Back in the game :)

I joined myfitnesspal 2+ years ago and was an obsessive tracker. I logged everything that went through my lips and every time I exercised to the point where it started interfering with my personal life. A combination of the obsessive tracking and issues in my personal life caused me to develop an eating disorder. I binged daily and at night I took laxatives. I would eat breakfast/snack/lunch/snack/dinner and then in the evening, I'd have one snack... and before I knew it, I would have eaten 4 heaping bowls of cereal and a box of Cheez-its.

I deleted my account and stopped tracking cold turkey.

I am back. I'm focused. I know now that food can not make me happy or fill a void in my life. Food is needed to survive and that's it. I don't need to eat until I'm in pain.

I'm just looking for new friends now that maybe have the same issues that I had and maybe we can hold each other accountable.

Thanks for reading :)


  • MadPanda75
    MadPanda75 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! Welcome back! I just started last week and I have to agree I'm totally addicted! I'm glad you're back and I hope you're doing well. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    good luck to you this time around. Its helpful that you identified a problem that impacted past success. try to think about additional mental and physical stumbling blocks you had in the past and think about ways to avoid them this time around. make this a lifestyle, but don't let it control your life. don't let exercise take over your life. exercise is important, but nutrition is more important when it comes to fat loss. if you have something to do, don't stress about missing your planned exercise that day. stated differently, take time to do other things. exercise when you can ... and find ways to make exercise more efficient (I have found HIIT, which is both effective and efficient...most work-outs lasting 30ish minutes).
  • slritter1
    Welcome back! I just started back today myself! Hoping this time around will be way different for me!! Feel free to add me for support!