Study Munchies

I have a HUGE problem with eating while studying. I think it's mostly because I try to give myself a mental break while I'm studying and food is great for that. Also, I have a bad habit of rewarding myself with food, like when I'm done this chapter I can have a snack. I know the fat is going to start creeping up on me if I keep doing this.. Anyone have this problem too? and how do I break the "reward system" I have started!? It definitely makes me get through the homework faster so it's not something easy to stop!


  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    I have a similar issue...never did figure out how to modify it,,,now I just go without...or I'll have a nice cup or pot of herbal/fruit tea
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I have to reward myself with breaks when I study too. I try to get up and walk around the house, and then come back to it. Or snack on baby carrots or something similar, so when you finish a chapter etc, you can have 2.

    I've also tried substituting food rewards for other (also not good) things like "if i write this paragraph, i get 5 minutes on facebook" haha!
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Oh gosh, I know the feeling!!! I try to reward myself with a HEALTHY snack, like some air popped popcorn. Or maybe a small treat as long as it's within my calorie limit. One thing that worked for me today was allowing myself a 15 minute internet surfing break for every hour that I did homework without stopping. It's pretty heavy stuff I have to read too...I'm going for a master's in Public Administration.

    Best of luck, it is VERY difficult to be in school and watch your weight!
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    Oh me too!!! It is horrible.. I think it is a boredome thing.. cause we all know studying is not exciting! I cant wait to hear the responses!
  • ohraspberries13
    What I've been doing is replacing my wanting of snacks with cinnamon gum. It distracts my mouth while I'm studying or watching TV or other things that I used to blindly eat during. But that's just me. It wouldn't really work as a reward though
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Been there done that. Still working on it. LOL. I am finishing my final quarter of nursing school. I do exactly the same thing. Our brains only have an average of a 15 minute attention span. So, I read or work on whatever homework I have for a half hour or so, then I get up start a load of laundry, do something to get me moving, anything to try to take my mind off the study munchies. You can also fill your fridge with baby carrots, apples (slice them up and put a little lemon juice on them to keep them from turning brown during storage) grapes, etc. These are good munchy foods. I also will jump on my elliptical to get the blood flowing and clear my head. All these help chase away the study munchies and help refresh your brain to hit the books again. Good luck!:bigsmile:
  • chchchangess
    reward yourself with something non-food related, like letting yourself watch some TV or call a friend before moving on to the next homework assignment.
  • TheTonyPony
    I have a bag of sugar free butterscotch flavored lollies in my desk drawer. When Ive achieved something worthwhile, I have one of those and savor it. I dont chew or bite, just let it melt away.
  • cherryObebe
    I do the same. I usually eat apple slices and if I have the room for the calories, I have some peanut butter with them. Apple and peanut butter really hit the spot for me. Good luck!

    I just posted on another thread on snacks/meals that were 200 calories or less. Maybe some of these could help here too! Here are a couple of my favorites at or under 200 calories:

    - Apple slices with either peanut butter or string cheese

    - Salad with olive oil & balsamic with 4 oz grilled chicken

    - Steel Cut Oats with Cinnamon, Vanilla Extract and Dark Cherries (frozen unsweetened and let thaw before adding them)

    - KIND Bars - Especially the Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew

    - 1oz of fresh buffalo Mozzarella cubed with diced fresh tomato drizzled with a little EVOO and balsamic topped with fresh basil and cracked black pepper.
  • SachaMichel
    I have the same problem, I eat non-stop. The best solution that I've come up with for myself is to keep an arsenal of low-calorie snacks like veggies, fruit, tea, etc. and make sure I have enough calorie space for it.

    If they're all-nighters though, all bets are off lol :P
  • entendu
    entendu Posts: 1 Member
    I've started 'rewarding' myself with pushups/crunches/jumping jacks etc in my study breaks. It's good to get away from my desk and get the blood pumping! I feel more refreshed going back to studying, too! I started with 20 or so, now it's more like 100. I feel great!