30 Day Shred

Just looking for opinions on the 30 Day Shred, or any other at home work out video. I'd like to get something I can do at home, since its sometimes hard for me to make it to the gym with my work schedule, and was thinking about the 30 Day Shred. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    I just started on Oct.1st..I'm loving it so far, I've already lost 2.6lbs..I heard a lot of good results on this dvd,so I'm giving it a try...
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    DO ITTTT!!!! it's amazing. and only about 25 minutes total! and only like $9. i would recommend that over any other workout dvd... i think i'm going to try jillians ripped in 30 dvd next though
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    30 Day Shred is amazing!! You'll lose inches like crazy, and the best part is that it's a 20 minute workout so you can fit it in even on busy days! I had great results, and would definitely say do it!
  • michele_lynn
    michele_lynn Posts: 66 Member
    I love Jillian, but skip the original 30 Day Shred DVD and go for the new Ripped in 30 that she has out. The older one is much less refined and she sounds SUPER nervous, which makes it awkward to listen to every morning. I've only gotten through Week 1 of the Ripped in 30 but it's a MUCH more polished DVD. She will kick your *kitten* and then some, but the 3-2-1 method is short enough to keep me pushing hard through the whole workout.
  • Where do you buy the 30 day shred video at?
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i started yesterday...... its amazin.... u feel gr8 after ure done wd it....!!!!!! i'm keeping my hopes high :) all d best!!!!
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    yes 30 d s i am on day 15 and love what i am seein......another one is biggest loser max cardio and leslie sansome if u like to walk she has awesome walking videos i love them.......
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I love it and am heading into Day 2 Level 3 tonight! I do not do it everyday as I do Zumba and use my elliptical as well. I should be done with it by mid October and I began it in August, so it's been 2 months already (with some illnesses thrown in and other times I ran out of exercise time) It is definitely a good quick workout and also one you can use again and combine levels for a longer tougher workout when you are better fit!!!!! Love Jillian!!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Absolutely do it.

    I had never done a work out DVD before and this one is fantastic. Get some 3lb or 5lb weights and throw yourself into it.

    Since I started, (along with monitoring my food of course) I've lost 7lbs, look shockingly more toned and I feel great about myself.

    Theres something about sticking with it that makes me feel good too. And its only 20 minutes long. There is no excuse not to do it :)

    You will only reap benefits from doing this. I cant think of a single negative thing that will happen if you do this.
  • I've done it and I keep going back to it. The first level is pretty terrible, but I am firmly anti-jumping jacks and lunges. The second two levels are more intense but less annoying to me. I sweat like a pig and gasp like a fish out of water for the first few times, which I take to mean it really works. So I guess I more love it than loathe it!
  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    Where do you buy the 30 day shred video at?

    i got mine at walmart .com
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    I love it. I'm on day 26 today, and I've lost 7 lbs so far. I am waiting to see my total inches lost until I'm completely done. Just to give you what I've been doing... I did each level for 10 days, and I did not take a day off. 30 straight days. I love it, yeah sometimes I don't want to do it, but I love that it's short enough to get it done without taking too much time out of the day. I'm taking this weekend off after I finish and then I'm starting back next week. I think I'm going to thrown in some extra cardio this time too just to pump it up. But good luck to you!!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I am adding my two cents! I LOVE the DVD too and I have had amazing results (8 pounds lost and 2 inches off my waist so far, I am actually going to do it again for another 30 days!).

    The ONLY thing I would caution you about is to stretch out at the end a little more completely than she does. Also, I keep a range of weights close by, so I start with 3 pounds and work my way up to five pounds.
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Amazing!! Thanks so much for all the awesome feedback. The fact that its only 20 min makes me really excited to try it, I dont always have time to spend an hour or more at the gym. Im on vacation right now but when I get back I will def be running to walmart to get this!
  • dugsgirl67
    dugsgirl67 Posts: 10 Member
    Where can you buy this "AMAZING" DVD???? :happy:
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Where can you buy this "AMAZING" DVD???? :happy:

    You can get it at Walmart
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I just ordered it from Amazon the other day and it was 7.50. I am starting tomorrow!