Psychological weight loss rewards?

hello friends

i was there any psychological or personality changes after u lose the weight and

if there were any wat are they?
i mean wat are the psychological and personality positive rewards of weight loss?

thx for reading


  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Just being able to say I freakin did it! Many in my family continue to eat crappy dispite heath problems which could be solved with a lifestyle change. I now know that I CAN lose weight, it's not my genes, I'm not just big boned, and yes it is possible for someone in my family to be below 30% body fat
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I used to have really bad depression and anxiety, my dr gave me a lot of pills but I decided that I did not want to be dependant on pills anymore. So I was looking up stuff online and found out that working out is one way that can make me very happy and reduce my anxiety.

    I am on a journey to make myself a new person. I used to be in such a dark place that I do not even know who I was back then anymore, and I love the new changes which this lifestyle has been giving me. I am so much happier with myself - my self esteem, my appearance is improving, I have a lot more energy. I am starting to like the person who I see in the mirror every morning. Nothing could ever replace that.

    I'm not running away from my life anymore, I'm here to enjoy the journey of making myself a new and better person, and to finally enjoy life for once. I am in control of my own destiny, and have just recently realised that I am worth the effort.

    Healthy eating and exercise makes me happy, losing weight is just a bonus.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    There can be loads to name a few Increased self esteem, Increased self worth, Increased Sex Drive...... Really depends on the person
  • kezpot1407
    I know I feel a lot more confident and happier in myself, and its always extra boost when people compliment and say how great you are looking.
    My husband and family have noticed the changes, especially the less frequent mood swings and depression.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I feel as though I can take on the world and win because I'm already winning the toughest battle of all.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I would definitely say increased self esteem and confidence. I am much more confident than I used to be and I 100% love myself and who I am in my skin. :smile:
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I know this is probably too much information, but even with a small weight loss, I am already feeling sexier and happier with my body. And that makes my husband happier ;)
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Even though I am MILES AWAY from my "goal weight", I have physically come miles from where I WAS!!

    After losing only 20 pounds of the possible 80+, I already feel like I've gotten back in the game. Over the weekend I attended a party with women in my age group. When I talked about what I do to workout, they looked at me in shock!
    These women were what I considered to be physically fit and slim, yet were so out of shape that they couldn't even imagine doing half of what I do.

    I also feel MUCH more confident in my clothes and am not so self concious of how I look that it was distracting from what I was supposed to be doing!

    There's a LOT more like not feeling like I stand out in a crowd but rather blend in & am "just like everyone else" instead of the 'freakish fat girl".

    And don't forget the pride you feel in the accomplishment!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I have lost a total of 65lbs, and there is definitely a psychological benefit to losing weight and getting fit. The way I feel about myself has totally changed, although I still have "I feel fat" days, knowing how far I have come and how hard I work every day to stay here gives me a total confidence boost. I just ran a half marathon over the weekend (and I am using any excuse to mention it :) at the finish line I was almost in tears at the realization that in two years I went from someone who could barely walk the 2 mile block around my house to running a half marathon in just over 2 hrs.

    The way I act toward strangers and even toward my husband has totally turned around because of the way I feel about myself.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Every time you see an old picture, try on a smaller pair of jeans (and they fit!!!!), get a compliment, step on that scale and see it went down, toss out old clothes, measure yourself and find you lost an inch, things start to get baggy, last longer running on the treadmill or in some dance class without getting super exhausted early, realize you have more balance or notice you have more energy, do more pushups, realize how happier/healthier you feel or even successfully turn down something bad to eat...

    These all make me proud of myself and excited to see more! They say, I am doing this and look at all that's happened so far! They are a confidence boost, they make you happier, more energetic, reinforce your efforts and just make you feel better. I don't/didn't personally suffer from depression but I do know that I am much happier on average than I used to be.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I used to have really bad depression and anxiety, my dr gave me a lot of pills but I decided that I did not want to be dependant on pills anymore. So I was looking up stuff online and found out that working out is one way that can make me very happy and reduce my anxiety.

    I am on a journey to make myself a new person. I used to be in such a dark place that I do not even know who I was back then anymore, and I love the new changes which this lifestyle has been giving me. I am so much happier with myself - my self esteem, my appearance is improving, I have a lot more energy. I am starting to like the person who I see in the mirror every morning. Nothing could ever replace that.

    I'm not running away from my life anymore, I'm here to enjoy the journey of making myself a new and better person, and to finally enjoy life for once. I am in control of my own destiny, and have just recently realised that I am worth the effort.

    Healthy eating and exercise makes me happy, losing weight is just a bonus.

    Similar to this ^ although probably not quite as severe. I really, really think they should do a world wide study into foods and moods. I mean a proper scientific, mood monitoring, brain scanning, blood monitoring, diet logging study because when I eat relatively cleanly, reducing fat and sugar and upping water, my mood raises. It's a simple as that. I don't even have to incorporate the exercise to notice.

    When I eat bad it's like I'm going around in a general fug and then when I eat better all of a sudden the clouds part and I just feel better. We really are what we eat. Add the exercise in to that and instead of feeling tired after - I've found I start to feel energised instead. Then mix that with the fact that I've more confidence not just in my looks but me as a person, life just gets better all round.