

  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I'll have to check some of these shakes out.

    I am starting Level 2 today. I am a bit nervous, but I am ready to move on. I do feel stronger, however, and finally able to do those bicycle crunches.

    You too! Man I am on day 7 today of L1 and I think as of day 4 I was able to finally get through all the bicycle crunches without stopping...Best of luck on L2...I start Friday on L2. I must say I do feel a lot stronger. I can also do a few more push-up (woman's of course) than I could when I first began. I could only do like 5 before stopping. Now I can do 15, maybe by the end of L1, I will be able to do like 20-25??
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I'll have to check some of these shakes out.

    I am starting Level 2 today. I am a bit nervous, but I am ready to move on. I do feel stronger, however, and finally able to do those bicycle crunches.

    You too! Man I am on day 7 today of L1 and I think as of day 4 I was able to finally get through all the bicycle crunches without stopping...Best of luck on L2...I start Friday on L2. I must say I do feel a lot stronger. I can also do a few more push-up (woman's of course) than I could when I first began. I could only do like 5 before stopping. Now I can do 15, maybe by the end of L1, I will be able to do like 20-25??

    yeah, I am able to do 20 push ups now. Those crunches are KILLER! Good job! I don't really see a difference in my waist line, but I am ok with that for now since I feel the difference in my muscles. Hopefully I will see more of a difference in measurements in Level 2.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    you are all doing GREAT!! :)
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    Day 6 here! I can do push ups the entire time now. I didn't think I'd get there really. And I'm starting to do the Natalie versions too. Woo!

    I haven't really lost any weight though. It's been a little tough for that b/c my family has 3 birthdays this week and that means 3 birthday dinners and 3 cakes. :noway: I only had a tiny piece of cake tonight though.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Just did level 2 and it was rough. I was feeling so tough after level 1, it put me in check!
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Level 2 day 2 done. Q
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I have this indicator of when I'm gaining/losing when I am trying to stay away from the scale.

    Its the little pouch under my belly/above my waist... there are times where its flat and all one flat stomach (not like skinny trust me i dont have a flat skinny stmach) and then there are times it rolls over and very pouchy/bloated/fat. Well after sticking to working out lately and eating right its getting flat! No more rolling over, just a little crease. Makes me feel great :)

    One thing I love about 30 day shred is you may not alwayhs see lbs drop but your pants get lose and stomach gets lean!

    Finished Day 3 level 1 last night, day 4 tonight!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Just did level 2 and it was rough. I was feeling so tough after level 1, it put me in check!

    hahaha I know what you mean- wait till level 3!!! :x

    thats why this second time around doing this dvd, I am going to enjoy my 7 days of level 1 before the torture begins!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Monica, you are so right. I am on day 8 tonight of L1... I feel great, notso much sore anymore. I am definitely losing inches, feeling stronger. I am so scared of starting L2 on Friday after successfully completing L1 on Thursday :-/
    I haven't even been to the gym, but that will change. I am going to run the treadmill either Wednesday or Thursday and gotta get my spin class in Saturday morning. I am marking the days off my calendar and this is the first time I've stuck to ONE DVD this long...I can't believe it!
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    One thing I love about 30 day shred is you may not alwayhs see lbs drop but your pants get lose and stomach gets lean!

    Boy, you are absolutely right! My Dh dried my favorite jeans in the dryer the other day and I thought "Oh great, now I'll have to squeeze into them." But I put them on today, zipped them up and had room to spare! I was shocked and so happy!

    Alibreasy - we can start L2 together on Fri. :noway:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Just finished up day 3 of level 1. I made it to day 4 a few weeks ago and then got the flu :(
    Looking forward to finishing this time.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Just finished up day 3 of level 1. I made it to day 4 a few weeks ago and then got the flu :(
    Looking forward to finishing this time.

    Welcome back!! :) I had to take a small hiatus too
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I will add my measurements I am just starting day 3 of Shred this time I am going to stick with it my challenge, I love classes at my gym home workouts usually bore me but knowing you all are out there I will stay strong!
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I will add my measurements I am just starting day 3 of Shred this time I am going to stick with it my challenge, I love classes at my gym home workouts usually bore me but knowing you all are out there I will stay strong!

    Glad to see you on here!!! I am still doing my gym workouts as well but trying to do both the best I can! :0 xoxoxo
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Finished Day 4 of level 1 last night and feeling good, finally got around to taking my measurements, even though they are scary i am not ashamed as I am determined to make a difference. I measured myself at night so may not be that accurate as my trainer always says to do it on an empty stomach first thing in the am b ut looking forward to seeing some changes!!!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    One thing I love about 30 day shred is you may not alwayhs see lbs drop but your pants get lose and stomach gets lean!

    Boy, you are absolutely right! My Dh dried my favorite jeans in the dryer the other day and I thought "Oh great, now I'll have to squeeze into them." But I put them on today, zipped them up and had room to spare! I was shocked and so happy!

    Alibreasy - we can start L2 together on Fri. :noway:

    Looking forward to you starting L2 with me! Not looking forward to starting L2:frown:
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    One thing I love about 30 day shred is you may not alwayhs see lbs drop but your pants get lose and stomach gets lean!

    Boy, you are absolutely right! My Dh dried my favorite jeans in the dryer the other day and I thought "Oh great, now I'll have to squeeze into them." But I put them on today, zipped them up and had room to spare! I was shocked and so happy!

    Alibreasy - we can start L2 together on Fri. :noway:

    I'll be starting level 2 on friday as well :)
    Looking forward to you starting L2 with me! Not looking forward to starting L2:frown:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Ok Day 5 for me and I am just not feeling like working out :(
    My son kept me up most of the night so I am dead tired!
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Level 2 is torture but it hurts so good. I was looking at my before pics last night and the transformation is amazing. I'm halfway there and can't wait to see how I look after 30. Today is Level 2 day 5. Q
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Okay you guys...last night was Day 9 of L1, tonight is the last day for L1 gonna give it my all...I am so scurrrrreddddd of L2...but I do have and NSV to report. I measured myself on Day 1 of 30DS and just so happened to measure myself again last night. I've lost 4.25 inches yall! Hip Hip Hooray! And when a sister began I could only do about 5-8 woman I do 25 woman push-ups with great form...hoping real soon to be able to at least try a few men push up...we shall see :-/