Hi, I'm new here! Plus a motivation idea! :)

Hey! Im 20 years old, 173 cm tall and I have a bit more than 56 kg! However, my weight goal is 50 kg! :) So I have to lose about 13 pounds.
I know somebody will think that I shouldn't lose weight, but I've had 50 kg, and that way I felt healthier, and more beautiful, and I think that everybody needs a support no matter how much weight they want to lose! Plus it's easier for me to be on a diet when I know that there are other people who are dieting, and maybe I'll get some support and ideas from them.

I will give you a motivation idea that worked for me!
Get a photo of a model, or your inspiration, or yourself when you were thinner, and make it a wallpaper on your phone and desktop. That may stop you from emotional eating when you're bored. :)

Also, what I realised is, you should never starve yourself. I tried it so many times... It NEVER worked, it left me feel miserable and i started obsessing with food and weight loss.
The key is in moderation... I hate seeing all those diets that restrict food like yoghurt and fruit, I think that's just crazy and stupid, as those are very healthy foods... You didn't get weight because you ate fruit.

I think that making healthy choices is way better than restricting the whole groups of food. For example, when you are craving pasta, just make it smarter, use whole grain pasta with tomato sauce and vegetables! It's yummy and it's not as bad as carbonara for example.

Also, does anybody have a tip how to lose the muffin top?

Anyway, I wish everybody a successful weight loss! :))


  • EbonyHKQ
    EbonyHKQ Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Natasha, thanks for that - it really helped me this morning.

    I have tried all types of diets, from the low carb, cabagge, maple syrup to fruit only diets and whilst I lose the weight, I think we all know that the minute I start eating regularly I put the weight back on (plus more!!!)

    I have decided to give the better eating option plus exercise a go and see what happens.

    I am currently 13.4st (approx 187 lbs) and I want to get down to 10.4st (approx 145 lbs) for 3st (38 lbs to lose) WOW, long way to go but I will make it and so will you.

    Good luck all
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    Hi EbonyHKQ!

    OMG, me too, I tried everything, from maple syrup to just about anything else, and nothing really worked!

    I support your decision to start eating healthier, making better choices... For example, my biggest mistake before was, when I'm dieting, if I just take a small piece of chocolate or muffin I thought that everything was ruined for that day, so I continued overeating until I feel sick, and I started over the next morning. Of course, it made me gain more weight than I had before I started dieting. I was very strict to myself, and I really want to stop doing that, I mean, life would be miserable without little things like a small chocolate bar or cream in my coffee!

    Maybe we should just stop doing things that made us gain weight in the first place, like overeating and skipping breakfast etc.
    And just give yourself plenty of time, for example I'm trying to lose 13 pounds until January!

    Happy slimming to you and everybody else!
  • cazyll
    cazyll Posts: 184
    Great post, I'm like you I "only" have about 20lbs to loose, and you have people saying there's nothing wrong with you, but I know I'm overweight according to my BMI. I'm only 5'2 so every pound counts on my small frame.

    Thats a really good idea about having a picture some where. I have a picture of myself from about 6 years ago that i'm going to use.

    Good luck on your journey, add me if you like :)
  • mlgaut
    mlgaut Posts: 2
    Hey girl to lose that muffin top do side crunches on both sides, make sure you do an even amount on each. Also stand up, feet together, grab weights if you would like, then just lean. Do 15 on one sides then 15 on the next... When doing either of these key is to suck in your stomach and tighten your abs.
  • kmc0129
    kmc0129 Posts: 15 Member
    I like this post, it makes sense. I have more to lose than you but the same problems as you mentioned. I just have to get my head wrapped around the word "moderation" haha.