hey new member n hope to do well

hey im emma im 25 woke up this morning and fort right i gotta change my lifestyle to be honest i dont kno were to start!
well i started with a porridge... and dinner i ad nibble bread n ham sannie and for tea i just woofed down beans on toast. has any1 got any recomandations i am a busy women and coz i got no time to cook etc: i just usual grab wha i can but it all needs to change!! any help wud be kind :)


  • luvlite2
    Hey Emma! First let me just say Welcom Aboard! I try to plan my meals ahead of time. I cook breakfast for the week on Sunday. Quiche or a scramble of some sort becasue I don't have time either. I usually make two meals on that day as well for the week. Or..you can cook on whatever day you have time and freeze the meals in the portion you would like. I do that as well. From a single mom on the go! It works for me..hope it helps you as well! Good luck!
  • EmmaGabica
    thanks for taken the time to reply luvlite, i know i juggle work college and 2 kids and school runs in a whole day! i will take your advice and plan meals i got my pen n paper ready for some ideas also searchin google it hard to know what right and whats wrong to eat as like to av an egg it 6g of fat 100cal which confusein me coz it so high, i am a bit of a fussy eaten aswell (fruit n veg) are not a good type of food with me, x
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Emma!

    The time constrant thing is hard for anyone. A few suggestions for you.

    Frozen Meals: Microwave 6 mins, grap some frozen veggies and you are good to go. Portion control at its finest.

    Cook larger meals on weekends and 2x's a week. Cook more and eat off of it for days. I make a lentil soup that lasts me a week or more when I freeze it.

    Learn to be friends with your slow cooker/crock pot. One of my fav recipes is boneless skinless chicken breast (4 or 5 of them), a package of Taco mix. Sprinkle it over the chicken. A cup and 1/2 of water and let it cook on low all day. You will come home to chicken falling apart and ready to eat!

    Good luck in your journey!!