Cereals with low sugar.



  • Oh man I didnt know that Crispix had that low amount of sugar! YES! Also, since this is my first day on my diet and I only had a chance to look at my "healthy" cereals I didnt realize which ones were. Thanks for the suggestions so far.
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Just get something that is not sweetened... Like Fiber One. Mmmmm fiber.

    Surprisingly enough the grocery stores put all cereals in one spot... You could go and look at the nutritional labels.

    OMG Who knew they put allll those cereals in one place. Maybe the OP should open each box and try them too? He wants to know everyones favorite cereal that tastes good, not just which are low in sugar.
  • Meg2012
    Meg2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Here's a tip: Pick any plain cereal you like. Any of them, the unsweetened ones. Use a packet of sugar, like you would if you bought coffee out & about. They are usually 2 to 4 grams of sugar.

    You can even experiment... That kashi you mentioned... You would never put 5 packets of sugar in any bowl of cereal and expect it to taste good, right? So it becomes easier to just get plain old Special K, or Total flakes and add one packet if you want it sweeter.

    But stick to the pre-packaged packets. It's built in portion control.

    Also look at the fiber to sugar ratio. Eat stuff that has more fiber than sugar, and you'll likely be good & satisfied!
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    Kashi Berry Blossoms 7g
    Honey Bunches of Oats 6g
    Total Whole Grain 5g

    ShopWell.com is a great website that allows you to search and compare a lot of grocery items nutritional info from the comfort of your home. I use that site a lot!
  • CoachNYLA
    CoachNYLA Posts: 129
    My dietician said I need to find cereals with 9 grams or less of sugar per serving. I have been eating Kashi Go Lean Crunch only to find out it has 15g of sugar. I had no idea how much sugar normal cereals had till I started looking. So what are yalls fav cereals that dont taste like crap?

    Kashi has a brand with no sugar added and it is just the puffed grains. Also, beware of cereals that are made with flour. I don't know about you but I can totally binge on a bowls of cereal and a 1/2 gallon of cold milk.

    If you are like me, cereals can be a set up especially having it in the house and snacking on a several bowls at night when you are hungry and vulnerable.

    Lastly, using unsweetened almond milk instead of milk can help with blood sugar as well.

    I have a Mom who is diabetic and I had her change up some things and now she does not need to take meds. Her food plan totally straightened the deal out and her blood sugar is stable.

    P.S. If you are prone to food addiction / compulsive eating, make sure you have a nutritionist that can specialize in that. If you have someone telling you to just have one of this and control this and that etc., they don't get it and can waste your money, time and health. Just from experience. A sugar, wheat and flour free food plan is the treament for foodies with cravings. FYI.

    I had a licensed dietician tell me that if I had a client who was alcoholic, only allow them to have 5 oz. of alcohol a day!!!! Now what is wrong with that picture. :-/

  • P.S. If you are prone to food addiction / compulsive eating, make sure you have a nutritionist that can specialize in that. If you have someone telling you to just have one of this and control this and that etc., they don't get it and can waste your money, time and health. Just from experience. A sugar, wheat and flour free food plan is the treament for foodies with cravings. FYI.

    I had a licensed dietician tell me that if I had a client who was alcoholic, only allow them to have 5 oz. of alcohol a day!!!! Now what is wrong with that picture. :-/

    Good thing is I work at Apple and I have one on site that my insurance pays for and she taylors plans based on the client or how I want to do it. I told her having a "set" meal plan written out will help give me an idea of what I can and how much I can eat. I also totally love cereal and I do eat it late at night but I threw away all my cereals last night because all of them were high in sugar. Now I have measuring cup so I know exactly how many servings I am eating.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Of the Kashi cereals I only eat the regular Go Lean because it has the least sugar. Another one is Fiber One. But I pretty much stopped eating cereal altogether because they're just not that nutritionally sound. I hate that an hour after I eat a bowl I am shaky and starving. I just try to stick with higher protein things and not just carbs to keep my blood sugar stable.
  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    great thread...I will have to read through everything at home later.
  • Is there a particular reason why the dietitian recommended you find cereals with 9g or less of sugar per serving? Also, keep in mind that a cup of milk that goes with your bowl of cereal, by itself, will have about 12-13g of sugar alone.
    My dietician said I need to find cereals with 9 grams or less of sugar per serving. I have been eating Kashi Go Lean Crunch only to find out it has 15g of sugar. I had no idea how much sugar normal cereals had till I started looking. So what are yalls fav cereals that dont taste like crap?
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    Fiber one cereal, the 80 calorie one. Very low in sugar.

    they're amazing!!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    It’s not always about taste, ya know. It’s about being healthy. You have to pick what’s more important to you. I eat Fiber One with fruit & vanilla soy milk when I have cereal. Like I said, it’s your choice…, chose wisely.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Shredded wheat. But I think I'm one of maybe three people on the planet that actually LOVE shredded wheat.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I like Trader Joe's low fat blueberry muesli. Pretty much any muesli is low sugar. I ate a lot of muesli on vacation (mixed into high protein, low fat yogurt) and it always gave me a ton of energy and kept me full while going hiking and on various adventures.
  • Is there a particular reason why the dietitian recommended you find cereals with 9g or less of sugar per serving? Also, keep in mind that a cup of milk that goes with your bowl of cereal, by itself, will have about 12-13g of sugar alone.

