
fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
I have had mild asthma since I was 10. It hasn't ever stopped me doing sport, in fact, it's usually better the fitter I am. The last 2 days it has been really bad in the evenings, though. Anyone know what can trigger it? We were staying in a hotel last night, and I think despite the smoking ban people had been smoking indoors not too long ago, judging by the smell. I am home now, though, and it's started up again.

Don't say go to a doctor, I haven't got any time!


  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    Were you exercising? Sometimes it can flare up hours after exercise. Heat can do it, as well.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    It could be allergies that are setting in off. The delay is not uncommon. You could take an allergy pill and that should clear things up. But only do what your comfortable with. I only speak from my own experience dealing with my own asthma which is easily aggrevated by allergies for example smoke, cats, dust mites, pollens, grasses things like that.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I've had asthma for 25 years..........mild, and moderate at times. Allegedly a couple cups of coffee can lesson symptoms in the short term. Depending on what "really bad" means though, it is an illness that can kill you, so keep that in mind. Especially if you dont have access to a rescue inhaler. But, being in a room with irritants like that can definitely kick things off for me.
  • jpriantj
    jpriantj Posts: 8 Member
    What worked for me is staying very hydrated and not drinking duiretics like soda pop, tea and coffee that counter the affects of water. When I started working on my water in take, I no longer needed to use my inhaler.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I need a new inhaler. I think I am going to need a brief trip to the doctor after all. I haven't needed it in months as I've been fine over the summer. Stupid Autumn.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I need a new inhaler. I think I am going to need a brief trip to the doctor after all. I haven't needed it in months as I've been fine over the summer. Stupid Autumn.

    the fall gets me all the time......once i start closing windows and the leaves start to drop i always have trouble
    Good Luck with everything!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Could be the different enviroment you stayed in, different cleaning products, people odors, other stuff...even if you are back home, could still have some stuff could still be in your system. My asthma is well under control but new situations sometimes make it act up.

    Or a bad one... I can always tell when I'm getting sick (a cold or what not) because my asthma starts acting up a few days before any other symptoms, lol.

    Hope you feel better soon, even under control it can be a pita.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I have moderate asthma, and take singular and zyrtec at baseline. Now I drink more water, and with exercise I've been able to generally eliminate using maxair (rescue inhaler). When I have a flare I drink extra water and use my inhaler every 6 hours when I'm awake. I have a disgusting barking cough during my flares which creeps people out so I have to use the inhaler!

    I'd definitely follow up with the doctor to get a new inhaler and have a peak flow test, because asthma can get serious and you don't want any setbacks because of it!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    make the time. go to a doctor. i put off going to a doctor for a long time, and just self medicated with over the counter allergy pills and nasal spray.

    now i take cingular, one pill a day, and haven't had any issues for a very long time.