Mommy Belly

I started out at 210lbs and am trying to get down to around 150lbs.
I had a kid back in 2006 and have the stretch marks on my belly, typical stuff. No csection or anything additional.
Anyway, I'm wondering if it will shrink up or still be kind of loose because it was stretched out so much.

Also, I'm doing the 30DS and some walking for exercise and my 1200 calorie diet, is there anything more specific that I can
do to help my stretch marked stomach so come next summer it looks hot in a bikini and not freaky and loose?


  • cocoa butter is supposed to erase stretch marks
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    lots of core moves, plank, push ups, ab stuff helps, but so does your diet. It will happen. I am working on the same issue and I see progress but it is slow. Hang in there.
  • I have two children and I had a "stretched out" belly for many years. It takes time. If you stick to your fitness goals and eat a healthy diet, it will eventually get a lot better. It took me about 5 years to really get rid of the belly fat and what seemed like extra skin. Be patient. It takes time. Weight loss is a lifetime project and good things will come to you if you stick with it.
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Im with ya on this one! Luckily most of my stretch marks have faded (mostly, i know they're there) Just keep your self moisturized. I slather on a coco butter lotion right before bed. Good luck! :o)