    I think she just wants me to keep my sugar intake down. I dont have any health issues that would cause her to say that.
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    Honeycombs lol
  • yary317
    yary317 Posts: 32
    Oat Cluster Cheerios Crunch! 8g of sugar, 100 calories per serving!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Weetbix and porridge are my breakfasts of choice at the moment. Super low in sugar and stick to your ribs filling!
  • Special K protein plus!!!! only 2 grams of sugar and fills you up! 10 grams of protein per 3/4 cup! i eat with some fat free sugar free flavored yogurt for a breakfast that keeps me full all day!+ only 100 cals per serving!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Is there a particular reason why the dietitian recommended you find cereals with 9g or less of sugar per serving? Also, keep in mind that a cup of milk that goes with your bowl of cereal, by itself, will have about 12-13g of sugar alone.

    I think she just wants me to keep my sugar intake down. I dont have any health issues that would cause her to say that.

    There's a book I just read - Sweet Poison - it argues that eating sugar is like eating fat but worse.

    A brief summation of the thesis of the book is as follows:

    Regular table sugar (sucrose) is a fructose molecule bound to a glucose molecule. In the digestive system, fructose and glucose are released from sucrose. And large amounts of high fructose corn syrup are used in the US, supplying fructose to the body directly. Fructose is turned straight to fat. But the body has no satiety system for fructose like it has for fat, as prior to 100-200 years ago fructose was exceedingly rare in the human diet. So you can eat sugar, clog your arteries and put on weight, and not even feel full. At least if you eat the fat directly, you will feel too stuffed to eat more after a while.

    I am trying to cut the sugar down myself. But it's so hard - it's everywhere!
  • Is there a particular reason why the dietitian recommended you find cereals with 9g or less of sugar per serving? Also, keep in mind that a cup of milk that goes with your bowl of cereal, by itself, will have about 12-13g of sugar alone.

    I think she just wants me to keep my sugar intake down. I dont have any health issues that would cause her to say that.

    There's a book I just read - Sweet Poison - it argues that eating sugar is like eating fat but worse.

    A brief summation of the thesis of the book is as follows:

    Regular table sugar (sucrose) is a fructose molecule bound to a glucose molecule. In the digestive system, fructose and glucose are released from sucrose. And large amounts of high fructose corn syrup are used in the US, supplying fructose to the body directly. Fructose is turned straight to fat. But the body has no satiety system for fructose like it has for fat, as prior to 100-200 years ago fructose was exceedingly rare in the human diet. So you can eat sugar, clog your arteries and put on weight, and not even feel full. At least if you eat the fat directly, you will feel too stuffed to eat more after a while.

    I am trying to cut the sugar down myself. But it's so hard - it's everywhere!

    It goes much farther than that. Sugar of all types triggers insulin spikes after ingestion. Insulin is one of the most powerful appetite stimulants. This is one reason why low carb diets often eat much less calories in a day the prior to the switch, even though they are eating tonnes of high calorie fats.

    Eat a serving of carbs = insulin response within 60 minutes = appetite spike = eat more carbs

    For insulin dependent diabetics following the carb guidelines of eating 6 to 8 servings a day, this process sometimes looks like this.

    Eat a serving of carbs = blood sugar spikes = take your insulin = get hungry = eat again = cycle continues....,

    No diabetic ever got off insulin by increasing carbs and reducing protein and fat.

    its not just sugar that works this way, it is ALL carbs but fibre.

    Another issue is starch. Starch is not counted as sugar on food labels, but it is a sugar. So it gets a free ride on the labels yet hits your body the same as any other sugar.

    So you are right, eating sugar does not feedback and make you feel full like eating fat and protein does. In fact, its worse, it actually increases appetite so that you eat again.

    The beauty of this is nobody has to take my word for it. The fact that insulin stimulates appetite and that eating sugar and starch and carbs causes an insulin response is widely understood and promoted even by carb enthusiasts.

    To me, that is the whole irony of our current nutrition dogma conundrum. There is no debate whatsoever this well understood medical process occurs in all disease free human beings. carb=insulin response=increased apetite, and fat=no insulin response+feeling of satiety. It is almost as though our bodies are designed to use and be satisfied by fat, or to eat pasta until we explode. Go figure.

    BTW, here is a link to insulin at drugs.com, please note that every single form of insulin lists the side affect of unusual hunger.