Terrified I can't lose the weight

ItstimeforJen Posts: 8 Member
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
I'm 34 years old and through a number of medical issues and sheer laziness I am now in a position where I would like to lose 150lbs....and I'm terrified.....I have never tried to lose weight before in my life....and you always hear how hard it is......so I guess I'm just afriad.....afraid that I won't or maybe more so.....afraid that I might......
I hope I'm not the only one in this boat.......and I'm just looking to make some friends and find some suport....


  • If you can quit smoking, you can lose weight! It's the same practise, not putting something to your mouth that you desperately want.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm afraid too.... But I'm more afraid of what will happen if I DON"T lose the weight. Think of it that way!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Stop holding yourself back. Just do it. How bad do you want this?
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    You are definitely not alone in the way you feel. I'd suggest you don't look at trying to lose 150 lbs. I started out trying to lose 117 lbs & decided that was impossible. So I focused on losing 5. Turned out not to be as hard as I thought. Then I worked on the next 5. Some people focuse on 10 lbs at a time, I have a friend who uses increments of 20, or you could even do 1 pound at a time & celebrate every stinkin one!

    Glad you found the site, & congrats on wanting to take action to improve your health.
  • I'm in a similar ship myself. I've never been much of an exerciser, but it actually does feel good...when I can finally move again! Lol
    Seriously though, I keep reminding myself that I didn't gain all this weight in a month, so it's going to take time to work it off.
    Feel free to add me. I log everything I eat everyday. My diary is open to my friends and that helps me stay on task better, knowing everyone can read what I ate.
  • You can do whatever you set your mind to. Stay below or at your daily calorie reccomendation and you WILL lose weight. It's science.
  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    So many of us have similar challenges. If I can do it, so can you. Let's try. :)

    I'd be happy to be part of your support group - feel free to send me a friend request.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Starting is the scariest part. You can do it! Don't think about all that you have to accomplish, think about what you have to accomplish tomorrow. Take it one day at a time and you just might surprise yourself!
  • How about one day at a time. Sounds like you need to meet with a doctor and find out what you can and cannot do. You can be successful. It will be a lot of work but you are worth it. I have found getting a minimum of 8 glasses (8 oz) each of water - 10 is even better - helps you feel full. There is a little box on the page where you plug in your food. I use that box to put what I weigh first thing in the morning. I document what I eat - even it I really, really blew it. I own it and then try and move and do better the next time. I also write if I ate because I was bored, angry, tired, frustrated, hungry, emotional, etc. It could be good to put down when the day has been great too! Good luck on your journey. It won't happent overnight but it can happen.
  • I am in the exact same boat as you. Same age, same "seemingly impossible" weight loss goal.

    There will be a lot of people who come in here with naysaying, etc... but I have started a standard ketogenic diet and in two weeks I've lost almost twenty pounds. It's hard, but it's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.

    Everything I learned and everything I've done so far has been from here: http://reddit.com/r/keto

    My energy is through the roof and my belt notch is now at the tightest setting. First time ever. I can't believe it's finally working.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    When you get your mind in the game it really isn't as hard as you think!
    I have tried and failed SO many times that I did not expect to have success this time around.

    What it really took was a willingness to change, make the right choices and plan ahead.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    You are at the right place to start your weight loss. I am familiar with a lot of medical issues myself. I have done nothing but gain weight the last 5 years no matter what I did. I found this site and started Sept 1. I have lost 5 pounds which I know isn't much but when you have done nothing but gain for five years, it is a lot. Just put in your info and MFP calculates everything for you. I do plan ahead and enter my food before I eat it to help me stay on track. Good Luck
  • alexandradeyl
    alexandradeyl Posts: 67 Member
    you absolutely can do it, one day at a time, one pound at a time
  • One hour, one day, one week, one calorie, one step at a time. You most definitely CAN do this. If you want it, you can do it! As others have suggested, set small goals and give yourself (non-food) rewards along the way. Before you know it, just the way you feel will be reward enough!

    Best wishes as you begin this exciting journey! If you're in need of a supportive friend, feel free to add me. :smile:
  • carolannetee
    carolannetee Posts: 1 Member
    Hello igirl1976,

    I think maybe one way to approach it is to stop looking at the amount you have to lose as one big number. Just focus on the day or the week at a time. Focus on the advances you make, not the total amount you need to lose. Just now, not a month from now or a year from now. I have around the same amount to lose and if I focus on the total weight, I find it rather daunting. But for just this week I think I can manage. And a pound or two. . . I can do. The fact you are 34 is great! Your metabolism is still great. I think if you focus on the here and now you will surprise yourself at just how much you can do. And those hear and nows will begin to pass a week at a time. AND we all know how fast time flies!
    Set your own pace you are comfortable with, not anybody elses but your own. Keep in touch and let us know how you do.

    PS - don't expect perfection out of yourself either.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Please have a look at the success stories on here. If they can do it, so can you.

    Be brave. Habits are hard to break, so develop better habits.
  • To borrow the insight of another MFPer,
    "It's not that easy, but it's not that hard."
    Good Luck!
  • ItstimeforJen
    ItstimeforJen Posts: 8 Member
    I did quit smoking and I do look at the journey the same...... I guess it comes down to the saying " how do you eat an elephant ....one bite at a time...." althought the last thing I need to do is actually eat it :laugh: Thank you for the support
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291

    There is a school of thinking that says that as long as you don't believe you can do it, you won't. I don't at ALL mean that to be rude or unmotivating. What I WANT you to do is consider that perhaps if you practice positive feedback to yourself, it might start to get through to your brain and you might believe it eventually. So, when you have time to relax, close your eyes, smile and tell yourself that you CAN do it (even if you don't believe it at first), and start to picture yourself getting thinner and thinner. Imagine yourself happy and healthy and keep smiling while you think about it. Just repeat, "Yes, I can...yes I can". Tell yourself that you deserve it. Tell yourself that you CAN control your mind and I'll bet if you will eventually starting to believe in yourself.

    You need to develop your positive attitude and decide to set reasonable goals. The first goal is to set up nutritional goals and start the process of learning to reach them. For me, it started at 1500 calories a day, 100 grams of carbs and no more than 14 grams of sugar per serving. It took me a couple of weeks to start hitting those numbers consistently. Oh, and I went cold turkey to stop sugared soda and go to diet soda and iced tea. Now, a year later, I am trying to limit my aspartame and go to flavored water.

    I keep working on more movement too. It's a process and most days, I do a decent job and some days I don't. Use the logging tool, experiment, do not expect perfection, yet be HONEST with yourself. Stay positive and surround yourself with friends here who share the same goals as you.

    I did the lapband and am very happy with my decision, but there are people who are successful with Weight Watchers, South Beach, seeing a doctor and/or nutritionist....etc. You choose what is most comfortable for you! Good luck! Please let me know if there is any way I can help!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I'm with Nancy on this...your mindset is the most powerful tool you have to aid your weight loss effort. When I stopped believing I was a lost cause and started telling myself, "I am the kind of person who pays attention to what they eat and exercises regularly," you'll never guess what happened: I became that person!

    I too was terrified I would fail, because I have in the past. But I decided to face that fear head on and say, what's the alternative? I knew if I didn't try to do it, REALLY do it, I would be morbidly obese the rest of my shortened life. I didn't want that. And I know you don't either.

    Whatever you believe, it will be. Take that chance and do this for your health!
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