Your partners eating?

does it bother anyone else when you see your partner eating bad? My gf knows I'm trying to lose weight and get in shape and this morning while I ate a bagel at 110 calories she ate four cinnamon rolls at 180 calories a piece!!! I don't know why it bugs me to watch her eat this unhealthy but it does. It's like food and exercising is causing tension in our relationship which I don't want but I am on this journey for me. I want to have kids at sometime in my life and I want to be a role model and be able to play with my kids and do fun things with them I just feel like if she keeps eating the way she does that she is never going to be able to do that with me. Sorry for the rant I just needed to vent a little bit.


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I feel your pain. My issue is that I let my guys unhealthy eating rub off on me next thing you know I am back to eating how I used to. It sucks.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Yes,yes,yes.! it bothers me so much that my fiance eats the way he does.At one sitting he can consume 3000cals,Thats what I do in a 3day period.Plus His family history is racked with Heart desease,high blood pressure,and a handful of other things.I dont know how to get him on board with me,he has no interest at all in being healthy
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    I feel ya but it really doesn't bother me any more; maybe it's just an age thing, as you get older you learn to pick your battles. Hubby eats all the junk he wants when I am not cooking but makes no complaints when i cook a healthy meal, even when he doesn't really like it. you just have to focus on you; can't change anyone but yourself kiddo!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i will just say this.... i know what you mean. not that my partner eats really unhealthy all the time, but he doesn't seem to think an excess (at times a lot of excess!) of calories will affect him... he is in denial in general.
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    My hubby was the one who decided to go on this weight lost thing. He said it was time for a change so I agreed to it. Funny thing is,he hasn't done anything! I have been doing this for a month now on my own while he sits back and eats up everything in site and doesn't exercise. I chuckle up in the inside and look at him while he stuffs his face. Sometimes I even say to myself look at this fat *kitten* eating up everything! Good thing is the stuff he likes to eat,I don't really have the taste for.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    well, it doesn't bother me in a sense about him chosing to eat what he does, because he isn't fat.. just a little out of shape. It's moreso about the fact that I get to watch him eat it all.. and it sucks! It's so hard even though I've been doing extremely well. I want to eat those things too damnit LOL
  • kfitz10103
    My hubby just joined me after 8 months. He is on day 8 and he is doing great! I was fortunate before he started on the health-kick with me though. He craves salt and red meat. Those were his "bad" foods, but mine were sweets. So I was able to resist the stuff he had in the house because I didn't crave it. I did calculate in my head when he would eat a pizza or McDonald's how many calories there were, but he wasn't ready yet. I hope I didn't put pressure on him, but he did eventually join me. Once we spent 9 days together on vacation he saw how committed I was and he decided to join me. He still will save up calories and have fried chicken, but I have tried my best not to give unsolicited advice. We all know how we hate that.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I'm noticing this as well. Its like pulling teeth to see any changes. I want whats right for me... but they seem less intrested over all. And yet turn around and complain about how they are? Really? whatever, if they are not willing to get off their *kitten*, while I am -busting- mine to get to work where I want to be in my health-life, then maybe its time for me to have the come-to-jesus talk with them.
  • JCulp19
    JCulp19 Posts: 82
    Ya my girlfriend is not fat but she is kinda chunky and she is always complaining about how she thinks she fat and that her health insurance raised her price because of her weight yet all she does is eat mcdonalds and every other bad food in the house. Iv tried many times to get her to come workout with me and she always has some kind of excuse as to why she won't. She is always saying things like oh your gonna leave me cuz ur gonna be super skinny which I would not do but ughhh it just getting so annoying
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    My husband is by NO means fat...hes actually in super sexy shape, lol. Anyways, he eats SO much. he can have Mcdonalds, 2nd helpings, spinach artichoke dips, chips, 18 bowls of captain crunch with them awesome little crunch berries, and then a large blizzard with chocolate syrup all in a NIGHT and not gain an effin pound. what a d*ick. Sometimes i look at him and think, " God, how much more crap can you stuff in your face?!" but what im really upset about is that fact that he can and I cant :(
