Anyone conquer a fatty-liver?

My husband is 26 and just diagnosed with fatty-liver. (Too young.) We're focusing on weight-loss and cutting back on alcohol for him, but I really don't feel 100% confident that we're going about this the right way. I've been making sure he's eating well now (no processed junk, all whole grain carbs, veggies, low-fat proteins, cut out alcohol during the week with the exception of a few drinks on the weekend...) but I just don't feel confident that we're covering all the bases. If anyone out there has had experience with this, can you help me out? He is about 25lbs overweight, and has been a heavier drinker than the average, but no more so than most of our friends also in their mid-twenties. THANK YOU!!


  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Drink water. I just read this:

    You are asking a good question. How do you recover from fatty liver? I think that eliminating alcohol is essential, and the lifestyle changes you are planning. The good news that you are young enough to recover from anything. The best time to get up on the wagon is now.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I have too much belly fat... docs don't know for sure (about liver)... already have colon problems, trying to fix that
  • KindleBlossom
    If alcohol abuse isn't the problem, fatty liver can be caused by a metabolic dysfunction, too, like hypertension or diabetes, or even hepatitis or an inflamed bowel. I would say to speak more with your doctor about your concerns, and perhaps he can refer you guys to a nutritionist that will help you sort through all the information and navigate long- term treatment options. Nutritionists are awesome. :) Good luck, and hang in there!
  • Barbeliza
    Barbeliza Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - There is a lot you and he can do. I would recommend you find a really experienced natural health practitioner to complement his regular medical care. Try Dr. Andrew Weil's website for information. Some folks believe a raw food diet is the best, but you need to read up and work with someone who is experienced. Also, look into a Chinese herbal practitioner. Good luck.
  • CashKitty
    I also have an issue with a fatty liver. My doctor told me that there is no magic diet that will reduce this. The only thing that will, is exercise, exercise, exercise. So onward I trudge.
  • elcorcoran
    Thanks so much to everyone who has responded. We'll be looking into everything we can.