Gained weight my first week!WHY!!?!?! HELP! =(

So .. I've been on MFP for a week now and I have tracked every single crumb I have eaten. I started to eat breakfast -which I never do- but since I'm trying to lose weight and eat like a normal person I reluctantly started. I plan my meals the day before so there's no wasting time in trying to find what to eat and eating whatever is in sight. I've been out to eat mexican food and even held myself back from eating chips and queso. I was excited to weight myself and see what progress I had made and couldn't wait till it was time to weigh myself. Well, I just weighed myself and I weigh more than when I started! I'm so frustrated because I feel I did so well avoiding high calorie foods and I did so well in tracking everything and now my bubble has just burst. I was excited to be on this diet because I know people who have lost weight using it. All I heard was "so and so lost 6 lbs her first week" .. not so much when it came to me. I know it's only been a week but I feel like I should have lost! NOT gained!! Especially since it's such a drastic amount of calories compared to the calories I was eating before the diet. I'm just disappointed! Is it something I did? Am I doing something wrong? Has this happened to anyone else? I want to give up but I've given up on diets many many times before and just got bigger. I don't know what to do. All I want to do is lose weight! The little motivation I had is now completely gone! =( I'm so mad at myself for letting myself get this large!


  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    open your diary
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    what did you eat?

    i can eat the same amount of calories, but depending on what i eat i can gain or lose.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    Don't worry too much about it. A lot of it is probably water weight and when you start working out your muscles they swell up.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Just a thought.. have you started a new exercise plan at the same time? Or been eating salty food? Both of those can make you retain water. I'm sure other people might have some ideas too.

    Whichever it is, keep your chin up! If you make it your goal to eat healthily, in the end you will see t he results, and not just on the scale!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Are you drinking more water? Water retention is possible, but keep drinking lots of water, go for a walk everyday, and yes we might need to see your diary if you want some ideas on what to do!
  • wimmerfan
    Have you changed the sodium intake? it can be water weight.
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    I'm sure you'll get much lengthier responses, but here are the first three things that come to mind: one, are you weighing yourself at the same time each day (preferably first thing in the morning)? because you can vary a lot during the day. and second, are you exercising? Because it is true that muscle weighs more than fat. You should take measurements, too (mpf has a record spot for neck, waist, and hip measurements as well as weight). and third, are you watching your sodium intake as well as calories? you could be retaining water. if i were you, i'd just stick to the plan, maybe avoid weighing yourself for a few weeks, exercise regularly, and then weigh yourself ONLY once a week, at exactly the same time each time. good luck.
  • corrieville
    corrieville Posts: 113 Member
    It helps to open your diary to the public for help and I was stuck in a plateau for 2 weeks and realized I wasn't eating enough. Now I am using again. But without being able to see what you are eating it is hard to help. Also I am trying to eat small meals and every 2 to 3 hrs.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    It would be easier for someone to help you if you make your diary public. What kind of foods are you eating? Are you exercising? These thinks are helpful to know.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    It honestly could be the mexican food, even though you skipped chips and cheese there are a lot of calories and fat and carbs in the rest of the meal..
    I know you don't want to hear this but I never lose weight when I have a splurge meal during the week. It sucks :/
    Good luck, and try making some friends on here and opening your diary,
    1. it helps you to stay accountable
    2. you can ask for suggestions.
    Good luck
  • creatureofchaos
    creatureofchaos Posts: 65 Member
    Don't despair!

    I find that my weight goes up during certain times of the month, even though I'm eating really well. That could be all it is.

    But also remember that your weight can fluctuate as much as a pound and a half from one day to the next, with no discernable reason. There's always a downward trend, but you might not see it if you measure on a low day one week and then a high day the next.
  • veronicapetchers
    Try not to stress! When did u go out for Mexican? Often times it is your sodium intake that causes u to gain. I usually gain a bit every time I go out to eat, even if I make good choices. Food is prepared differently. Regardless of the reason, you have to stick with it. The scale will go up and down and it always causes frustration. My first few weeks, I checked the scale so often stressing out about weighing in and hoping to see huge losses. Just be patient.
  • Kambriasgranny
    A week is a very small amount of time when you look at the BIG picture....also, this is not a diet, it is a way of life and a lifestyle change to help us all get better nutrition. I really think the previous comments are right on...probably water weight...please don't get discouraged.....we have all been there!
  • shesblossoming
    Without knowing your goals, I'm unable to tell you what's going on. How far away are you from your goal? Do you weigh yourself first thing in the morning or do you weigh yourself at a different time of day? Have you increased your water consumption? Also, what are you eating? We have to see your diary. That's most of the battle.
  • MeBBgirl
    What about your drinking? Are you drinking enough water? And staying away from pop and alcohol which add alot of extra calories to a day if you are not careful. If you've consumed alot of sodium lately you maybe retaining fluid which also may show up on the scale. If you cannot honestly figure it out, try another week and if that doesn't work seek out some help. Just stick with it, you'll find your grove :) Good Luck
  • dmeloy
    dmeloy Posts: 10
    To get my diet started, I did the cabbage soup diet and lost 10 pounds right away! With seeing how good I felt and how proud of myself I was, it has encouraged me to eat better, exercise more and drink more water. Make sure you are consuming a lower calorie diet than before, but do not starve yourself. Eat more sensable. If I see that I consumed more than my calorie goal I exercise to burn off the excess calories... remember 3500 calories equals a pound. Talk to your Dr before doing the cabbage soup diet and also discuss a heathy calorie range for you. Don't give up!! Small simple changes can make a huge difference, take baby steps.. just like you didn't gain all the excess weight in a day, you can not lose it all in a day either! Cut soda and sweet foods~ Add plenty of water to your diet and EXERCISE!!!! Good Luck!
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I understand how frustrating this journey can be! You really need to give more information. How much are you trying to lose? How much did you gain? Can you open your dairy so that people can look at you food intake. Common reasons to gaining weight, too much sodium, weight training or TOM (all can result in water retention). If you stayed under your calorie goal for the the week, my guess would be water. Since its commonly agreed that 3500 calories equals a pound, if you gained 2 pounds your intake would have had to be 7000 calories over what you need. I'm guessing thats not the case. So drink more water, cut your sodium and give your body time to adjust. Remember this is a life long journey to be healthy, not a race to the finish line :-)
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    WOH! You guys are fast at responding! I'll open my diary right after I post this... i have to remember where to go to do it lol
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    aw :) I like that last sentence!
  • kayelrick
    I found that I was eating more since I joined this site because before my body had been in 'starvation mode' for a long long time. Now I am eating properly and feel healthier. Maybe it's just taking time for your body to adjust ?