TO MUCH INFO AT WORK...(ruined my good mood...)

Moofey Posts: 444
*Phone rings*

This is Jessica speaking how may I help you?

Employer: "Yes, you called to verify employment for someone who works here."

Me: "Yes I did, it was for_______."

Employer: "Yeah, he committed suicide... Shot himself in the face with a shot gun..."

Me: "Uhh... I am so sorry to hear that, thank you for calling me back..."

Employer: "Yeah, well if you need to know it was last 4th of July..."

Me: ...."Thank you"... *Click*

I did NOT need to know that! AHHHH :(

Has something like this ever happened to you? Do tell!


  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Wow, I'm already in a bad mood, but that kind of changes things for me. Guess my problems aren't that bad after all.
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    oh man i totally use TMI in the opposite way. whenever i think people are listening to me on my phone (i'm in a pretty open area) i decide to call my GYN and schedule an appointment. :wink:
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    That puts a different perspective on my day! :( So sad to see someone get that low.....
  • marcsgirl10
    marcsgirl10 Posts: 40 Member
    That's so awful...there is always a better way to get the message across without being ugly about it :(
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    That's really sad to hear :(

    I worked at a suicide line and you have to have a really thick skin to deal with issues like that.

    Hope that you are ok?
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    Stay calm and carry on....
  • Jessicareyes78
    Jessicareyes78 Posts: 36 Member
    Sorry you had to go through that...Boy was that person insensitive. How did he expect someone would react to that? Hope your day goes better for you.
  • Legalchica
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    wow....that's terrible for one, but for two, I'd think that would be against some regulation or something to give away that kind of info... that's just bleh terrible... wish I hadn't clicked :(

    sorry you had to hear it on the phone :(
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    #1 - sorry you had to deal with that!

    #2 - that was completely unprofessional of that person to put it that way, regardless. I would ask to speak to their supervisor if that ever happened to me!!

    #3 - not had that happen to me exactly, but where I work (at a veterinarian hospital), we deal with all manner of people who give TMI. Every so often we get the phone call about the dog who ingests a used condom, or the cat that ate the owner's illegal narcotics. Yeah. You can't unhear stuff like that. And then when the person brings their pet in and you have to look them in the eye... whew!

    #4 - 4 is just my lucky number and thus it should be included.

    Hope your day gets better! :)
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    About two years ago I interviewed a guy for a manufacturing position. We had an immediate need, and I sensed he "was hungry' for work and figured I'd take a chance on him. At the time we hired several people from the local homeless shelter, with 50/50 success. This was a Thursday afternoon, and I informed the gentleman that he would need to pass a pre-employment drug screen (which he could go and take at an offsife facility once our interview was complete) and, barring any complications he would be expected for work the following Monday morning with proper work attire, including steel-toed boots. Off he went, thanking me repeatedly for giving him a chance. Friday came, and word came he passed his drug test.

    Late that same Friday night I'm watching the news, and a late-breaking story is of an eldery man who shot an intruder dead in his house. The intruder was demanding money, and once inside the house had attempted to also steal the old man's boots. Needless to say we still had an open position come Monday morning.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Ugh. WOW. I feel your pain. I know how that can totally put a damper on your day. I remember sitting next to a couple arguing on the bus about who would get to take their HIV meds...since only 1 of them had any form of insurance. It was. so. bleak. Ruined my entire commute. I got off halfway, and had a cocktail
  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192
    About two years ago I interviewed a guy for a manufacturing position. We had an immediate need, and I sensed he "was hungry' for work and figured I'd take a chance on him. At the time we hired several people from the local homeless shelter, with 50/50 success. This was a Thursday afternoon, and I informed the gentleman that he would need to pass a pre-employment drug screen (which he could go and take at an offsife facility once our interview was complete) and, barring any complications he would be expected for work the following Monday morning with proper work attire, including steel-toed boots. Off he went, thanking me repeatedly for giving him a chance. Friday came, and word came he passed his drug test.

    Late that same Friday night I'm watching the news, and a late-breaking story is of an eldery man who shot an intruder dead in his house. The intruder was demanding money, and once inside the house had attempted to also steal the old man's boots. Needless to say we still had an open position come Monday morning.

    STOP PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are no words.........