. It is something that has to be fought. All "the reasons" you give yourself for being unable to accomplish your goals are probably not good reasons at all - I say that lovingly. We can tell ourselves we're not good enough, strong enough, likable enough. Well, you are and you can. Create your own destiny my friend and don't let the decision be made by others - others will frequently tell you it isn't possible due to their own hang ups. You've got this!