How to calculate walking

OK......So my husband and I are going to a car show that will be ALL weekend long. When we get up in the morning we typically WALK or STAND ALL day. Occasionally we will get into the truck and drive but for the most part we are standing or walking for the entire weekend, 3 days worth! And let me tell ya that when we get back home I am tired. question is..... How do I calculate all of the walking that I will be doing? It isn't always a real steady pace but I am constantly moving the entire weekend until I go to bed.

Any suggestions????



  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Do you have a pedometer? It tells you how many steps you take, calories burned and miles.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I'd use a pedometer
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Pedomitor will tell you steps and possibly wont give you calories burned. Only a HRM will do that...and not as accurately as you might think though
  • candylw
    candylw Posts: 37
    if you have a smart phone there is an app called my runkeeper and it calculates everything for you as long as it has a signal for the gps on the phone...easy to use and i love even maps the entire thing so you can see where all you went...
  • neveradullmoment
    Do you have a pedometer? It tells you how many steps you take, calories burned and miles.

    I do! I didn't think about that!! I will grab it now so I be sure that I pack it. I was wearing it every day but then I reason why, I just did.


  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    I would get a rough estimate by using the "Walking 2.0mph" in My Fitness Pal and subtracting out an estimation of how long I simply stood or sat during the car show.
  • rabbit99_47203
    I've got a pedometer and it logs on to a website and tells me miles and calories, although I don't think they are right but the miles probably are. It says that one mile is equal to 2,353 steps. I figured at a pace of 3mph which is what most people are probably walking when they are walking while they shop or at a car show, I would think. If I average 10,000 steps a day at this pace it's about a total of 4hrs of walking. You are standing and stopping to look at things a lot. I pace in my living room because I can't go out in the cold with the kids right now. If you want to know the pace you are keeping if I can remember my math correctly you can use this formula. speed= distance divided by time multiplied by 100. For example. yesterday I did 5k walk in 1hr. so I take

    3.1miles/ 60minutes = .0516 x 100= 5.16mph

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to message me if I need to I can pull out my math book to make sure.