Recover from Soreness?

I love to workout, it gives me this sense of accomplishment in a day. It might be strange to some, but I love the soreness feeling after a workout! Unfortunately, some days I just cannot even sit down from the soreness from the workout. It is horrible when I am working out again. I have taken a days break, but I still feel the soreness. Is there any way to ease off some of the pain or make it a tad bearable? I am yearning to work out, but I don't wanna push it too far.


  • joencheri
    joencheri Posts: 4 Member
    Stretching always helps me when I feel sore. Ease your way back into it, don't stop though! Maybe do some yoga or light walking.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    I've heard that bananas and eating protein after working out helps with muscle soreness. Yours sounds pretty bad though, you might want to stretch really well afterward...sit at home and stretch in front of the tv too!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Stretching before and after if you aren't already. Yoga, Pilates, or an hour of stretching as a workout. Work on your breathing technique to.

    Having a protein shake after a workout with a banana works pretty well for me also.
  • melissabee31
    Drink water and take magnesium. I am obsessed with magnesium now that I know it helps ease muscle pain.

    I used to get leg cramps at night because my muscles were so sore. I would wake up with charlie horses all the time. Magnesium is essential in muscle repair and tissue functionality. Taking some at night usually helps my soreness a lot.

    Calcium is also vital for blood circulation and muscle function, so I take some calcium along with the magnesium as well. I've really seen a difference.

    But really, I can't stress enough how much WATER you should be drinking. Water helps flush out the lactic acid (what makes your muscles feel sore) from your muscles. So drinking water is very key in muscle recovery.

    Good luck!
  • jaydens_momma
    Stretch before you go to bed and then again when you get up in the morning. I had to stretch this morning because I was so sore from my workout last night. I am feeling much better and am even able to play on the floor with my son which includes a lot of getting up and down and chasing!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    If you're sore the next day, that's a sign of a good workout since it takes time for muscle fibers to rebuild.

    If it persists for longer than one day after the workout day, though, and it's an indicator that you have "push[ed] it too far".
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    I like the feeling too, I love to prod the aches - it's a fine line between pleasure and pain isn't it!

    Yep, stretching afterward is the way to go. But it does sound like you may be going at it a little hard, no pain no gain (or loss) though.
  • celiamj
    celiamj Posts: 38
    I think walking, even thought it can be painfull sometimes, helps remove the lactic acid from muscles... And maybe have a glass of chocolate milk after workout to repair the muscles. Otherwise i think its just a matter of suffering and waiting!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    OMG! I have had that kind of soreness before and it HURTS! It hurts to bend, walk, and sit down! When I feel like that, I won't work that muscle again for a couple of days so that way it can heal. When you weight train, you are actually causing little tears in that muscle. But that's how the muscle gets stronger.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Stretching and a protein shake after always works for me. I skipped doing so the other day and I paid dearly for it!!! Q
  • gladjar
    gladjar Posts: 21
    Thanks for the replies! I think I am going to workout today, but do an hour of yoga with some Pilates to stretch me out. As much as everyone in my family loves bananas, I am not the biggest fan. :( I think I'll just take a protein shake afterwards and just wait it out.

    Thanks for all the input, hopefully I can go out and run today without feeling too tense. :)
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    After a hard workout, the banana is a great source of potassium...chocolate milk...mmmmm!! I usually drink Silk Dark Chocolate Almond milk...!! .but it sounds like you need to do some kind of stretching..what has helped for Yoga or maybe try that as well.. stretching throughout the day helps..when you've done a major intense workout
  • ElleC
    ElleC Posts: 37
    I have to stretch 3 times throughout my work out to prevent crippling aches and pains! When I first started working out, I would only stretch (Briefly) at the end of my workout.

    I now do a 5 min warm up on a machine. Then do a full body stretch.

    After 45 mins of cardio, I do lower body stretches.

    I then do my circuit of weights, another 10 mins on a cardio machine and do a full body stretch again.

    Ever since I started incorporating stretching in to my routine, I have felt so much better. Before, I was getting cramps in my thighs and calves and I could barely even lift my arms to brush my hair!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Stretch, stretch, stretch! And yoga if you can! I also like to drink chocolate milk after a butt kicking workout it's just what your body needs to start repairing those muscles :)
  • gladjar
    gladjar Posts: 21
    I think I'll try some chocolate milk, sounds yummy!

    Oh, and the stretching really helped! I jogged farther then ever!
  • Fiyero
    Fiyero Posts: 31
    If you can take it, ice bath works wonderfully. It flushes the lactic acid, the cause of muscle soreness. Cold bath, ice, 10 minutes and you're set. Pat dry, do not rub the towel on skin.