WW info... Is this allowed?

I am looking for anyone who might have info on WW, or WW online. Thinking about joining the online one but would like to know more. And is this type of question okay on here? I'm not trying to promote it or anything. I have heard it's successful, but I want to get some feedback before I do anything because I am on a budget.


  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    If you're on a budget, what could be cheaper or more easily followed and satifying than MFP!!!!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    If you are on a budget then you can't beat free (MFP.)
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    I tried it lost a bit of weight but stopped doing it and put the weight back on plus more.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I did WW back in the day and was successful (lost about 10 lbs!) but then gained it back. plus more!

    but i like MFP more!!! and it's FREE!

    mfp is easier for me because I can log it and go - I don't have to keep a tally of how many points i've had already that day in my head :)
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I have never had luck with weight watchers...I guess maybe it depends on how you eat. For me, I don't eat that badly. If going to weekly meetings will be helpful for you in sticking to your healthy lifestyle goals, then it might be a good idea. I agree with the above posters about MFP being very helpful and free.
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    I will be honest. WW was great, while it lasted. but bottom line, you don't need a diet, you need a lifestyle change. That is why we are all here, the successful ones that is, because something changed and we made a choice not to be who we didn't want to be. A diet is just that, a diet. hence the first three letters... a lifestyle change really is the only success story you will ever find.
  • javienjaydenmommy
    Ive tried ww before and had sucess with it. It works because its not like a diet it is more about portion control. The bad is once u stop counting points the weight will come back. Doing ww and no doing mfp. i think the best choice is mfp its free and just like ww u are counting calories and portion control. ww cost 15 every week and if u miss a week u still have to pay for that missed week the next time you go to weigh in. hope this helps:drinker: .
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    WW is supposed to be one of the most successful diets--I saw an Oprah show about the top 4 diets. WW, Slimfast, Volumetrics were there, Plus 1 I can't remember. Personally I'm with previous posters--MFP rocks! I don't know of any other plan that lets you balance calories with exercise.
  • Izzy62
    Izzy62 Posts: 62 Member
    I left WW when I discovered MFP, been the best possible decision for me truly.

    If you are even considering WW online I would suggest why not stick with MFP, if you feel you need the accountability of going to a class to be weighed then maybe WW would cover that. Or you could go get weighed at the doctors if you need that - and still stick with MFP!

    I think everyones budget is stretched atm, and this costs nothing :)

    Good luck wherever you go xx
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've never done it, but from my point of view, I would think that MFP would be a better choice if you are looking for a lifestyle change. It shows you on your log how you stand with your calories, and you can keep using it after you lose weight when you need to maintain. Since foods come in calories and not points at the grocery store, it seems much easier to keep up with in the longrun.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I attend weight watchers.........but I don't follow their program.............yes, you read that correctly.

    I found that with unlimited fruits and veggies, I gained or barely lost....I started counting calories AND following ww....and did better...then stumbled onto MFP and now just do this. This site, counting calories, is what works for me.

    I DO still attend ww because it's my official weigh in....I get good ideas and information from the other members....and have made some good friends so for the $10 a week, it's my social hour that I learn a lot from - plus a few of us participate in 5ks together.

    I'll try to answer questions for you. I know you have to buy a points calculator to be able to do the program...and they charge you for that...only $4 but my thought is, if I'm joining weight watchers and paid to join, that should be included in the price if its mandatory to do the program with.

    It's a healthy, nutritional program.
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    WW is great! I lost some weight with them as well- but like a lot of other people I gained it back- and more.
    Their point system is a simple formula though: High fiber foods- good High fat food- bad. There is a mathematical formula, but this will make your life easier:


    - there is another formula to know how many points per day you are allowed to eat as well. (based on current weight/height/activity level).

    I personally found the meetings kind of redundant. Salad is a healthy choice- who would have thought?! Haha- but it was good to weigh in and have someone else to be accountable for. I like MFP better- at least for the calorie counting- much easier and less guess work. I have never used the online WW tracking system, but why pay if this one is free and awesome!

