Do you convince yourself you haven't lost weight?

In the mornings when I weigh myself (Yes I am one of those awful once a day weighers) and I see a loss, I subconsciously begin trying to convince myself that it actually isn't loss.

It's ridiculous but I know I have been working hard for the last two weeks to drop weight, and I know I am eating right and exercising. Yet every time I get on the scales I think of an excuse, "Ohh it was hot yesterday, I probably just lost water weight." "Yesterday my hair was wet, today it is dry, that is where I lost 500grams". I think of all these reasons why I couldn't possibly be losing weight.

Am I the only one who does this? Are we undermining ourselves? Is it because we are used to failure that we cannot recognize success?

Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it? Because it's bringing me down.


  • cherrybomb5377
    I only count my losses once they become significant. One pound isn't a loss until it is two pounds for sure. Try only weighing yourself once a week or like my friend does, only count the inches.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I do the same thing. BUT- my clothes are starting to fit differently. I don't see the changes, but I know they're happening. Sometimes- you just have to have some faith- in yourself!

    Honestly, I don't have any advice to stop undermining yourself- unless you want to go with positive affirmations everyday. They may help!

    Good luck! Keep going- you'll start to FEEL the difference!
  • amitcham4
    amitcham4 Posts: 14 Member
    I do the same thing! It is a vicious cycle of thinking...instead I am trying to retrain myself to weigh twice a week and no matter what it says if I have been following the program I refuse to let those numbers define me, well that's what I tell myself until the next time I weigh :) Hang in there--we are our toughest critics!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I weigh daily, too. And yeah! Try cognitive behavior therapy!

    When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about your loss, just stop, realize what you're doing and literally thank your brain for bringing it to your attention.

    Literally, think or say, "Thank you, brain, for having that thought."

    But don't just go through the motion. Really be grateful for the thought.

    Then you can dismiss it because it's been processed! After that, make it a point to genuinely thank yourself for having a loss. It's so fun!

    WTG on your successes!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    its not all about the scale!!!! focus on the measurements!!!!
  • TheTonyPony
    Must get a measuring tape...

    Where do you usually take measurements from?
  • aunt_hbomb
    I reluctantly go on the scale last night (I always weigh in on the wii at night) and was down 2.2 lbs since Thursday. I ate bad all weekend, drank and did not exercise so I wouldn't have thought I would have had a loss, but I did thankfully.
  • Get_Inspired2011
    Unfortunately, I weight myself multiple times a day. And I do the exact same thing!! I've lost a total of 40lbs, and even now, it's like I haven't lost that much! I look at it as yeah, I lost weight, but not enough. Or if I put on an old pair of jeans, and they are too big, it feels good...but when I look in the mirror it's like I can't see it!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I measure:

    Bust (over cups)
    Bust (underwire)
    Each bicep
    Each forearm
    Waist (smallest part)
    Hips (widest part)
    Each thigh
    Each calf
    Each ankle
    Each wrist
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    The reason you do that, I am sure, is because at first when you started to not see gains, you got frustrated and mentally came up with excuses for it. Now, even though you are working so hard for change, you are doing the same thing. You are protecting yourself without meaning to, from the fluctuations. Its a way of thinking you have to train yourself out of.
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I've found myself doing this and then stopping myself mid-thought and thinking "don't be daft, the scale isn't going to show lower than I deserve so it must be true. My smaller clothes haven't been labelled the wrong size in the shop and I didn't mis-measure myself an extra 5 inches around my hips at the beginning. It really has gone."
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    I definatley do that. I also won't log unless it is significant, and sometimes I log less then I have actually lost! It is crazy. Just like I will always go for the bigger size, like I just can't accept the fact that I am no longer a 14. I have not worn it in a year, but I will always grab it off the rack first. Why do we do this to ourselves!!!
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Yes yes I do this very same thing and even though I've lost a significant amount of weight and am having to get rid of my entire wardrobe, I still don't SEE the changes in the mirror. I think we DO undermine ourselves by weighing daily and expecting something negative each time or making up some excuse why we lost and expect it to come right back.

    Above and beyond measuring, I encourage you to keep a log of your weight loss successes. Choose a day and time once a week and record your weight ONLY on that day. The loss will then be in black and white and you can SEE it. Keep it with you (log it on MFP). There's no denying it once it's seen on the scale, written down, and accepted. Then move on to a NEW week full of personal challenges (both eating and physical) to take you to those next lost pounds.......Hang in there! We are ALL rooting for your success!