30 wks pregnant new to the site

how can this site be helpful for pregnant women?


  • It is a good way for everyone to monitor what you eat. If you're pregnant you should still monitor your fat ratio, sodium, ect to make sure what you are eating is good for mom and baby :) Plus, getting use to logging your food will be helpful once you are ready to shed any post-pregnancy weight!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would just try to eat as healthy as you can. Wait until after you deliver and then use it to take off the baby weight. Or You can enter a question ( pregnancy) in the search button above and you will find a lot of people who can help with pregnancy question.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It can help you track your calories to make sure you are getting enough calories for the healthy growth of your baby and to also make sure you aren't going overboard.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    It is a good way for everyone to monitor what you eat. If you're pregnant you should still monitor your fat ratio, sodium, ect to make sure what you are eating is good for mom and baby :) Plus, getting use to logging your food will be helpful once you are ready to shed any post-pregnancy weight!

    Amen. There are lots of pregnant women on here and even more of us that are looking to lose post-baby weight. It's good for if you are breastfeeding, too, so you can add in the extra calories and not just end up packing on even more weight (like I did!).
  • mytwobabies
    mytwobabies Posts: 113 Member
    This site can be helpful to someone who is pregnant who wants to maintain a healthy balance of gaining weight for her baby while not overly eating and gaining excessive weight. Ask your dr what your recomended caloric intake should be during your stages of pregnancy. Set your profile to that and log your calories so your not over or under eating. :) That way you will gain healthy baby weight.
  • jcn1109
    jcn1109 Posts: 49
    All these ladies are so right! I wish I'd found this site while I was pregnant. It would have possibly prevented the major complication that arose due to eating poorly while pregnant (I never knew before how really bad sodium could be). I've only been here a short while and found it to be so helpful. Good luck and congrats!
  • lexie516
    lexie516 Posts: 29 Member
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    You can tweak your diary to track things like vitamins, fiber, etc. for a pregnant woman, that's vital! It can also keep you from going over-board (which will make the post-baby times a lot easier). Talk to your doc and see what the most important things you should be keeping an eye on .
  • purebadness
    purebadness Posts: 2 Member
    Hey twin (lexie516).... I love you too girlfriend...... yea I like it so far..... jus tryna find some other pregnant ladies on here... see what's helpful on here for them.... n thanks everyone for the feedback...
  • lexie516
    lexie516 Posts: 29 Member
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I am currently using the site to drop some weight and get in shape before I start TTC for my third baby, but I plan to keep using it even after becoming pregnant. It's a great way to keep yourself accountable (I had a horrible problem with just eating anything and everything during my pregnancies) - plus it can help you track you intake of various nutrients which are important in pregnancy. And when I do become pregnant, I plan to change my settings to 'maintenance' so that it tells me to eat the number of calories needed in order to keep my weight the same, only I will eat about 300 extra calories per day as that's what's recommended for pregnant women. That should help me stay on track with gaining just over 0.5 lbs per week instead of the closer to 1 lb per week that I gained when I was just eating more but not really knowing what I was doing.

    There is at least one group where there are some pregnant mamas that talk about their diet and exercise (I was so glad to see it b/c I will definitely jump in there when I get pregnant again) - it's around here somewhere, you can find it and join the conversation with other preggos. :-)

    ETA: Actually, I just checked in the settings and you can actually tell the site that you want to gain 1/2 or 1 lb per week, not just maintenance and weight loss, so I will totally make use of that feature when I'm pregnant. I'll set it to 1/2 gain per week, keep counting my calories and exercise, and use the site to track nutrients.
  • kln83
    kln83 Posts: 16 Member
    This site can be helpful to anyone. I just recently had a baby and am now breastfeeding and kind of wondered the same thing. There wasn't a place to include the fact that I'm breastfeeding when signing up so I increased my daily level of activity to hopefully account for the extra 500 calories a day I'm suppose to eat to make up for the breastfeeding. My suggestion if you're going to start using this site right away, would be to use your pre-pregnancy weight and then just mentally add 500-800 calories to your total. You don't really want to "diet" while pregnant, but watching SODIUM intake and drinking enough WATER are huge! This can help with tracking those things. I say go for it and just be smart about it. Use common sense and then when you've had that baby and are ready to get back into those jeans, you'll already have established the MFP habit. Good Luck!
  • Welcome and congrats on your little one. I'm new to the website but so far I've found it really useful in tracking my eatings. I've found it makes me think twice about putting somethings in my mouth when I know I have to later add it to my log. As a pregnant woman, maybe it will help you make healthier choices. I know friend of mine had terrible cravings during her first pregnancy and gained 50 pounds. Had she been more aware of everything she was eating maybe she would have gained a little less.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    This site can be helpful to anyone. I just recently had a baby and am now breastfeeding and kind of wondered the same thing. There wasn't a place to include the fact that I'm breastfeeding when signing up so I increased my daily level of activity to hopefully account for the extra 500 calories a day I'm suppose to eat to make up for the breastfeeding. My suggestion if you're going to start using this site right away, would be to use your pre-pregnancy weight and then just mentally add 500-800 calories to your total. You don't really want to "diet" while pregnant, but watching SODIUM intake and drinking enough WATER are huge! This can help with tracking those things. I say go for it and just be smart about it. Use common sense and then when you've had that baby and are ready to get back into those jeans, you'll already have established the MFP habit. Good Luck!

    If you go into your food diary and type in 'breastfeeding' a whole bunch of options come up - like exclusive, newborn, older baby, etc - I just learned about this recently when someone else pointed it out in the forums! If you choose one and add it to your food diary, instead of acting like a 'food' entry and adding calories consumed, it acts like an exercise entry and adds more calories to your goal. Check it out! :-) But if you start adding it that way, you'll probably want to set your activity down lower again.
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