Not losing much weight any sugestions?

Hi Everyone
I've been on here for 6 weeks now and have lost 6lb, now that might sound good but I had at least 35lb to lose and I lost 4lb in fisrt 2 weeks and only 2lb in last 4 weeks.
My target calories according to MFP are 1240 and i do some exercise most days and i sometimes eat back my exercise calories and sometimes not depending how hungry I am never more than half though as i think MFP exagerates the amount burned somewhat.
I'm not sure what to do next really, I am glad that i'm losing but feel that all my efforts struggling to keep to 1200 cals and exercising each day should be letting me lose more then 0.5lb a week particularly as i have 30lb still left to go and I am only 5'2" so realy my 124lb goal should not be too low for me and i was that weight or slightly less 3 years ago so i know its achievable.
If i could lose even a steady 1lb a week and id be happy 1.5lb or 2lb and i'd be over the moon!!.
Just wondered if anyone had been in a similar position and what you changed to accelerate the weight loss? I am also wondering if I should increase my calories but i wouldn't know how many to increase them to.
any suggestions greatly appreciated


  • erebar
    erebar Posts: 77 Member
    I'm having almost the exact same problem. Same starting weight, lost 6 lbs. stayed same for 1 1/2 weeks. Goal weight 130 and I'm 5'3. I'm anxious to hear any help from others. I'm working out 6 days and some days twice.
  • macdonaldsarahanne
    If your not doing it already, try adding more weight training to your exercise routine and see if that makes a difference. (You don't need to life crazy heavy weights!) Even anything like Pilates or yoga where you use your own body weight is good enough resistance. Try it and see if it helps! : )
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    wWith only 30 pounds to lose, 0-.5-1 pound a week is realistic and normal. More than that really isn't. Also, weight loss isn't some linear, predictable activity. You may go 6 weeks and lose 0.5 pounds total, then suddenly drop 5 the week after. Just make sure you are eating enough to fuel yourself, and the body will release the fat. If you try to lose too much at once and don't eat enough, then your body will cling to body fat as a survival mechanism. Adjust your weight loss goal to 1 pound a week if you have it set to 2 pounds a week.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I'm not the healthiest person, but I am in the short girl range and eat anywhere from 800-1200 cals (usually on the lower end though) and workout at about 5 days a week. I do the elliptical and I walk to and from school. I'm at about 106lbs right now. I eat mostly fruit/veggies...not a lot of meat, and hard boiled eggs.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Me, three. Lost 6 in 3 weeks, and only 3 in the remaining 4 or 5.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    This is what works for me. Carbs around 80g per day and 30 mins of cardio a day along with 20mins of weight training. Calories around 1200. I've lost 6lbs this week alone. No lie!
  • dharper3r
    A few things for you to consider: losing 1/2 lb a week is a great way to get it off and keep it off! You're learning new eating habits . . . (You didn't gain all that weight in 6 weeks; why should you lose it in 6? Don't sneak back into old ways without realizing that you can never go back to your old eating/living habits and stay thin!)

    However, if you are eating way below the target calories or underestimating the calories you are eating, that could be affecting your program in a negative way. Under eating tends to slow your metabolism (especially if you are not exercising every day!) Over eating, well, if you're not being meticulous in your calorie counting or portion size reporting, you could be sabotaging your program by eating too much for your activity level. Also, watch your fat intake . . . that's a biggie!

    A fast-walking program (aim for 30 minutes a day at around 3.7 mph) is one of the best ways to get and keep a healthy body.

    Good luck. I've been at this for a few months, have lost 11 lbs, and am extremely happy with the health and weight results I'm achieving. (Checked your measurements lately? Blood pressure? etc.? Those are always great boosts to feelings of success.)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I've been on here for 6 weeks now and have lost 6lb, now that might sound good but I had at least 35lb to lose and I lost 4lb in fisrt 2 weeks and only 2lb in last 4 weeks.
    My target calories according to MFP are 1240 and i do some exercise most days and i sometimes eat back my exercise calories and sometimes not depending how hungry I am never more than half though as i think MFP exagerates the amount burned somewhat.
    I'm not sure what to do next really, I am glad that i'm losing but feel that all my efforts struggling to keep to 1200 cals and exercising each day should be letting me lose more then 0.5lb a week particularly as i have 30lb still left to go and I am only 5'2" so realy my 124lb goal should not be too low for me and i was that weight or slightly less 3 years ago so i know its achievable.
    If i could lose even a steady 1lb a week and id be happy 1.5lb or 2lb and i'd be over the moon!!.
    Just wondered if anyone had been in a similar position and what you changed to accelerate the weight loss? I am also wondering if I should increase my calories but i wouldn't know how many to increase them to.
    any suggestions greatly appreciated

    Increase your calories.
    Buy a heart rate monitor.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    (Checked your measurements lately? Blood pressure? etc.? Those are always great boosts to feelings of success.)

    Totallyyyyyyy :drinker:
  • foodluver27
    I was looking at your food diary and I have noticed that you don't have sugar intake as one of your options. Overall the foods you are choosing are not bad..but I have noticed you do have quite a few choices in the sugar area. You might want to add sugar to your nutritional breakdown and keep an eye on that. I am not saying you have to cut out sugar completely but you just want to see how much you are going over the amount you are suppose to have.
  • jspeedrock
    I would be interested to hear how your calorie intake is broken up between carbs, protein, and fats. To increase weight lose lower your carb calories and put those calories into protein...keeping your calories the same but redistribute where your getting them from. Veggies, veggies, and more veggies! Also, make sure you never drink a calorie, get calories only from good food.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    You may not be a straight line loser. In other words, you might be a person (like me) who loses in fits and starts. I went two weeks in a row losing .2 lbs. Basically, nothing. The next week? I was down six pounds. Over the last 4 months, I have a pattern of losing very little or none, then having a bigger drop, like 3, 4, 5, even 6 pounds. I don't know why. That said, 1/2 lb a week is quite respectable.
  • nicki2135
    Thanks for the suggestions guys, I do track my measurements and they are making slow progress downwards. I suppose i am just expecting too much too quickly just seems that quite a lot of people who post on here lose so much more than me even though they only have similar amounts to lose! Suppose i need to be more realisitic about how i lose weight instead of comparing my self to others.
    I will definatley have a look at my sugar intake though, see if reducing that ups my weight loss.
  • azgirl48
    Ladies, I have the same problem, but I am lots older and my metabolism is not the same as when I was your age. My story is that 20 years ago I was on the weight watchers and lost the weight in 6 months, but I did follow their diet to the grams. I remember there were no carbs for supper. I maintained the weight for 7 years until my son’s girlfriend made some dessert and persuaded me it’s not many calories. It was good - Buche de Noel, small slice but after that I wasn’t so careful and developed high blood sugar, now I am on the boarder of diabetes. In addition I have under-active thyroid. Now I read Splenda, which I had been using has shown to cause thyroid problems

    For you I would suggest writing everything you put in your mouth, or better to write down your foods before consuming them , that way you’ll be able to make changes before too late. If you take any meds, please check the side effects and also watch your carbs. Most importantly try to stay disciplined and healthy.