    Good luck:happy:
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    I tried every possible organised diet that I could possibly throw money at to try to lose weight (bit like a cult church really, if I go every week and pay my dues maybe the WW/SW/diet gods will make my *kitten* melt off!) but sadly I never learned the basics of how my body works and how the calorie deficit will help. All I learned was that this food is this many points on this day, this many points if I eat it with this and how to calculate it if I add oil to it. Oh or don't forget, well I'm on a green day today, so SW god has allowed me to sit here and eat this entire bowl of vegetables until I feel like I could be rolled down the street to worship at the altar of weightloss.

    *So* *Much* *Money* all handed over and not teaching me how I should actually be living and eating intuitively.

    Can I suggest you start with MFP, stick with the calorie counts that are just on the packaging of the food you're eating and see how you get on. If, however, you really need the support of a meeting and social weigh in for the support and accountability, then yes definitely go to a weight watchers meeting or try Rosemary Conley - her diets couple an exercise class and will help you with that (if you need it).

    Read a few blogs though, you'll see people who have done it all ways. Whatever works for you :smile:
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member

    I am also an Ex-WW member who has started using MFP. I would suggest looking into everything that interests you with a clear mind. You will find mixed reviews on everything because everyone needs differant things from their weight/diet/health management tools.

    WW worked great for me, and I have not found myself stacking the weight back on - I have used the information I learnt as a member and use MFP as a way of tracking my weight and food to keep myself accountable.

    I hope you find what works for you, the more you look, the more you find amazing tools and support that is available - I am personally finding the message boards here on MFP extremely motivating with so many motivated people floating around.

    Best of luck,

  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I did WW also till I discovered MFP. I found this to be better than WW and I am more successful here. I hated paying for basically a meeting that I hated going to. This site has been wonderful.
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    I tried WW Online and dropped it when I found MFP. I can't speak to the helpfulness of the in-person meetings, because I only used the online program. But I found it hard to get a mental hold of how many points would be in something, and often when I estimated and checked later I'd find I'd eaten many more points than I had intended.

    Also, I think the whole idea of saying that fruits and vegetables are "free" is pretty gimmicky - especially for fruits, they still have calories and your body isn't going to think, "Oh, well WW says it's zero points, so it doesn't matter." Eat 5 apples, or even worse, 5 bananas, and you're already looking at an extra 500-750 calories a day. I personally find it a whole lot easier to count calories rather than points. I also found that often the WW database didn't have items I was looking for, and when I went to Google them it was MFP that tended to have the information.

    Frankly I don't think you get a whole lot more from WW Online than you do from MFP, and MFP is free!
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    If you are considering WW online, MFP is basically the same thing and it's free.

    If you are considering WW meetings, I'd say go for it. I'm an avid user of both the WW website and MFP, but there is something about attending meetings face to face with people in my area that is hard to match with an online community. I've made so many new friends and we get together to go on walks/runs or attend fitness classes together. It's also nice to share local tips on restaurants and stores.

    I learned so much in my meetings. After about 16 months on the points program, I started tracking on MFP and do like that better, but I won't be giving up my meetings any time soon. I lost 110 lbs in 18 months and reached my WW goal three weeks ago. After another 3 weeks of maintaining, I can attend meetings for free as long as I'm not more than 2 pounds over my goal weight. For me, the accountability a weekly accurate scale (my home scale is possessed) was a great motivator.

    I now have new members coming to me for advice, it's an awesome and empowering feeling now that I can offer so suggestions and tips. It's definitely not a diet, it's about learning how to fuel your body with the right foods, it's about portion control (something I seriously lacked!), encouraging each other to get moving, and motivating each other to do our best. With the tools they taught me, I am confident I can continue to stay on track for the rest of my life.
  • lbb05
    lbb05 Posts: 14
    I have tried WW and i have lost weight on WW but my step mom is doing the WW online and i think it is a joke to pay for it when MFP is FREE i've tried every diet out there and have wasted alot of money doing them i will never pay for another diet plane as long as MFP is here also after telling my step mom about MFP she pre paid for 3 months or WW and when its up she is coming to MFP!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I lost weight with WW online after my 2nd pregnancy, but only by eating way more than I was supposed to. It wanted me to eat 22pts a day and I ate 30pts.