12 Week Winter Challenge!!

Time for a challenge!! We all know that the holidays are notorious for having lots of wonderful homemade goodies, along with big extravagant meals and parties. So I'm thinking about starting a challenge to keep us on track during this time.

It'll be open to everyone, and we would weigh in on Mondays since that's the start of the week. So this week would be a recruitment week, and then post all of our beginning weigh ins next Monday. Also, try to think of a goal weight you'd like to be by the end of the year, so we all have something to aspire to. We could also come up with weekly challenges that everyone can participate in if they want to. Overall, it'll just be a really easy going challenge, so to keep us accountable to a group of people :)

If anyone has any other ideas for the challenge let me know!


  • kjeriksen
    I think that this is a good idea... so weigh in tomorrow and then weigh in every monday from here on out?
  • SarahMarie1983
    I would like to join the challenge. I am currently 213 and would like to be 190 by the end of the year. Will the first weigh in be tomorrow or next Monday?
  • catmomof3
    I'm in! I'd like to be 180 by December 31, So we will weigh in tomorrow right?
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I could use a challenge over Thanksgiving especially.......my chef son-in-law will be here to cook for 5 days........I love Thanksgiving and it's our 36th Anniversary that weekend.....oy vey!!
  • lucylou9701
    I would love to be in it :) i currently weigh 158 and i would like to weigh 145 by the end of the year :)
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    hmmmm interesting i think i'm in
  • mommyofchaos
    I want to!!! Im currently 171.5 and would like to be down to 150 by the end of the year.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I didn't think there would be so much interest so soon! I think we could totally start it tomorrow, and have the first weigh in day be TOMORROW.

    So weigh in tomorrow, and I will come up with some sort of plan to record everyone's weight. :)
  • SarahMarie1983
    I didn't think there would be so much interest so soon! I think we could totally start it tomorrow, and have the first weigh in day be TOMORROW.

    So weigh in tomorrow, and I will come up with some sort of plan to record everyone's weight. :)

  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to join! I'm currently 132 aiming for 120 which works out to 1lb per week. It's been tough as I get closer to goal but I'm sure this challenge will motivate me:)
  • freyalillie
    Yesh, I'd like to join too!! I think I'm about 138 and would like to be 130 or below by the end of the year! :D
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    This is the form we are going to use. Just add your name after the last person and add your info. Your starting weight will be whatever you weigh tomorrow, and that stays the same through the whole challenge. Your current weight will be the one changing each week. I haven't added my starting weight yet since I'm weighing in tomorrow, but I added my goal. You all are free to do the same :)

    Name...........................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight
  • 160poundgirl
    Am in!!!

    I'll weigh in tomorrow and fill in the details then. For now, here is my goal.

    Name...........................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight
  • CUgirl
    CUgirl Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in. I will post weight and goal tommorrow.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I have no scale available on Monday am, so I weigh on Sunday morning.....( I go between a mountain house and apt.)

    Name: Jody Starting weight - 147.5 Goal 1/1/12........ 137.5

    Trying to be realistic!! Husbands birthday, my birthday, Thanksgiving with visit from chef son-in-law, 36th Anniversary, and holiday parties. If I can lose 10 lbs. by the first of the year, I will be giddy!!!!!
  • catmomof3
    Catherine (catmomof3) 211............................211.............................180

    I had a bump up in my weight this week. I did a lot of cheating. No more cheating for me!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Thinking I'm interested and a challenege would be good for me!... I'm in!

    Name...........................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight
    Catherine (catmomof3)..................... 211....................................................211.....................................................180
    bluegirl10........................................142 .....................................................142 ....................................................... 132
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    I want in!
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    I see how we are keeping track.

    Name.................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight
    Catherine (catmomof3)................. 211....................................................211.....................................................180
    bluegirl10..................................142 .....................................................142 ....................................................... 132
  • 160poundgirl
    Name.................................Starting Weight.............................Current Weight..................................Goal Weight
    Catherine (catmomof3)................. 211....................................................211.....................................................180
    bluegirl10..................................142 .....................................................142 ....................................................... 132