hi.. new here :)

Hey everyone. I'm katie... i'm 23 and had gastric bypass surgery on may 16, 2011. I've lost about 73lbs since then bringing my total to about 124 lbs down since december :)

any new friends or support systems are most definitely welcome :)


  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Katie, my wife had it done. Feel free to friend me for advice, recipes, support, etc. :)
  • osarah422
    Hello Katie!
    Congrats, on your weight loss, that is awesome. I had Gastric Bypass surgery April 26, 2004 and lost 100, but since then put on about 22 pounds back on in the 7 years. Mind you, I have had 2 kids and didn't gain that 22 pounds until having my 2nd child who his almost 2 now; I just haven't lost the baby weight yet. I finally got sick of feeling crappy and signed up for Kosama and started today, hoping to start the weight loss process again. Once again CONGRATS, and if you ever want to chat I am here for you too! :)

  • clouise8516
    clouise8516 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Carolyn I am kindda new myself! Im 39 and I am working really hard for the first time to not diet but change my lifestyle ! So far it is working well...my first thing was I have put 5+ a day to work in my daily meals and munchies! I do graze but you have to be careful to eat the right things. I bring plenty of raw foods( apples, radishes, bannanas etc...) things that can help me to feel full. I don't bring any money with me to work. so that I am not slipping around to the vending machine I pack everything in serving sizes so I don't have to even think about it!:smile: Look forward to hearing from you!