HCG - another too good to be true diet?

have seen a few heated posts about this and wondered what happens when a person stops taking the drops?? And do people do this without the accompanying RLCD (ridiculously low calorie diet)??


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    nothing will happen because the drops don't do a thing, even the injections of HCG (which are RX) were found to do nothing.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I know several people who lost tons of weight on it and gained it right back and then some as soon as they stopped. I don't ever want to do it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What will happen if you start eating normal again is you will put weight back on because your metabolism will be slower than it was prior to the diet, as during the diet you lose a lot of muscle.

    There is one person in this thread that lost 28 lbs, but more than half came from lean mass (muscle) while losing weight you will lose some muscle, but to lose more than half your loss not be due to fat loss is an extreme waste of time and effort.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Most likely the weight gets gained soon after the drops stop. I have a neighbor that did it and only kept 5lbs off, the rest of the weight she lost she slowly gained back. She also said she wasn't hungry cuz the drops but still wanted to eat cuz it was routine.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    good friend of mine did a course of this diet with his wife, both lost nearly 50 lbs, but I doubt it had anything to do with the drops. More with the 500 calorie diet and then having only apples to eat for a day if you screw up.

    I was at the verge of trying this before I cracked down and just started using this site. My problem with it, is how does this diet teach you to eat properly to maintain your newly found weight?

    Good luck with your choice.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    A lot of people gain back double what they lost. "Protocal" is for them to follow a 1,500 calorie diet for 3 weeks after they stop the drops where they can eat anything they want excluding breads, sugars, pastas, etc.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    that's the right question to ask.

    On MFP we're (hopefully) looking for long term, lifestyle changes to help us become healthy and happy, not for weight loss at all costs. that being the case, do we want to choose what we all must recognize is a rather extreme weight loss method?

    I know some HCG programs have a "weening" process, but you must ask yourself this, would you rather follow a plan that teaches you how to eat right and exercise for life, a plan that doesn't overly stress your body, a plan that gives your body time to adjust to changes? Or would you rather use a plan that puts a foreign substance of dubious chemical success (at best) into your body, open your body up to serious immune system complications, drop weight at a precipitous rate creating odd situations including (but not limited to) anemia, wild mood swings, fatigue, muscle canabalization, bone loss, possible depression, head aches, and serious complications brought on by various vitamin deficiencies. And then when you're done, you have to learn how to eat healthy again anyway.

    Those are the questions I ask people when they ask me about HCG.
  • ttrttrttr
    To me the HCG diet is a hormone that tricks your body into making anorexia ok. I know lots of people it worked for but yes in the end the weight either all came back or is slowly returning. Any diet that cuts you to that many calories is not safe. Plus if you have enough will power to eat that few of calories just stick to eating 1200 a day and lose the weight the healthy way.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Great answers - for the record no way am I considering this - if i had to stick to 500 calories a day I might lose a few pounds but I think I would lose the will to live first!
  • paper_doll_
    if i had to stick to 500 calories a day I might lose a few pounds but I think I would lose the will to live first!

    Me too!!
  • Iwillshyne
    I dont think the drops work at all. I think the weight lost comes from being on a 500 cal per day diet. The drops are more of a placebo, in my opinion....
    One of my clients lost 150 lbs In a year on the hgc diet. She spent $300 a month on the drops and ate only 500 cals a day.
    But she lost too much way too fast. Her skin is hanging because she never excercised. And when she stopped taking the drops and tried to go back to eating more than 500 cal, she started to gain again. She regrets it, poor thing. She says she has no idea how to maintain the weight lost and now she has to learn how to eat a healthy amount of food--she says it's amost like she's getting over an eating disorder....sad.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I know of those who have done this diet as the first step in the process of losing weight and being healthy. Its the "kick start" they needed to feel like they could lose the weight. As far as I know, if you look at it as a life change, and change your eating habits, you end up eating like everyone on this site does, making healthier choices and not over eating. The weight comes off, and stays off so long as that is your determination. No diet, not matter how good it sounds will work if you don't make life long changes once the weight is gone...

    There are all kinds of opinions about this diet and lots of others, the best thing to do is research any thing you are considering with an open mind and make a choice based on what you want and what you are willing to do and ultimately change to get there and stay there.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    nothing will happen because the drops don't do a thing, even the injections of HCG (which are RX) were found to do nothing.

