Just ate main meal and still hungry?

This is really strange for me as I usually struggle to eat enough as i get full easily, but this weekend I have been getting really hungry. About 45 minutes ago I finished a turkey dinner and my stomach is rumbling from hunger :S Surely I should be full for at least 3 hours like usual.

I have been rowing a lot the last 2 mornings (about 1.5 hours each morning), but surely that can't make me THIS hungry later in the day?!

Any opinions on why this may be?

ALSO...It's my first weight in tomorrow so I'm new to healthy weight loss (suffered from anorexia in the past), hence the question that may seem obvious lol. Also do you know what sort of weight loss i can expect? I'm 5'8 and was 140.6 pounds at the start of the week (aiming for 124 like I was in March). I've been eating 1500 calories usually sometimes about 100 less, and 1200 yesterday when taking away exercise.



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Grab a fruit, veggie or some almonds. :)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I think you need to eat more. How much food was in your Turkey dinner?
  • Ajaay
    Ajaay Posts: 70 Member
    If you are getting a vigorous workout, try to eat more frequently and get back some of those calories. I do agree with eating snacks such as fruit or nuts if you are hungry that soon after a large meal--but if the meal was tiny, your body might be needing more than a snack.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Healthy weight loss should be anywhere from .5-1.5lbs per week. Some weeks might be a little higher (water loss?) but if you shoot for that safe range you should be fine. and I wouldn't go any lower than 1200 calories per day including accounting for exercise.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I think that you need to factor in the calories burned while exercising and eat them back.

    Also, you should be eating well throughout the day. A good breakfast works wonders in staving off the hungries throughout the day. A good lunch stops you from unhealthy snacking later. I generally break down my alloted calories fairly evenly into three meals and eat generously within those allotments. A full cup of brown rice, for example. A full cup of pasta.

    You are well within your healthy weight range, given your height. How much do you want to loose? The main thing to do is to avoid kicking in the starvation reflex, where you starve your body, and trigger your appetite big time. That leads to the yo-yo dieting effect.

    My goal is one pound per week, and I know that maintaining my target weight once I get to it will be a HUGE challenge.
  • snowbab
    snowbab Posts: 192 Member
    I think you need to eat more. How much food was in your Turkey dinner?

    It was 360 calories worth. A few slices of turkey, some carrots and 5 small halves of roast potatoes :)
  • SweetCharity
    To respond to your question about rowing YES it can make you hungrier even later in the day. Rowing is an extremely vigorous exercise and will burn a lot of calories. It can definitely make you hungrier than you would be on a day when you weren't rowing regardless of what time it is. If you've eaten your meal and had a glass of water and you're still hungry, then grabbing a snack like the one's mentioned above is a great idea.