Gained weight my first week!WHY!!?!?! HELP! =(



  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I didn't lose weight for awhile when I started. Don't let the phrase, "I lost 6 lbs. my first week" get you down. I don't think that's true for most people, and for those who it does happen to, it's mostly just water and not a true weight loss. Just stick with it - it does work - and it takes time!
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone! You are all very sweet and helpful! =)
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    When you weigh is very important. First thing in the a.m., after peeing and before eating, is best. Remember, everything in your gut weighs something. Two cups of water weighs a pound. Also, if your scale is like mine, it weighs differently when placed in different spots on the floor. Like two pounds different! Sometimes I take the average. Sometimes I believe the "sweet spot". ;)
  • shesblossoming
    From what I see, you aren't drinking or eating enough. You want to include plenty of fruits and vegetables and cut out most processed foods. If you aren't allowing yourself the calories and nutrients that you need, your body isn't going to lose the weight that it needs to lose.
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    LOL yep people here are amazing and always helpful. I know your feelings. I have dieted my entire life and know every trick of the trade....had years of trainers ...know what to do to lose and so on and still my body is so jacked from years of diets and not enough cals that now my body cant lose weight hardly at all> I bust *kitten* every day and watch everything I consume. Sometimes bodys need a jump start I think and Im gonna try something today that has been recommended.
    Anyways try drinking more water and totally watching sodium and sugar!!!!!! Alot of people who diet count cals only when really they should be watching carbs,,,sugar,,,,and sodium all. Sometimes without having enough protein and to high of carbs is worse than the cals...touch base and let me know how goes..
  • apee24
    apee24 Posts: 46
    AWw don't get discouraged!! It was only ur first week. Give it some time and you will reach ur goals!
  • oochi3
    oochi3 Posts: 17
    cus ur gaining musclesss! :) thats a gud thing!
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    I will share with you a quote I found " Learn to eat for FUEL, not for pleasure. Food is meant to be your nourishment for your body and mind".

    Our bodies need fuel, so if it works for you feed your body every 2-3 hours. You should be eating 1 hour after you wake up, and then 3 hours before bedtime should be your last meal. Drink lots of water. I try and eat all my carbs before 2 p.m., but that is just me. Eat lots of whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats and lean proteins. Stay away from all the processed foods and the baked goods like pastries. Donuts are the worse. They contain both fat and sugar. I struggle with the sweets, but I am getting better. If I absolutely have to have a sweet treat then I make it from scratch.

    Enjoy your body and nourish and strengthen it- it has to last you a long time.
  • mobes5
    mobes5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey- like many other people have said Mexican food could have caused you to retain water, but also Mexican food, especially at restaurants can be incredibly fattening. You'd be surprised if you thoguht you ate well- look up the nutrition facts on the internet. The amount of fat in each plate is ridiculous. When you go out to eat look at the menu online- many restaurants post this information for people trying to be healthier. You should only be eating about 15 grams of fat PER MEAL. Anything above that gives you more than 50g of fat a day which could make you gain more. Calories aren't the only thing you need to watch. It's the sodium, fat and calories together- along with the right amount of protein and not an excessive amount of carbs. I think by drinking more water to help decrease water retention and watching your fat intake you;ll lose instead of gain.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    From what I see, you aren't drinking or eating enough. You want to include plenty of fruits and vegetables and cut out most processed foods. If you aren't allowing yourself the calories and nutrients that you need, your body isn't going to lose the weight that it needs to lose.

    I was thinking the same thing....I didn't start to lose until I consumed all of the calories I was allowed, and drinking more water.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    First and foremost, you're not drinking near enough water. You need to drink at least 8 cups of water a day, or 64oz. I drink anywhere from 124oz on up. I'm constantly going to the bathroom.

    Secondly, if you've recently started exercising you need to be consistent. For me I was not losing the first few weeks I started on here (May) and was only going to the gym 2-3 times a week. When I upped my exercise to a minimum of 5 times a week and varied my routine, the lbs started to come right off.

    Thirdly, it doesn't matter when you weigh yourself... What matters is that you do it at the same time of day. I am OCD when it comes to weighing myself and I will weigh myself every other day or at least 3 times a week just to keep me in check. I have found for me it is best for me to weigh myself mid morning, after I exercise and after about 16-24 oz of water intake.

    Lastly, don't get discouraged. You and your body need to work things out and then you'll see the weigh fly right off. I lost 13 lbs on my own at the beginning and then when my body got in sync the remaining 30lbs have fallen off (within 74 days actually). I have weeks where I don't lose anything and then the following week I'll lose 3 lbs.

    Hang in there, it'll all come together soon. I'm living proof that it does! :flowerforyou:
  • jillleanne
    jillleanne Posts: 72 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP!
    I checked out your diary, and it looks like you aren't eating enough. That 1200 calorie goal should really be a minimum. Your body needs calories to function properly. Also, I'd increase your fruit and veggie intake. At least 5 servings a day, they contain tons of nutrients, fiber, healthy carbs and sugars and will keep you full longer.
    Also, maybe you should set your calorie goal a little higher? I'm not sure what your starting weight is, but 1200 seems pretty low to me (I'm 5'8 and 136lbs and my calorie intake is 1350). Calories themselves aren't so much the problem, its the type of calories you consume.
    But hang in there and Good luck! Just stick with it and you'll eventually start to see the difference
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    make sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces-- 200 pounds=100 ounces... plus AT LEAST 1200 calories a day...
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    You are not eating nearly enough. Most days I saw were under 1,000 calories. If this is your consistent eating pattern, your body is holding onto everything it gets because it's not sure when it is going to get more.

    And I'm curious how MFP calculated your calories at 1,200 if you have 88 pounds to lose...that seems awfully low for that amount of desired weight loss.
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    don't beat yourself up over it. we all have some good weeks and bad weeks. we learn from them. i've had a few bad weeks in my journey. i just got right back on the saddle. u could do it!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Had a look at your diary, I would suggest you eat more vegetables, drink a lot more water and try and eat your 1200 calorie allowance, you were very low on 2 days.

    Good luck!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Options has previously recommended that the average woman eat between 1500-1800 calories a day in order to lose weight. You aren't eating enough, saw at least two days where you were under a 1000 calories. I was 1200 calories for awhile and lost nothing, I increased my calorie intake and now with exercise I eat about 1500 calories a day and am losing slowly but steadily. In my opinion slow and steady is the way to go. As was previously stated this is a life journey, not a race to the finish line. Drink water, exercise and make good choices when eating. You will do this! Enjoy the journey!!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I agree with what others have said & DON'T PANIC! I didn't start losing weight until I was about 3 weeks in, I think my body was adjusting to my new eating habits.

    Play around with the food database, enter recipes you use & tweak them a bit to suit.
    I was stuck in a huge cooking rut until I came on here, now I love cooking & creating my own healthy recipes.

    Planning your food diary for the next day helps too, I do that now & it's actually quite a relief to not have to worry about what I'm going to eat.
    Congratulations on your first week here! :happy:
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    100% agree.. Try to eat the 1200 calories.Wheat breads, fruits, veggies and lean meat are a great start. Hang in there and good luck..
  • cpaisley88
    How everyone's body reacts to a change in diet differs. Don't stress yourself out over hearing how someone lost 6 pounds in a week. I could easily understand your body reacting to the change by putting on a little more weight at first but if you stick to it you will begin to lose weight.

    Although eating breakfast is a great start I do agree with the other posters that you need to increase your calorie intake. Think of your metabolism as a furnace, you do need fuel to keep it burning and if you starve it for a while it will take time for the fire to build up again.