    Well... there is the possibility of re-feeding syndrome if the 'diet' is suddenly stopped.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    nothing will happen because the drops don't do a thing, even the injections of HCG (which are RX) were found to do nothing.

    Well... there is the possibility of re-feeding syndrome if the 'diet' is suddenly stopped.

    that is due to a change in caloric intake, stopping the actual drops won't do a thing, since they don't do anything.

    Hucksters proclaim the drops actually are magical and that's why you lose weight, when of course it's only eating 500cals a day that makes you lose weight
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    Listen to Acg67. :)

    Snake oil is snake oil. The drops do nothing, it's been proven. Weight loss happens in HCG cases because of a sudden lack of surplus calories, that's the only reason. This diet is not sustainable, healthy, or affordable. Homeopathic (anything) is a waste of time and money for the consumer and has been debunked time and time again.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I dont think the drops work at all. I think the weight lost comes from being on a 500 cal per day diet. The drops are more of a placebo, in my opinion....
    One of my clients lost 150 lbs In a year on the hgc diet. She spent $300 a month on the drops and ate only 500 cals a day.
    But she lost too much way too fast. Her skin is hanging because she never excercised. And when she stopped taking the drops and tried to go back to eating more than 500 cal, she started to gain again. She regrets it, poor thing. She says she has no idea how to maintain the weight lost and now she has to learn how to eat a healthy amount of food--she says it's amost like she's getting over an eating disorder....sad.

    Agreed! Don't fall into this trap!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    What will happen if you start eating normal again is you will put weight back on because your metabolism will be slower than it was prior to the diet, as during the diet you lose a lot of muscle.

    There is one person in this thread that lost 28 lbs, but more than half came from lean mass (muscle) while losing weight you will lose some muscle, but to lose more than half your loss not be due to fat loss is an extreme waste of time and effort.

    Serious question here.
    How can you tell if you are losing muscle or fat?
  • alaskan_blue
    There were about half a dozen people at my job who went on it. Now, don't get me wrong, they all lost weight in a short amount of time. I believe everyone was on it for a minimum of a month and a couple were on it for 60 days. I don't think any of them lost less than 20 lbs. The problem is, the hormone was a joke in my opinion since they weren't allowed to eat more than 500 calories on a "low" day and no more than 650 on a "high" day.

    With that kind of insane (and unhealthy) calorie restriction ANYONE would lose several pounds in that short amount of time. I've heard many people defend it and claim that doctors supervise them but I think any doctor that endorses this "diet" should be ashamed of themselves.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    What will happen if you start eating normal again is you will put weight back on because your metabolism will be slower than it was prior to the diet, as during the diet you lose a lot of muscle.

    There is one person in this thread that lost 28 lbs, but more than half came from lean mass (muscle) while losing weight you will lose some muscle, but to lose more than half your loss not be due to fat loss is an extreme waste of time and effort.

    Serious question here.
    How can you tell if you are losing muscle or fat?

    that's a good question, and the reality of the answer is, in a day to day situation, you really can't tell. Over the course of weeks or more likely months, you can take the difference of 2 body fat tests, but other than that it's very difficult to tell. That's one of the big problems with nutrition, because the body is so efficient at just about everything, it's very tough to tell when you're doing something wrong. It's why doctors specialize, there's just to much going on for 1 doctor to know everything about the body.

    The only thing you can do is arm yourself with knowledge. In this case an understanding that the human body will fight back against starvation in the best way it knows how. That means it'll try to cut down on extra energy needs, it'll do this by slowing down bodily function, storing every last bit of energy as fat that it can, and burning muscle mass when it deems that mass not necessary. If your deficit is big enough that your body can't compensate for it by using glycogen stores, then these things start happening.
    Add to that that it's virtually impossible to receive enough micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to keep you healthy with 500 to 650 calories a day, even with supplements, and you're really setting yourself up for trouble.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Lately it seems like we're getting one, sometimes two, HCG posts a day. Makes me wish we had a sticky linking to the scientific studies debunking this diet, along with the threads documenting the hazards of it.

    Not that anyone would bother to read it, but a girl can dream..................:grumble: