Hi all - day one of diet and day one on here :)

Having had a pretty rough 4 years my weight has slowly crept up..... Now is the time for me to sort it all out!!! I have started on Diet Chef - to keep me away from the shops and temptation! I am excited and optimistic, bit of a change from diets in the past! So head held high and fingers crossed here we go! would love to have some friends on here to help support me, and vice versa, good luck to u all!


  • Radar66
    Radar66 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck :)
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    I sent a friend request. You can do this!
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    Hi there I have been on diet chef for a week!!! ITS SCRUMMY! Its ashame you have just started, i have one of those £10 off vouchers on my site.
    I have been on every diet under the sun and this one really does appear to be working (we find out tomorrow morning) if you want to stay in touch, add me. It would be nice to have someone on the same diet as me.
    Good luck!!!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi and welcome! You sound motivated and that's great! One thing that I think is helping me finally seeing a realistic goal this time is to NOT think diet! I'm looking forward to a healthy lifestyle change and as soon as you put your mind in that thought process, you will see results :) Think about it: people say I'll go on a diet or I'll start an exercise plan, where subliminally in the back of thier minds, that diet or exercise plan will end. Don't think short-term - plan super healthy meals that will take you the rest of your life - it'll help in the long run... I wish you the best of luck with your journey and you will definitely be supported on here!!