Cleanses?? Help

Hello All,

I am looking for a good cleanse to do for about 10 days. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year and in teh beginning I was on 19 pills a day (about 7 diff meds) and though I have worked hard and took myself off of all medication, I still need to clean that crap out of my body.

Also I have tried the master cleanse twice, the problem is I can not go with out eating I suffer from migrains and always on day 2
I get a really bad one and am in a terrible spot. The last time I tried I almost ended up in the hopsital until my brother shoved a sandwich down my throat. (crazy story)

So I need something where I can atleast eat steamed veggies or even raw.

Any suggestions? Anyone want to join in?


  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Raw Cleanse. Look it up. I follow a raw diet but a lot of people use it as a cleanse.
  • ksabell
    Advocare has a really great 10 day cleanse and is not too intense
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I do the Blueprint Cleanse
  • Jessicareyes78
    Jessicareyes78 Posts: 36 Member
    Herbalife has a good cellular and intestinal cleansinsing system. I'm sure you can find a distributor in your area or go on their website.
  • shaylafitness
    shaylafitness Posts: 11 Member
    Do Bikram yoga for a week. A lot of areas have great deals for intro yoga. It's 26 poses done in a hot room. You sweat intensely and the benefits are countless. Toxins leave the body.
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member

    This cleanse is seriously amazing. It's completely raw vegan, and you are able to eat raw fruits and vegetables on it. Doing this cleanse for only 3 days got me off of THREE of my doctors were ridiculously impressed! I too, have Fibromyalgia, so I know the difficulties. I would seriously look into this.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hello All,

    I am looking for a good cleanse to do for about 10 days. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year and in teh beginning I was on 19 pills a day (about 7 diff meds) and though I have worked hard and took myself off of all medication, I still need to clean that crap out of my body.

    Also I have tried the master cleanse twice, the problem is I can not go with out eating I suffer from migrains and always on day 2
    I get a really bad one and am in a terrible spot. The last time I tried I almost ended up in the hopsital until my brother shoved a sandwich down my throat. (crazy story)

    So I need something where I can atleast eat steamed veggies or even raw.

    Any suggestions? Anyone want to join in?

    Shakeology Cleanse, it's only 3 days but it will do the trick. It has pre-biotics and digestive enzymes to help clean out the junk....
  • sheamichael

    This cleanse is seriously amazing. It's completely raw vegan, and you are able to eat raw fruits and vegetables on it. Doing this cleanse for only 3 days got me off of THREE of my doctors were ridiculously impressed! I too, have Fibromyalgia, so I know the difficulties. I would seriously look into this.

    Thanks I will look into this!! :-)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
  • sheamichael
    I do the Blueprint Cleanse

    I looked into this for a "pre wedding" cleanse last year but it was so expensive!!! LIke 800 dollars or something
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did roughly 3.5 weeks of a 4 week natural cleanse and it worked WONDERS on my body. Not only did I lose weight (that I have kept off, and continue to lose), but I feel a TON better. here are the simple guidelines:

    weeks 1 and 2:

    1. you can eat all of the veggies you want. eat them raw, in stir fry, steamed, cooked, grilled, etc. you're going to want to try eating them different ways because veggies is all you get for 2 weeks.

    2. some foods you might consider veggies either are not veggies or, to avoid debate simply have too many carbs to be eaten during the cleanse...those would be potatoes (startch) beans (legume), tomatoes (fruit), and corn (grain). stay away from these items even though some folks consider them veggies.

    3. you are permitted about 13 grams of carbs per day...not counting the veggies. I got my carbs from using reduced sodium soy sauce and kikkoman's reduced sodium stir fry sauce in the stir fry....something I ate once or twice every day. you could try other seasoning sauce that is similar to the stir fry sauce in carbs/calories/sodium.

    4. you are allowed to drink only water...plain water...and you should aim for 100 ounces or more every day.

    5. you should exercise during the cleanse.

    weeks 3 and 4:

    6. in addition to 1 through 5 above, you can eat 8 ounces of skinless chicken breast everyday...grilled.

  • sheamichael
    I did roughly 3.5 weeks of a 4 week natural cleanse and it worked WONDERS on my body. Not only did I lose weight (that I have kept off, and continue to lose), but I feel a TON better. here are the simple guidelines:

    weeks 1 and 2:

    1. you can eat all of the veggies you want. eat them raw, in stir fry, steamed, cooked, grilled, etc. you're going to want to try eating them different ways because veggies is all you get for 2 weeks.

    2. some foods you might consider veggies either are not veggies or, to avoid debate simply have too many carbs to be eaten during the cleanse...those would be potatoes (startch) beans (legume), tomatoes (fruit), and corn (grain). stay away from these items even though some folks consider them veggies.

    3. you are permitted about 13 grams of carbs per day...not counting the veggies. I got my carbs from using reduced sodium soy sauce and kikkoman's reduced sodium stir fry sauce in the stir fry....something I ate once or twice every day. you could try other seasoning sauce that is similar to the stir fry sauce in carbs/calories/sodium.

    4. you are allowed to drink only water...plain water...and you should aim for 100 ounces or more every day.

    5. you should exercise during the cleanse.

    weeks 3 and 4:

    6. in addition to 1 through 5 above, you can eat 8 ounces of skinless chicken breast everyday...grilled.


    OK this sounds alot more like my kind of plan!!! Thanks I will let you know how it works
  • sheamichael
    Any suggestions on breakfast?
  • shaymh
    shaymh Posts: 7
    I have done a couple of cleanses. They both worked great and I felt amazing afterward. The first one was three weeks, so probably a little longer than you are looking for. It was in conjuction with a product called Mediclear and was recommended by my accupuncturist. The last one I did was 10 day and was given to me by my chiropractor, it was the Metagenics Detox. It was pretty easy to follow and it helps that it was only the 10 days. Good luck!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Any suggestions on breakfast?

    breakfast was the oddest meal because it was hard to get my head around the idea of eating veggies for breakfast. I think the most satisfying thing for me was to eat stir fry for breakfast. I usually made enough stir fry for 4-5 meals at a time. so I'd have some in the morning ready to heat up (or eat cold, it wasn't bad cold). other times, I ate some combo of raw veggies...celery, green peppers, cucumbers, carrots. I ate a lot of celery during the cleanse (and I still eat a fair amount of it).

    by the way, if you currently drink a lot of caffeine, I would recommend cutting back before you start the cleanse. I was down to one can of soda a day before I started so my caffeine withdrawals were fairly minor and lasted only 2-3 days. some folks, however, get massive headaches by cutting out caffeine cold turkey without a cut back plan.

    I can tell you that since I cut out caffeine in late April and done the cleanse, I have felt more energized than I remember ever feeling for years. I don't need any caffeine to get through my day and the only days I'm tired are when I don't get enough sleep.

    I should add that the guy who told me about this cleanse told me that I would hate people and hate him after about a you should probably let friends and co-workers know that your temper might be shorter for at least a couple of weeks. For me, most days I felt fine, but I know I had a few of those short tempered days. If you have questions during the cleanse...or about what you should do can always ask me. I know I bugged the crap out of the guy 10 days into it about my fears of gaining back the weight after the cleanse. He always told me the same thing....its all about portion control when you get done.