Looking for a buddy to do intermittent fasting with.

Hi I'm looking for a buddy to do intermittent fasting with. I have done everything known to man - I loose 5 pounds and eat the wrong thing which could be a veggie or whatever and the scale goes up? I have been up and down with loosing and gaining 5 pounds for the past 6 months and I am tired of it Unfortunately I have to weigh myself often because if not after a week 10 pounds will easlily sneak up on me due to water weight gain or whatever. I have fasted in the past with great results - I need motivation and something to jump start my body into loosing weight on a continous basis - I should not be plateuing at a 5 pound lost when I have at least 45 pounds to loose. So please don't send me a whole bunch of try this and try that lol because trust me I already have and do not get the same results as everyone else - Just looking for a buddy system to try out intermittent fasting twice a week with - please let me know if you are interested :-)


  • Trinikesha
    I get what you're trying to do but my trainer would strangle me if I did that. You seem like you've learned a ton through the years and I'm sure you know fasting on a weekly basis will slow your metabolism and put your body into starvation mode & you'll gain everything back and more. Sounds like your metabolism just like mine has gotten sluggish over the years.

    What has worked for me so far is kicking my metabolism into high gear by eating six small meals a day and drinking tea or water with every meal. When I eat 3 meals a day it slows down my metabolism. Now I average 1200 to 1500 calories per day of small meals and I'm hungry every 3 to 4 hours. I eat enough to feel satisfied until the next 3 to 4 hours rolls around. It sounds strange but if you think about how a baby's digestive system works it's similar and (they poop more which helps them avoid putting on excess pounds). That's where I'm at right now (small meals, less protein & more fiber). I know you didn't want to hear try this or that but it might just work for you. Good luck
  • JerseyGirl5970
    JerseyGirl5970 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks I have been eating six small meals a day and working out and doing all of the above as I stated before. Like I said I tried everything out there. Fasting has always done the oposite with me it has always speeded up my metabolism. What works for you may not work for others - and what works for me may not work for others. My biggest problem with fasting is getting through the first day. After that I have tons of energy a clear mind and I get allot accomplished - I'm just dealing with the will power issue. Fasting has also improved my health in the past when nothing a doctor prescribed me or instructed me to do would work. So I'm not talking from a personal trainer or from the perspective of many doctors who have endorsed fasting - I'm talking from personal experience. There are tons of info that people are not educated on as far as fasting - and there is also tons of information that prove that doing the above doesn't work for everyone- such as the warrior diet and eating to live. At the end of the day we are all made differently and our bodies responds differently to how it digest and metabolizes food. So I have to continue to find what works for me. But I'm happy to hear it has worked for you and I truly believe it is working for you since it did work for me years ago.If you had only lost 5 pounds in 6 months and kept playing with the 5 pound lost back and forth I'm sure you would try something different as well - maybe not fasting but definitely something different. :smile: I did have very good experience with eating like that 20 years ago - but my body is not responding - I should not be going back and forth with loosing and gaining 5 pounds with no other loss coming into play. And I have adjusted my calories upward downward and sideways along with my carbs proteins and fiber.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    hey jerseygirl, I'll be your buddy. I have used IF in the past with good results, but they have always been the 16 hour fasts and 8 hour feedung variety. I read your post a couple of hours ago, and weighed up whether or not I could commit to 24 hour fasts twice a week, and I sure am willing to give it a go. I will finish eating Monday and wednesday tea time through to the following day teatime. if you want to buddy up please send me a friend request. good luck.
  • 1FitMom326
    I will be your buddy, I read the Eat Stop Eat plan this weekend and I am actually fasting today. I went from 6pm last night until 6pm tonight. I am like you, I have cut calories, tried the 6 small meals a day and don't seem to be seeing results. So having read about it I can see that there are benefits to doing it.
  • ninalynum
    I've also read Eat Stop Eat and so far I've lost 6 lbs by doing 24 hours fasting twice a week. adding that i've only been doing this for 2 weeks!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey JerseyGirl -

    There are lots of us here that do Intermittent Fasting. Here is where we post. Come on over and join us for lots of IF buddies!!!

  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I think I might try it again, I also read Eat Stop Eat and it felt really good to do. Feel free to add me :)

    Might start it from 2pm today (UK) and normally I start eating again the next day at about 11/12. Not quite 24 hours, but enough time,

    Yay thanks.