Just joined today... i'm so hungry!

hey everybody,
just thought i'd write to say hello really and i'm also feeling the hunger so i thought i'd busy myself so here i am! :flowerforyou:
i've filled myself up with water and fruit after my tea so was wondering if there are any tips for hunger pangs?


  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    One word: exercise. :smile: It really helps when I have hunger pangs. Could be just as simple as a walk around the block or some vigorous house cleaning.
  • I have done my research into 100 calorie snacks and lower. That means...skinny cow ice cream, jello chocolate pudding, and 100 calorie packs for my desserts. I will also have those laughing cow cheeses on hand, currently I have the wheels and the wedges in my fridge and both are well under 100 calorie snacks.

    You may want to try something like veggie sticks or look into 100 calorie recipes....I know one of the girls on here has a receipe for cookies that are 25 calories each, homemade cookies too!

    There are a lot of options.
    I drink a bunch of water with the crystal light pouches and that normally holds me over for about 30minutes or 1 hour. Most of the times thats just enough time unitl my next meal.

    Good luck and don't look at it like you are going to be hungry all the time, look at it like you are shrinking your stomach! :-)
  • take a walk...earn more calories by exercising!!!!
  • YES! Choose something to eat- a good choice, find out it's calories, then go to the exercise part and find out how many minutes it would take to walk off those calories... Then decide if all of that is worth it to you.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Eat high fiber foods, like vegetables and enriched whole grains. You won't survive very long if you're always hungry! Break your meals up from three big ones to 5 small ones. If you're hungry, eat. Eat something nutrient-rich and low in calories, and if need be exercise more to work up more calories.
  • Just making sure that the food you do eat has enough protein, fiber, and nutrients that it keeps you satisfied. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! :-)

    Oh, and sometimes gum helps.
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    Carrots never did the trick when I was really hungry, so I looked around until I found a more filling low-cal snack. My new favorite is Lundberg's Lightly Salted Brown Rice Cakes. Have one (65 cals.) with a glass of water, and it's TOTALLY satisfying. I have two every day--one for morning snack and one for afternoon snack. I keep at least one bag in my house, one in my car (so handy!), and one in my desk at work.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    One word: exercise. :smile: It really helps when I have hunger pangs. Could be just as simple as a walk around the block or some vigorous house cleaning.

    Yep exercise! :) I find that the busier I keep myself the less hungry I am. You could also drink 8 oz of grapefruit juice (that is suppose to help), add some lemon to your water, eat some fruit or veggies, or chew gum. :) Keep up the good work and make sure you keep healthy snacks on hand and try to avoid having things in the house that you might not be able to resist in a moment of weakness. :)
  • The_Finja
    The_Finja Posts: 38 Member
    As much as you can, try to eat every 2 to 3 hours, even if you are not hungry. Preferably something with protein. The sugar snacks will only make you crazy hungry after the insulin rush wares off.
  • wow thanks for your quick replies, gonna go eat an apple and then do a spot of cleaning, i can't sit here feeling hungry plus hopefully it will count towards my exercise! x
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    A lot of times when I think I'm hungry, I'm actually just thirsty. Try drinking a tall glass of water.

    But yes, I had lots of hunger pangs in the beginning. They dissipate after time. Your body eventually adjusts to eating less.

    Welcome to My Fitness Pal and best of luck to you!
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 109 Member
    Also making sure you have enough protein in your diet helps bc protein stays with you longer! You'll do this! Your on the right track by getting some support! It helps to know there are other people pulling for you and will cheer you on in your victories and help you get back on track when u slip. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Best of Luck!!! Remember every day is a new day!
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I lose weight better and feel more satisfied if I eat 5 - 6 times a day, making healthy choices or splitting up my meals. Make sure some of your choices include low-fat protien (grilled chicken, deli turkey) and some fiber (whole wheat bread, oatmeal) and try to eat from all the food groups during the day. You can eat a lot of vegetables cooked or raw with few calories if you avoid sauces and dressings (or add just a little). Also, add exercise.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough. A lot of people start out aiming to lose 2 pounds per week and for most that just doesn't give enough calories, especially when your body is used to consuming more. If you're feeling too restricted you should start out slower at 1 or even .5 pounds per week. Remember, this is about learning to make healthy lifestyle changes, not just cutting calories. Make sure you're eating healthy foods, not processed/prepackaged junk foods or fast food.
  • YES! Choose something to eat- a good choice, find out it's calories, then go to the exercise part and find out how many minutes it would take to walk off those calories... Then decide if all of that is worth it to you.

    I never thought of that!
    at least if i get a weak moment i know i have to work it off so just won't eat the naughty stuff! x
  • YES! Choose something to eat- a good choice, find out it's calories, then go to the exercise part and find out how many minutes it would take to walk off those calories... Then decide if all of that is worth it to you.

    I never thought of that!
    at least if i get a weak moment i know i have to work it off so just won't eat the naughty stuff! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Welcome! I don't think you need to be hungry at all. Forward planning helps. Find fat free yogurts, big salads with meals, not much processed stuff at all, plenty of water and you'll be good. Make sure you are eating some fat to. Its always great to have all salad stuff in and you can make yourself a very large salad for 100 cals if you need it. I exercise every day so I can eat a little more too. Whilst your getting used to it you could set your goal to 1lb a week loss, and when you've stopped being hungry, change to 1.5lb a week loss and eventually 2lb. Ease yourself into it so you don't quit before you've even started. Zara x
  • imalikat2
    imalikat2 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi there and welcome! You've come to the right place. The support here is great. I can identify with the hunger. Besides drinking lots of water, I was often taught to take your mind off of it by doing something active and for just five minutes, even if it's talking on the phone with a friend or coming here to MFP and sharing your feelings. Sometimes it takes me a minute at a time to not eat; I'm not always successful, but it's all about baby steps and not giving up. We're all here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • VemmaMom
    VemmaMom Posts: 82 Member
    hey there and welcome! Try not to let yourself get hungry or thirsty is what the professionals say so if you are doing snacking like every 3 hours you wont be soon. You just have to give some time to adjust the first week or so. Snack on very filling clean foods that arent full of fake stuff and have a short ingredient list if you can or stick to fresh grown things or proteins.Alot of people have posted good things to eat. good luck!!!! Love to chat and friend ya
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Just curious..but can you open up your food diary as since you just started..but you don't want to get to the point of being hungry all of the time.. are you drinking your water? Are you eating enough? You don't want to go below your net calories..and here's something to look at to help keep you on the right path..





