Can you "save" calories

I know we're supposed to eat the recommended calories for each day (if we eat too little our bodies go into starvation mode). However, I'm wondering if I can "save" calories if I know there's a day coming in the week where I will eat a lot. For instance, because I worked out so much today I have a lot of extra calories I can eat. Is it possible to "save" those calories for Saturday because I know I will be eating and drinking a lot at a party I'm going to.


  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    I have the same question. That is how Weight watchers works, sort of.
    I like the idea of lookin at things for the week bc I can plan ahead for my cheat time.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    what is your daily cal set at, mine is 1550 so I can zig zag my cals through the week to give me more cals at the weekend.
  • jmoney34
    jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
    1200. I work out every day and eat really healthy so by the end of the day I"m usually scraping to eat food because I have so many calories left over. I'm planning on saving like 100-300 a day so I can have an extra 500-1000 for Saturday because I know I will be eating junk food and drinking beer---there will be no fruit and veggies at this party! LoL!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I know we're supposed to eat the recommended calories for each day (if we eat too little our bodies go into starvation mode). However, I'm wondering if I can "save" calories if I know there's a day coming in the week where I will eat a lot. For instance, because I worked out so much today I have a lot of extra calories I can eat. Is it possible to "save" those calories for Saturday because I know I will be eating and drinking a lot at a party I'm going to.

    YOu want results you can not use this mind set of Saving calories. YOu want to get results you need to stick to trying to get in the same amout of calories each day.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Its okay to have a "cheat day" every once in awhile. Its not gna completly throw u off.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    There is no true 24 hour body clock. Just like your nutrients can be a mix over a few days, so can your calories - as long as you're not going to extremes. If you bank a few and use a few over a three or four day period you will probably be fine - but the 1000 calories you saved the week of September 12th are gone now - you can't "cash them in" a few weeks later.

    I tend to have a calorie heavy day on Thursdays, so I go under my calories for a couple days ahead - this seems to work fine! Just keep it common sense - no fast then gorge stuff - that won't help you at all.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    1200. I work out every day and eat really healthy so by the end of the day I"m usually scraping to eat food because I have so many calories left over. I'm planning on saving like 100-300 a day so I can have an extra 500-1000 for Saturday because I know I will be eating junk food and drinking beer---there will be no fruit and veggies at this party! LoL!

    Im no expert but if it was me I would make sure I am still eating min 1200 cals per day. Then depending on how much you earn in exercise cals, you could maybe save a percentage of these?

    Everybodies different and everybodies bodies will respond in different ways.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    You really have to watch it with those cheat days! For me, one meal turned into a day, turned into a week! What I do now is I try to watch what I eat everyday and if there is some yummy food I am craving bad I will enjoy it and just log it into my calories. It is hard to get out of the cheat day mindset...I just try to focus on making yummy healthy food and when I want to indulge I do.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Hec yeah! I do this when I know I have to go to party specially pot luck or holiday dinners. Also work out after a high calorie meal,
    you will burn more calorie. I prep myself before and after the event.. When I do this, I don't feel guilty.and enjoy my meal better.
    Just don't make it into a habit - I can binge now and then starve later.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    You really have to watch it with those cheat days! For me, one meal turned into a day, turned into a week! What I do now is I try to watch what I eat everyday and if there is some yummy food I am craving bad I will enjoy it and just log it into my calories. It is hard to get out of the cheat day mindset...I just try to focus on making yummy healthy food and when I want to indulge I do.
    I do the same thing and I don't even have cheat days anymore. I don't consider it cheating if I have the right portion and stay within the right calories.
  • blm211
    blm211 Posts: 6
    WW does not work like that - there is a weekly allotment of extra points you can have throughout the week, spread out however you want. If you put yourself into starvation mode one day to over eat the next, you body will feel the need to hold on to all the extra food you ate because it was deprived. Have your target number of calories everyday - having one cheat meal every once in a while is OK. You can supplement with extra exercise that morning to "earn" more calories for that day (although i never record my workouts on here because I feel it is counterproductive).
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I notices if I eat less then the next day I want to eat everything in sight. So it's dangerous for me to do that.
  • jmoney34
    jmoney34 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks! I don't plan on making this a weekly thing. Just wanted to know if it made sense or not. It's not like I'm gunna eat 300 calories a day for the next week so I can consume 10,000 on Saturday. I'm not that stupid.
  • suz9147
    suz9147 Posts: 5 Member
    Treat your calories like weight watchers does. With weight watchers there point system allows you an extra 35 point per week. So there for I'd say yes you can eat alittle extra one day a week but don't over due it.
  • bsdive
    bsdive Posts: 70 Member
    I would say that it is also a good idea to try to get a workout in the morning of and drink lots of water before you go and then when you are there enjoy yourself and the company and don't worry about the calories too much! Then the next day do the same thing with the water and exercise.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    You really have to watch it with those cheat days! For me, one meal turned into a day, turned into a week! What I do now is I try to watch what I eat everyday and if there is some yummy food I am craving bad I will enjoy it and just log it into my calories. It is hard to get out of the cheat day mindset...I just try to focus on making yummy healthy food and when I want to indulge I do.

    That happened with me, too. I lost over 60 lbs and decided to celebrate by eating everything while on a fishing trip to Alaska with my son and brother. That three days turned into gaining every pound back and then some. We all have high calorie days once in a while. I just log what I eat on my bad days and then go back to eating well. Occasionally, I will save up calories for one meal during the day, but generally I just log what I eat so I won''t wonder what happened when I put back on a pound or two
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I would say work out more that day to have some extra calories to eat. :) I would not recommend binge eating (which is basically what you're describing... :()