New and could use friends :)

Hello. I'm brand new. I've never really tried a diet like this before (not counting ones that were thrown out the window the first time I ran across someone offering ice cream) and I'd really appreciate it if anyone wanted to be friends on here with me. I think it would encourage me to try better. I'm 24 and in college and love stupid jokes. So... Hi. :)


  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me if you like, i will be happy to offer support for you as i often need a kick up the rear end sometimes too X
  • eniamsaj
    eniamsaj Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I just started too & this is my first time going on an official diet - maybe we can encourage each other to keep dieting! I just turned 23 & I'm in grad school. Add me if you like!
  • joyousjoyce
    joyousjoyce Posts: 6 Member
    Joke: Why did the tomato blush?
    Answer: It saw the salad dressing!

    X) I don't really have any friends here, add me if you'd like! I figure the more active with my account the more it will encourage me to maintain my mindfulness about health!
  • @julietsingleton:

    Unfortunately, I probably will. xD But I promise to try. And thank you!


    Oh, awesome. We can be newbies together. I'd love to add you.


    Ha, nice! <3 I really do love stupid jokes. And I'm going to add you. I feel the same way about the more people, the more I might be able to hang onto this goal.
  • Hi, I'm new to this also.. and really think I would be more motivated if I were to lose weight while making friends with people in the same situation as me. So please feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Thank you, Lulu :) I'd love to add you. The more the better. And good luck to both of us!
  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    hey there, im new at this too, well kinda week 3, my first official diet too, was studying and packed on 15kgs over a year, so now im on a break till feb and im on a mission
  • Ooh, I hope I make it to week 3. Sad, I know, but my little attempts never last that long. I understand the studying and not paying attention. My only good (bad?) thing with my college is I have to go up some 200 stairs to get to classes. xD
  • SneakyTam
    SneakyTam Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck on your mission

    Happy to be added by anyone... the more the merrier : ) and the more likely I will stick to it