Starting Over

I just turned 36 and am at the highest weight of my life. I work full time and am working towards a second bachelors degree. Taking classes has ate up all of my exercise time. About a month ago, my "fat" jeans are now tight. I refuse to buy new jeans. I have a closet of beautiful clothes that I full intend to fit back into. I want to feel good about myself again. Hopeing this community is the place to start & finish.

5 mins ago I signup for a 5K race Oct 22. No excuses now. It's paid for, now I need to run......


  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    It's never too late and that's awesome. I did that a few months ago, I saw some pictures and just got tired of feeling tired and always looking harder than normal when I went shopping. I wanted to look good and go back to my old self. Stick with it and for sure you will see results. It's hard at times because I have to work and I have my family that demand my time, but it is doable!!
  • summersmaze
    summersmaze Posts: 26 Member
    That's great motivation - a closetful of clothes. That's what keeps me going too - if you want some support, feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!