Feeling discouraged

I have not taken before pictures yet so I just decided to do that. I am the tpe of person who HATES having her picture taken. These picures are horrible. I am wondering how in the world am I going to lose all tha weight. I usuall dillude mself and say "OH, all my weight is in my stomach, and I have a double chin. My legs and arms are skinny, so I'm fine." WRONG these pictures (you can see them in my profile, I don't have the courage to post them) are awful. I guess Ii am starting to get beck into my doubting ways. If it's to tough I start to shut down. Yes I have mini goals, but in the overall picture I have close to 100lbs to lose. How does everyone else deal with their doubt and keep on their journey?


  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Take the pictures and put them in a file on your desktop and don't look at them for two months!

    this is one of me at my heaviest. I found it in a file marked when you are ready. I honestly had forgotten it was there! If I had looked at it and dwelled on the way I looked then, I never would be knocking on ONEderland's door. It's a lot of hard work every day. But it can be done!


    <<<this is me last week! I am NOW proud of both pictures. The first for showing me how unhealthy I had let my life become and the second for showing me how healthy I am becoming.

    File them away....take them out "when you are ready"

    Ohhh and set up rewards for yourself! I do a present every ten pounds...haircut, new bedding for my room, etc....

    Best of luck to you! You got this!
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    hello and welcome 100 ibs losser. I am also in that boat with you. I started at 324 and want to get to 224 at least. Please dont get discouraged. because let me tell you it is just a bad thing.

    I love to play basketball but the only thing was (beside my weight) I hated the running part so I told myself that I would run (for fun) YA RIGHT. I was one of the people that would run and look up at how far I had to go and that was my down fall. Then I thought about it and said "why do I have to look up?" then I started running and looking down and realized that for me it is easier to run like that. Yes i would look up every now and then but for the most part I would just look down.

    I know that was a little weird but it had a purpose. If you have to loss 100 ibs and you look at that number and that number only you will never want to make that journey. but if you keep your head down and look at the little pounds that you just lost as a chunk out of that jopurney. it helps. Many of people have to loss 100 + ibs and they can still do it because of that goal. just think of it like this. All you need to do is loss 2 IBS a week. and a month from now you will b 8 pounds lighter. 6 months from now 48 ibs lighter and in a year (52 weeks) you will be over your goal.

    You can do this. we can do this. JUST LOOK DOWN!!!

    P.S. I read somewhere that every pound you loss is like taking 10 ibs of pressure off your knees and ankles. also feel free to buddie me if you would like. I hope this helped. It helps me. :bigsmile:
  • JuliePete
    I would be glad to be your friend and share encouragement! I think as women we have a tendency to be harder on ourselves for how we look (real or perceived). Add me as a friend and open your food diary to your friends, and they will help to keep you accountable and also to give you the encouragement you need!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Don't get discouraged; that way lies failure. Definitely set yourself up some mini-goals. Everything is easier when you look at it in smaller pieces. Set those goals with some concrete rewards that will make you happy (NOT food-related, of course): a pedicure, a new blouse, an expensive haircut, some running/exercise gear when you're ready for it, etc.. Those mini-goals will give you something much closer and more tangible to strive for and reaching them will help to keep you motivated.

    I only had 20 pounds to lose but 7 months ago I honestly wasn't sure if I could do it especially as I kept hitting plateaus. I kept switching things up, upping my exercise routine and kept busting those plateaus. I'm now so close to my goal weight I can almost smell it but I'm not even sure I'll stop there.

    A year from now, if you keep working at it, you'll be at your goal weight and so happy that you made the decision to start NOW.
  • KickinBooty
    Ugh I hate that feeling. Don't be discouraged. I don't like my picture taken either. It's not fun to look at a picture and feel embarassed and like on dislikes one's own body and self. It leads to a lot of self-loathing. Try finding one picture you like that you look and felt happy in. Use that picture to inspire you to find that person and appreciate all she has to offer.
  • ratcuddler
    Thanks everyone, I'm still very nervous, but I'm starting to get a bit more hopeful. The rewads with the mini goals is a good idea. I hadn't though abput them yet.
  • JaimeBrown5
    Perhaps think of it this way - if you DON'T make the changes, what's the alternative? Gaining more? Health problems? Dreading yourself in pictures even more? For the small sacrifices you have to make, you'll end up ahead, even if it is only a little a time. A little is better than nothing. Take a deep breath, make a plan,and work on your goals!