I'm back, but scared!

I left for a month after I got down from 224 to 183. Everyone told me I looked good and that was good enough for me.

But its not really...I still need to be at 165 or below for health reasons...but I left because I didn't want to work hard. Yes I had to cut back to lose weight, but this last 20 pounds would require me to face my demons.....Emotional Eating. Ice Cream= happiness and Fast Food cures a bad day...

I could still eat mostly what I wanted only in smaller portions to get down to 185...but now I can't do that and lose weight...To get rid of the last 20 pounds there's no room for comfort calories. So I left because I felt deprived....

So now I'm back because I found not "depriving myself" ended in eating 2 donuts, or pancakes for breakfast...and ice cream every night. I don't know how I'm going to break these chains of comfort eating...but I need to...because Good Enough just isn't good enough for me anymore.


  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I left for a month after I got down from 224 to 183. Everyone told me I looked good and that was good enough for me.

    But its not really...I still need to be at 165 or below for health reasons...but I left because I didn't want to work hard. Yes I had to cut back to lose weight, but this last 20 pounds would require me to face my demons.....Emotional Eating. Ice Cream= happiness and Fast Food cures a bad day...

    I could still eat mostly what I wanted only in smaller portions to get down to 185...but now I can't do that and lose weight...To get rid of the last 20 pounds there's no room for comfort calories. So I left because I felt deprived....

    So now I'm back because I found not "depriving myself" ended in eating 2 donuts, or pancakes for breakfast...and ice cream every night. I don't know how I'm going to break these chains of comfort eating...but I need to...because Good Enough just isn't good enough for me anymore.
    Hi "neighbor"... :) We're all here for you in whatever capacity you need support. Don't ever feel you have to do this alone.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    it takes a lot of courage to put your self out there like that. I commend you.

    I would like to add u to my friend list and we can help each other out. The biggest help I think I can give you is to encourage you to learn to calm your self down when you get too excited, learn to control your self when you are in a heightened state of emotion. Then when you feel like you want to eat something that isn't good for you employ that same technique, and remind your self that it will still be there for you after your reach your goal.
  • shirleymae19
    I just came back too, after not logging in my calories etc for 2 days, AND I overate :( Im right there with ya!!! You can do it, you have achieved so much already, an was it that hard? No, so you can do it again!! :)
  • matt314159
    Welcome back! (this from someone who just joined today...am I allowed to do that? hehe)

    I feel your pain with the comfort eating, and with the desire to take the "next step" if you will (I lost a lot of weight about six months ago, then slacked off and never took myself any further, even though I easily still have another 40lbs to go.)

    Best of luck tmdugger!