  • megarooni
    megarooni Posts: 50 Member
    I am completely having this problem. When I look at my trends for calories and exercise I am find that weekends, especially Sunday's, are horrible. On Sunday's my bf and I try to make a family dinner for ourselves and his family that he lives with. I made lasagna and garlic bread planned and figured out how to make it work in my caloric limits for the day. Then I woke up and found pancakes (more than 3 - 4") and a pound of bacon for the two of us. I appreciate that breakfast was made. But he knows that I need to do this for me and I am working really hard to stay on track and do things more responsibly so I can become happier with myself. When I eat within the serving sizes he acts like I am starving myself. So I will eat a few extra pieces of bacon or whatever we are having thinking I can burn it off. Then I find out that our time table for our plans has totally changed and I barely have thirty minutes to get ready. So, later in the day I'll suggest we go for a walk around the neighborhood. This weekend the colors are really in full swing of changing and I suggested it and like most other weekends he is just too tired when it gets to that point. Then I go to bed feeling guilty that I didn't stay within my limits and dreading stepping onto the scale on Monday. Luckily this week I maintained over the weekend, but it is not helping me get to any of my goals and is becoming discouraging. I know he loves me that way I am, but I do not love me the way I am! I want to be healthier and he doesn't seem to understand how important this is to me, though he always tells me that he does. I am to the point where I feel I need to just take everything into my own hands and do what I need to do for me. I just wish there was a way to get him more involved in what I am doing. He is also overweight and probably has about the same amount to loose that I do. At one point I said we should work together and motivate each other and he almost ignored what I was saying. We have talked about doing something like this since we met and now I am taking the action but I am not getting the support I would love to have. This weekend I am planning out another conversation to have about how it's like he is helping me sabotage what I am trying to do for me. It's not his fault I am the one who gives in and I take full responsibility, but maybe I can find a different way to show him how it is being sabotaged and how it could be beneficial for both of us. I guess I feel communication is going to be the best way to get through this time and maybe get my significant other on board. Good luck! Know you aren't alone!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I can sympathise! You can't force them to eat better. My guy isn't overweight, but he does have a bit of a belly. He won't eat fruits and vegies, white carbs are 75% of his diet, and he drinks sweet tea 24/7! After his physical last week the doc told him to cut back on his carbs, sugar and salt..... He is in trouble now! LOL It will be interesting to see what he does.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    It bothers me on two accounts. One, he still wants dinner of all you can eat buffet, treats of blizzards and shakes and when he suggests them, that is all I can think about, and I have no self control. I don't stop eating until I'm in pain.

    It also bothers me because while I'm trying to look good, he just keeps gaining weight, and it is hard to find him attractive anymore :( I try and cook healthy, but he picks all the healthy pieces out, or just leaves me to eat on my own and goes out for dinner. He has always eaten out his whole life, so unfortunatly he won't miraculously get bored of it.

    But I just keep my mouth shut. Maybe he'll change, maybe he wont. I'd be pissed off and annoyed if it were the other way around, me wanting to eat anything and have somebody nag me about it.
  • mrsmorris13
    I feel ya but it really doesn't bother me any more; maybe it's just an age thing, as you get older you learn to pick your battles. Hubby eats all the junk he wants when I am not cooking but makes no complaints when i cook a healthy meal, even when he doesn't really like it. you just have to focus on you; can't change anyone but yourself kiddo!

    I've adopted this train of thought. I figured that he has his own demons with food and health. I love him madly and it's hard to watch him eat like crap, however, I am not doing him any favors by being a NAG! So, I just cook healthy, eat healthy and if he wants all the extra "YUCK" then he can add the butter, gravy, cheese....etc to his own meal. He is am amazing guy, I'm crazy about him. So I too just pick my battles!