Question on calories and weight loss

Okay, I new to this. So here it goes..... I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to lose weight( hit major plateau). So the question I have is should I be eating my "GOAL" calories or less? EX: I have 234 cals left for the day( because I worked out) should I try to eat those remaining cals before bed or not? ( I ate a 1/2 protein bar because I wasn't sure:) ). And how close do you need to be to your "GOAL" in order to not to go into starvation mode??? ( One day I had 52 cals . left - is that okay?????) I'm trying to get out of that old way of thinking. I would love ALL the help I can get .Thanks so much!!!


  • im looking forward to hear what people have to say on this also as i sometimes am in the same situation? i wonder if sometimes im not losing weight because i don't eat enough, where at times i know exactly why im not!!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You should try to be within 100 cals of your goal (including eating back the calories you burned) over or under, in order to lose your goal amount of weight.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    One should try to have difference of a Couple of Hundred from the goal if one wants to lose. Otherwise a 100 Cal difference should take care of occasional binge.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    You should try to be within 100 cals of your goal (including eating back the calories you burned) over or under, in order to lose your goal amount of weight.

    Within 100 calories? Hmmm... well thats not cool! Does that mean I'd probably lose more weight eating more calories (I never personally go under 1200) to ensure I am within that 200 calorie range around the goal calories?

    Sorry loves, I am hella interested in this too :/
  • kayelrick
    kayelrick Posts: 31 Member
    i'm fairly new and i've found that i don't lose weight if i eat my exercise calories . . . but i imagine it's different for every one. I'm just adjusting according to results received. . . .
  • Because MFP already sets you calories at a deficit ideally you should be eating back your exercise calories otherwise the deficit is more which could throw your body into starvation mode.

    i usually try to eat back mine to within 100-150 cals because that gives a little leaway for if ive under estimated the number of calories ive consumed or over estimated the number ive burned off through exercise. This has so far been working for me.

    Im sure there will be a few members who have been around longer than me that have some pearls of wisdom to share. But i think the whole idea is that you do eat back what calories you can.

    I try to do my food diary for the whole day during the day so i can work out how many calories i have remaining and try to up my fruit & veg intake if need be. Because i dont want to sit here at 8.30pm thinking ive got 500 cals to eat although i already had 3 meals so ill "just have that huge chocolate bar that i bought for the kids" to use them all up.
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I really struggled with this too - my husband (who apparently knows everything) is adamant that the less calories you consume the more weight you will lose! When you're overweight, 'starvation mode' doesn't really apply! My doctor even said I needed to 'starve' my body to kick start weight loss (as couldn't exercise after giving birth). I try to consume less than 1200 calories a day regardless of how much exercise I do and have lost 18lbs since 1st August. I will however let myself reach the goal calories if eating out or having takeaways etc and then I don't feel guilty for eating them!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i was eating back all my exercise calories, but now i don't. i have lost since i quit eating them. i think everyone is different. on days i work-out more (like the days i go to the gym twice per day) i will eat back some of them, but not all. GL :smile:
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I really struggled with this too - my husband (who apparently knows everything) is adamant that the less calories you consume the more weight you will lose! When you're overweight, 'starvation mode' doesn't really apply! My doctor even said I needed to 'starve' my body to kick start weight loss (as couldn't exercise after giving birth). I try to consume less than 1200 calories a day regardless of how much exercise I do and have lost 18lbs since 1st August. I will however let myself reach the goal calories if eating out or having takeaways etc and then I don't feel guilty for eating them!
    the only problem with this is, if you are consuming less than 1200 calories per day consistently over a long period of time, and you are rapidly losing weight, that could be muscle loss. you really want to lose fat, not muscle.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    i'm fairly new and i've found that i don't lose weight if i eat my exercise calories . . . but i imagine it's different for every one. I'm just adjusting according to results received. . . .

    I'm the same way. I maintain if I eat my exercise calories. I lose only if I eat around 1200.. not eating what I burned off.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What is this "starvation mode" everyone is talking about?
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    What is this "starvation mode" everyone is talking about?
    your body starts storing what you eat because you arent eating enough
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi - Im new to this too - but I read that eat back half the exercise calories is good. Seems to be working so far. Good luck.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    What is this "starvation mode" everyone is talking about?
    your body starts storing what you eat because you arent eating enough

    That is not really what starvation mode is. Starvation Mode is you metabolism slowing down, and shutting off non-essential functions, and your body will burn a large % of lean muscles which further slows your metabolism. the only way you gain weigh is if you eat above your new maintenance calories, which are much lower than what MFP has set, you will gain weight, as your metabolism is slower than what MFP predicts it should be based on your age, gender and weight.

    So ifMFP has your maintenance cals at 1800, after "starvation mode" kicks in your maintenance may be 1600, so you will gain eating over 1600 whereas before you had to eat over 1800 to gain.
  • hwalter1
    hwalter1 Posts: 16 Member
    I think it really depends on what you're eating to make up the 'exercise calories'. If you're eating a bag of chips, that obviously will have a bearing on your weight loss compared to an apple and peanut butter. i've read that you should eat within 30 min after exercise of at least 80% carbs/20% protein for your muscles to repair. So protein shakes or something equivalent would be good, as opposed to a big plate of pasta and meatballs. :)

    I always eat my full calories and don't feel guilty. Yes, you may be losing weight, but you're probably losing muscle as opposed to fat pounds.

    Just my two cents as this information is what i've learned from reading Nancy Clark's fitness (who is a sports nutritionist) and my personal Trainer.
  • WOW! Thanks so much for all the great input on this topic. All your information has helped alot ! Nice to meet everyone and have a wonderful day and good lick on reaching your goals!!!
  • Okay I seriously need spell check HAHA
  • Okay, I new to this. So here it goes..... I'm not sure what to do. I'm trying to lose weight( hit major plateau). So the question I have is should I be eating my "GOAL" calories or less? EX: I have 234 cals left for the day( because I worked out) should I try to eat those remaining cals before bed or not? ( I ate a 1/2 protein bar because I wasn't sure:) ). And how close do you need to be to your "GOAL" in order to not to go into starvation mode??? ( One day I had 52 cals . left - is that okay?????) I'm trying to get out of that old way of thinking. I would love ALL the help I can get .Thanks so much!!!

    Same boat...anyone? help!!!:sad:
  • Because MFP already sets you calories at a deficit ideally you should be eating back your exercise calories otherwise the deficit is more which could throw your body into starvation mode.

    i usually try to eat back mine to within 100-150 cals because that gives a little leaway for if ive under estimated the number of calories ive consumed or over estimated the number ive burned off through exercise. This has so far been working for me.

    Im sure there will be a few members who have been around longer than me that have some pearls of wisdom to share. But i think the whole idea is that you do eat back what calories you can.

    I try to do my food diary for the whole day during the day so i can work out how many calories i have remaining and try to up my fruit & veg intake if need be. Because i dont want to sit here at 8.30pm thinking ive got 500 cals to eat although i already had 3 meals so ill "just have that huge chocolate bar that i bought for the kids" to use them all up.

    GREAT! This is exactly what I've been thinking of doing,