Party Food

chocoholicandbaby Posts: 75 Member
Hi everyone!

It is my daughter's 3rd birthday next week so, naturally, we are having a party! My family are all rich/sweet/party food "connoisseurs" so I want a menu that is healthy, but tasty too. Last year when I was on one of my other "diets" I cooked all the normal calorie and sugar laden food so they would enjoy it and I had some healthy alternatives for me but I just ended up feeling deprived so binged on all the crap food and that binge continued until a few weeks ago when I joined here!

So, so far I have thought of:

- Fruit kebabs
- Homemade pita bread pizzas
- Fruit and jelly cups

If anyone has any other ideas for party food that both adults and my (extremely fussy) nephews and nieces will like I would be very grateful! As it is spring here in Australia if it is a nice day we will be having a picnic so food that would be suitable for that would be great! Also savoury ideas in particular - I have a sweet tooth so tend to gravitate towards sweet things myself and forget about the savoury!

Thank you so much!!!!


  • jmaurer117
    Cucumber sandwiches - peel & slice the cucumbers. for the filling use fat free cream cheese and ranch dip mix.
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    Parmesan Crisps are pretty easy to make- and delicious! (just google- you will get tons of varieties).
    Parmesan is a great cheese to work with- low cal and carbs. I also added sesame seeds nutritional yeast and flax seeds to my crisps and they still tasted great! You can top them with a cherry tomato and basil, or some salsa. Basically anything good with cheese. They are an alternative to crackers- and sooo yummy! :love:
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    make your own low fat quiche. The quiche recipe I have only uses milk, no cream, so it's really low in fat. It would even lower in cals if you added no pastry. Do them in mini muffin trays with.

    if you want something for the sweet tooth, make mini muffins. They will end up being about 80 cals per muffin. Just remember to stick to 1 muffin.

    make your own hummus dip with a tin of chickpeas processed in a blender. Then use rice crackers instead of chips. or carrot/celery/cucumber instead.
    It's all about finding a healthy alternative for the things that you love.
  • food4thought7
    here is a link for an awesome low fat taco dip

    on that site is also a whole bunch of healthy recipes...they even have a section titled "party food" i believe. Good luck!
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    set out a bunch of different items and let people build their own shiskabobs. This way you can have a healthy one and they can have what they want plus it's fun for the kids.