P90X & weightloss

I LOVE P90x. I wake up early every morning to get in my workout before my husband and 4 kids wake. I also go to the gym to get in some spin or yoga (3 times a week). Once I am up I move non-stop til my kids go to bed.
I am having trouble loosing weight. My DR and BF feel I am not eating enough. The Dr says I must eat more for my busy lifestyle. My BF says I need to stop forgetting to eat. I think they are both right.
BUT all this being said - shouldn't I still be loosing weight ?
Or is my body really in starvation mode ?
If I am in starvation mode should I set my goals for 1lb weight loss a week or opt for the lower calories to get 2lbs a week. (I need to loose 50lbs)

Has anyone else had this or a similar problem ???


  • eak924
    eak924 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I love that you are doing p90x. It is such an awesome workout. Beachbody actually announced they are accepting pre-orders for p90x2. I too was having trouble losing weight and I think it is because I was not getting the proper nutrients and such. Beachbody also sells a product called shakeology. I started using it about a month ago and have lost about 11 lbs so far.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    P90x is a muscle confusion program, it's not really a weight loss program and that's why people will not see a huge amount of weight loss. These program and all other muscle confusion programs are designed to get people ripped, which will take more than one round. A lot of people in the commercials claim they have gotten ripped in 90 days. I don't believe them. Bodybuilders don't even get ripped in 90 days.

    Muscle confusion programs help people build muscles over time and get strength.

    Tony Horton hasn't gotten his body in 90 days with P90x. Plus, a lot of people are doing more than just P90x to get better results. A muscle confusion program don't have a lot of cardio in it. The shed fat, you will need cardio.

    I'm not doing P90x. I own P90, but I couldn't do it as a program. I've incorporated with other my other workouts. I am doing a different muscle confusion program that I like. It's a good program, but I need more cardio.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    first round of p90x i only lost 6 lbs. however i lost a lot of inches. you do have to add cardio.
  • CherryTop
    CherryTop Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input.

    Andison ... great article ... this helps.

    eak924 ... P90x2 ? Exciting :happy:
  • philm00x
    I guess it really is more difficult for women to lose weight, but gaining muscle can offset total weightloss, since it weighs more than fat. My wife and I are a little past the halfway point of P90X (54 days in, to be exact). To this point, she has lost 1 lb, and I have lost 11 (I didn't start using MFP until a few days after I started P90X). I can't say our eating habits are quite the same, except for when we're together at home. I have been religious about counting my calories and nutrients with MFP, and she hasn't. On the other hand, she has lost 8 inches around her midsection, where I've only lost 1 or 2.
  • CherryTop
    CherryTop Posts: 41 Member
    philm00x ,

    My husband & I were getting great results earlier this year. As soon as he got home from work we would do P90x every night. We stopped because of a sick family member. Family comes first. It has been difficult getting back on track. I found it hard to be consistent until now ... I wake at 5am every morning to get my workout in before my family wakes. Once they are up we are busy the whole day til the kids go to bed. I also found the workouts really help with the added stress. I have found it difficult to demand my "me" time but now I get 2 hours every morning and I am charged the whole day.

    I love hearing other couples are working out together. I found it helped us with communication and quality time. We also cooked and ate breakfast & dinner together. (we did not leave out our kids)

    Thanks for sharing
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    P90x is a muscle confusion program, it's not really a weight loss program and that's why people will not see a huge amount of weight loss. These program and all other muscle confusion programs are designed to get people ripped, which will take more than one round. A lot of people in the commercials claim they have gotten ripped in 90 days. I don't believe them. Bodybuilders don't even get ripped in 90 days.

    Muscle confusion programs help people build muscles over time and get strength.

    Tony Horton hasn't gotten his body in 90 days with P90x. Plus, a lot of people are doing more than just P90x to get better results. A muscle confusion program don't have a lot of cardio in it. The shed fat, you will need cardio.

    I'm not doing P90x. I own P90, but I couldn't do it as a program. I've incorporated with other my other workouts. I am doing a different muscle confusion program that I like. It's a good program, but I need more cardio.

    You obviously have little clue what you are talking about. Don't give advice if you don't have the knowledge! P90X is an outstanding weight loss program and many people see a tremendous weight loss in the first 90 day circuit. Those that don't feel P90X has a cardio component either have not done P90X or are not pushing themselves very hard.
  • BizReynoldsS
    I'm a 39 year old woman and I am finding it really hard to loose this last 15lbs. I started p90x 3 weeks ago and I love the workouts.. I feel so energized! I disagree about the cardio comment, there is plenty if you push yourself!
    Sadly, I haven't noticed a difference on the scale and that is depressing.. however, I did try on a size smaller jeans in my closet (feeling hopeful) and they FIT.. I really should have take body measurements, because I am loosing inches.. and really isn't that what we all want.. I'd like to throw the scale out! LOL
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You obviously have little clue what you are talking about. Don't give advice if you don't have the knowledge! P90X is an outstanding weight loss program and many people see a tremendous weight loss in the first 90 day circuit. Those that don't feel P90X has a cardio component either have not done P90X or are not pushing themselves very hard.

    I stand on what I have said. P90x is not really a weight loss program. Does P90x have cardio in it? Yes, but not enough. It's mostly strength training and I know that you will not try to do deny that. Kenpo and Plyo are cardio, but what else in that program is cardio? Even in the infomercial you see people focusing on the strength training.

    Can a person lose weight? The answer is yes. But, a lot of people have incorporated other cardio workouts into their P90x program. Some people have included Insanity or Turbo Fire, way before there was a hybrid. Some people would run, etc.

    So people haven't lost scale weight doing P90x.

