alcoholics, you've got a friend



  • koneill
    koneill Posts: 26
    Am I replying right? Yeah, I love wine and I manage 2 days a week now not drinking. I'm working up to 3 days! That is also the main reason I gained weight. So yeah, you're not alone. I even stopped logging on weekends, it's just too many calories!
  • onebigbutt
    You all are so awesome! I hope any and all of you will friend me. I don't know for sure where I stand with all of this. I am now posting what I drink, but whether or not I'm ready to quit completely? I just don't know. I'm retired and live by myself, so I'm not hurting anyone, except myself. I tend to be a "binge" drinker. I don't go to bars or party or anything. Ok.... so yeah, I'm probably just making excuses, but there ya go. It's a no win.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've never been an alcoholic but I just finished college.. and sometimes during college, you feel like an alcoholic.

    Once I graduated though and I got away from the drink drink drink lifestyle, I found that I didn't really want alcohol except on certain occasions like a birthday or when I was celebrating something.

    I'd suggest going to AA.. best part is you can stay anonymous is you want.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    My partner has been in recovery from alcoholism for over a year now. He still struggles with the desire to drink, but it's very slowly getting easier for him. Recognising you have a problem is the first step - but there are a lot more steps along the road - you just need to keep on putting one foot in front of the other.

    My partner goes to AA - it helps him a lot being around others who are trying to stay sober. If you can take the religiousity of it (not everyone can), it could be a way to go.

    Also, if you have a bust or a binge - I always tell my partner when he occasionally has a bust, that if quitting alcohol was so easy, no one would be an alcoholic! Learn from it and what triggered it, so you can stop it happening again.

    And hugs! I see my partner struggle and it makes me sad. I wish I could make his alcoholism magically go away, but he will have to fight this battle himself. Know that there are many others fighting the same fight, and you are not alone.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    I sent you a friend request. :-) I also love to have a few (or 6) drinks occasionally, so far I've been good at logging all of it.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    finally, I group that I fit into :)
  • onebigbutt

    Thanks babe! Your partner is very lucky to have you in his life!!!