Ello! New here, looking for dieting help :P

I want to lose 15 lb before thanksgiving :)! I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be a healthy weight and toned.

I typically eat around 1,200 calories a day. A poptart for breakfast, some sort of packed lunch around 450 calories and dinner, mainly around 400 calories. On exercise days, I'll bump up to 1,550 or so. I can't eat a lot because I gain weight very fast and easily.

I only exercise twice a week, due to a busy schedule. Around 30-45 minutes. I also go to school, so I'm also burning around 100 calories walking to and from classes. I really want to tone my sides (muffin top) and slim my thighs and calves.

I'm looking for a weight loss buddy and/or some help! Do I need to eat less? My stats are:

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 153

Goal weight: 135 ish ( any less than 140)


  • Hey! I almost had all of the same stats as you, I was 158, and 5'8, and now I am 133, still 5'8. I lost majority of all my weight just by getting excercise everyday, and also I started to consider EVERYTHING that I ate. That is one of the things that I would recommend, think about what you are putting into your body and whether it would help your body function or just slow it down. For example; eating a poptart in the morning is ok...on occasion. I would recommend having that once in a while. Instead try yogurt and fruit or soemthing just as filling, but less calories and good for your body! As for lunch and dinner, a simple thing I did was make sure that either lunch or dinner was a salad, just so I never went over on carbs. And try having a snack (apple) during the day if you are hungry, and your big meals will be smaller, and fewer calories in total. I am in school also, but just try and get more excercise whenever you can, for two reasons. 1. you will feel sooo much better, the stress from school and life will be not so bad 2. you can eat a little more. I really hope you continue to us myfitnesspal and get into a healthy lifestyle, and I didnt use myfitness pal until I was down to 140lbs, so it is possible to do it without counting calories. :) good luck.
  • hi and welcome

    feel free to add me for support. we have a lot in common. same height almost same weight and on the same cal restrictions.
    im on 1200 cal a day and only exercise 3 times a week for 40 min. if i so much sniff anything that is my weakness (chocolate) it goes straight to my *kitten* or hips so i feel you. i am destined to get rid of my muffin top so i look great in my skinny jeans this christmas, and i think ill need support too from someone that i can relate to.
    goodluck mate :)