    Another thing, on the infomercial a lot of people claim to have gotten ripped in 90 days and that's not true. Beginner bodybuilders don't get ripped in 90 days. A lot of those people in the infomercial will not come out and say I have done 6 rounds of P90x. They claim to have only done 90 days of P90x and came out with a ripped body. Trust me, Tony didn't get his body in 90 days.

    I'm not trying to knock Power 90x down. I've done the Power 90 workouts and all P90x is, is the advanced version of Power 90. They are both Power 90 workouts.

    In the 10 Minute Trainer infomercial, people are claiming to get ripped with that program and a lot of the claims in the infomercial are better results than some of the results you see in the P90x infomercial.

    I find it strange that the owner of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler have a before and after picture for every Power 90 program that Tony's comes out with. He claims that he didn't have the body that he has now, in the Power 90 infomercial. There's a before and after picture. He claims that he didn't have the body that he has now, in the P90x infomercial. There's a before and after picture. He claims that he didn't have the body that he has now, in The 10 Minute Trainer infomercial. The question is, is something wrong with Tony's programs? How come they aren't helping Carl stay fit? I could be wrong, but I'm sure Carl is going to claim that he didn't have the body that he has now with P90x2 too.

    No muscle confusion program is really a weight loss program.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    Lost 28 ponds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7YNOB-ivT8&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLE0A6F3F2EC6E6A1F
    Lost 22 pounds & 6.5%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sl08ldqJzc
    Lost 33 pounds & 13%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFJh09j_wic
    Lost 31 pounds & 10%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Xn81s0M5o
    Lost 15 pounds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGVreeY4Hks
    Lost only 8 pounds "scale weight" but lost 15 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMZU16a487E
    Lost 21 pounds "scale weight", Lost 26 pounds fat, Lost 13%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z56h4hVdjng&feature=related

    There many more examples that can be presented. I know you will have all kinds of excuses why this isn't real but here it is. You are likely to say that these people did extra cardio also. I don't know whether they did or not but neither do you. You may very well say these people are the exception and that most people will never achieve these results. I agree, most people will never achieve these results because most people give it half hearted effort and quit. As with any fitness program MOST people will quit and never reach their goal. P90X is no different, most will quit and never reach their goal so these are indeed the exception.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Lost 28 ponds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7YNOB-ivT8&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLE0A6F3F2EC6E6A1F
    Lost 22 pounds & 6.5%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sl08ldqJzc
    Lost 33 pounds & 13%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFJh09j_wic
    Lost 31 pounds & 10%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Xn81s0M5o
    Lost 15 pounds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGVreeY4Hks
    Lost only 8 pounds "scale weight" but lost 15 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of muscle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMZU16a487E
    Lost 21 pounds "scale weight", Lost 26 pounds fat, Lost 13%BF - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z56h4hVdjng&feature=related

    There many more examples that can be presented. I know you will have all kinds of excuses why this isn't real but here it is. You are likely to say that these people did extra cardio also. I don't know whether they did or not but neither do you. You may very well say these people are the exception and that most people will never achieve these results. I agree, most people will never achieve these results because most people give it half hearted effort and quit. As with any fitness program MOST people will quit and never reach their goal. P90X is no different, most will quit and never reach their goal so these are indeed the exception.

    Again, I've said that P90x is a muscle confusion program and not a weight loss program. Can a person lose weight with a muscle confusion program? The answer is yes. But some people don't. Muscle confusion programs are designed to help people get strong and ripped. Some people have completed the program and have not lost scale weight or barely lost any scale weight.

    A lot of people in the youtube videos shared, didn't say if they were doing any other workouts besides P90x. The first video, where the lady lost 22 pounds, she stated that she walks and run too.

    The man that lost 8 pounds, in comments admitted to taking whey protein. I know it's not an exercise, but it helped with his progress. He was leaning towards building muscle.

    A lot of people want to see a huge amount of scale weight loss P90x. Some people focus on scale weight and not body fat percentage/pounds of fat. I focus on body fat percentage/pounds of fat. I don't care about scale weight. My body fat percentage/pounds of fat is the one that will let me know if I'm losing fat. Inches loss too.

    An 8 pound loss or less would disappoint a lot of people on this program. To them, in 90 days a person should have lost more scale weight than 8 pounds or less.

    People that does Insanity or Turbo Fire can see a higher scale weight loss than they would see with P90x. Why? Those programs aren't muscle confusion programs.

    All I'm basically saying is that a person shouldn't look at P90x as being a weight loss program. It's a muscle confusion program. There's a possibility that they will not lose much scale weight doing P90x, unless they add other workouts to the mix.

    Exercise is good for the body. I cheer anyone that want to do P90x or any other workout. Remember, always work a workout and never let a workout work you.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    This is the last I will post on this...

    A person should definitely look at P90X as a weight loss program.
    It is an excellent way to lose weight, gain muscle and increase their overall health.

    You are correct, there is the possibility that they will not lose weight but that is true of ANY program so I guess what you are saying is that we can not call ANY system a weight loss system. Weird...
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    This is the last I will post on this...

    A person should definitely look at P90X as a weight loss program.
    It is an excellent way to lose weight, gain muscle and increase their overall health.

    You are correct, there is the possibility that they will not lose weight but that is true of ANY program so I guess what you are saying is that we can not call ANY system a weight loss system. Weird...

    According to Tony, the creator of the Power 90 series, P90x is not a weigh loss product. You can find the information here: http://www.fitbodynetwork.com/tony-horton-interview-breaks-down-p90x/

    P90x is a muscle confusion program. Again, a person can lose weight with a muscle confusion program. Yet, a muscle confusion program is not a weight loss program. There's a difference. Insanity and Turbo Fire would be classified as weight loss programs, but not P90x an with all programs, a person can lose scale weight.

    Now, I'm done.