Insanity- Who's with me??


Some friends and I are starting insanity this week. We wanted to be able to support each other while we do and actually stick with it!!! Everyone is starting on a different day for schedule purposes of wanting different off days. If you want in just let us know. We are going to be able to kick *kitten*!!!!


  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Hello there, this is funny, as I had decided to do an insanity week from yesterday as I am going away on a nice trip next weekend. I'd love to join you :)

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  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    I would love to join you just started today did the fit test this morning.
  • dardell77
    dardell77 Posts: 8 Member

    I'm going to start it up tomorrow! I hope it helps we drop this baby weight once and for all!!
  • Lindlee2
    Lindlee2 Posts: 29 Member
    My husband and I started our second week of Insanity! It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done, but feeling stronger everyday. I sweat like I never have before.
  • lk149504
    lk149504 Posts: 82 Member
    I am so happy that some people also want to do it!! If you want we could check in here and just say how we are doing and give encouragement. I really want to stick with it and finish the whole 2 months!!! I just did the fit test today and really tried to push myself!! Here's to day 2 tomorrow!!
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    Hi Guys,

    Just finish Plyometric Cardio Circuit and I can honestly say I have never sweat like that in my life, right until I got to the basketball drills I though this is ok actually, then that last circuit almost killed me. It will be tough but well worth it!

    Hope everyone has a good day x
  • lk149504
    lk149504 Posts: 82 Member
    I totally agree with you!! I did the same one today and felt like I could die. I just keep telling myself its only 2 months, its only 2 months!!
  • My husband and I are starting it tomorrow! I'm glad to see others starting around the same time!
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    So completed Cardio Power and Resistance hard workout, how is everyone else getting on?
  • Holy Moly! The fit test killed me! Gonna have to really push myself!
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    I was going to start it this week too, so I will be happy to join all of you. I did it for one month in May, and then pulled a muscle in my back because of my feisty 2 year old, so I took the week off to recover and then never started back. I have done a few of the dvds on a few different occasions, but I am going to start it again. I WILL finish the whole program this time :)
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    You will be amazed by the results in only the first 2 weeks.
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Also, anyone who is particiaping, feel free to add me as a friend for some extra support :)
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm on day one of week seven. For those of you who are just starting, my advice is to stick with it and do the best you can, but PUSH YOURSELF. The first half preps you for the BRUTAL second half. Weeks 6-9 are where the name insanity truly comes from. I now long for the easy workouts of weeks 1-4!
  • Hey I would love to start I have started now 5 times but run out of steam or motivation to finish the whole thing! I was looking for a group like this I think it would be amazing!
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    Hey guys, I'm in too! I did the fitness test yesterday and session one today. Can I just say that even Jillian Michaels hasnt made me sweat half as much! It seriously took over an hour for the redness on my face to disappear and although I dont have a HRM, I measured my HR throughout and maintained around 85%. I've taken my before pics and am looking forward to seeing the 'afters' :)
  • lk149504
    lk149504 Posts: 82 Member
    I am glad to see more people have joined in!!! The more the merrier! I just finished the cardio and power resistance and it was difficult!! My body is very sore today. I am hoping that I can power through and get up and do the next workout!!!
  • I am glad to see more people have joined in!!! The more the merrier! I just finished the cardio and power resistance and it was difficult!! My body is very sore today. I am hoping that I can power through and get up and do the next workout!!!

    You can do it as my old sport coaches would say no pain no gain!!! I still believe by that today its hard but worth it!
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    Hi great to see more people to the group a big welcome to you all. Day 4 for me so will be doing Cardio Recovery, but will have to do this evening as I had guest staying over last night. Will report back once done.

    Hope you all have a good day x
  • lk149504
    lk149504 Posts: 82 Member
    OMG! just finished day 5--Pure Cardio!! And I have NEVER worked out so hard!!!! Is anyone drinking the recovery formula?? Do you think it is worth it?