How do you weigh yourself?

I was just curious of everybody’s habits about weighing themselves. I only weigh myself once a week or so, because I don’t want that number to dictate my day. I also do it in the morning, after I went to the bathroom & with my clothes on. As a kicker, the scale is in my kitchen, next to the refrigerator as a reminder to stay on track. It funny how many of my friends get on my scale when they are here. They always comment about it.

So…, what’s your weighing style?


  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    I weigh naked, even a tshirt adds .2 to .4 lbs I have found
  • Maple669
    I weigh like 3 times a my clothes
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Every Saturday morning, after I go to the bathroom. I step on the scale daily but only record my weight once a week.

    I weigh myself naked can you tell how much you really weigh, unless you're wearing the exact same outfit every time you weigh in?
  • cararq
    cararq Posts: 457 Member
    I'm FORCING myself NOT to weigh myself every day. I want to. But I made a goal that I wouldn't weigh more than once a week, and I decided to do Fridays. I weigh in the morning as soon as I get up--on Fridays. :smile:
  • Legalchica
    Mornings in nuthing more than my undies. i try to only do it once a week but it is sooooo hard. I want to see the weight come off faster... :( I like the idea of putting your scale by the fridge :) but... then I would have to weigh in with clothes... my kids are old enough that I cant be running around the house nekkid anymore :)
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    once a week and measure myself once a month
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Every morning after I empty my bladder (which is pretty much immediately) w/o clothes on, but I don't panic over 2 pound weight fluctuations. I mainly focus on my Thursday and my Monday weights to help guide me for extra exercise needs or watch my sodium...

    Oh, yeah, and measure every 2-4 weeks...that REALLY tells you what is going on with your body a whole lot better than a scale (as long as you measure in consistant points
  • kevans1683
    Well, I weight prettty much every day but it's just to see if what I am doing is working. Sometimes it's only a few onces of results a day but hey, thats something. My scale at home quit working and I haven't bought another. I weigh at the gym though. It's the kind they have a doctors office so hopefully it's acurate and I'm reading it corectly.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Weekly weigh-in is on Sunday. First thing when I wake up, done using the bathroom, naked....

    During the week, I try on some clothes that never did fit, and see the results that way as well. I have an outfit from Singapore that a friend gave me that I could not fit in two months ago... Im fitting in it right now!!!!!!! but not confident enough to wear it (or wear it outside the house) just yet.... But I like seeing the results through clothes more than I do the scale.... numbers dont necessarily add up to a finite result...
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Uggg,I do it clothes first thing in the am or after a workout
  • brittphillips4
    brittphillips4 Posts: 15 Member
    I use to weigh myself constantly but then it started to effect my emotions when I did. If I was slightly over what I was before I would be upset and hard on myself. However, now I weigh myself once a week as soon as I wake up without clothes on. Weighing with clothes on adds pounds just a tiny bit but it can make the difference :)
  • Charrah
    Charrah Posts: 60

    I weigh once a week, usually on Saturday, first thing in the morn after bathroom and no clothes.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I weigh in daily, after Ive used the restroom, naked in my bathroom before I shower. If I dont weigh in daily and get anxiety and my sanity is worth a couple of pounds fluctuation from day to day. At least I know!! I use it as fuel to change my habits from moment to moment.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    at work--digital scale with clothes but no shoes...
  • mindphluxxx
    Once every few days, though I've been using the Wii fit, so I do see how my BMI has changed every day when it does the 'Body Test'. But normal weighing generally first thing in the morning, after going to the loo and walking the dog but before I eat/drink anything.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I weigh myself once a week after I go to the bathroom and with nothing on.
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    I do it first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom then I work out weigh myself again and again after my shower..... and for fun I weigh at night and the number is never the morning number - but I only record my weight bi-weekly on Monday's ( I realized not too smart after the weekend -but oh well) and of course in my birthday suit!
  • Arturojaquez
    Arturojaquez Posts: 8 Member
    The key is weighing yourself at the same time everyday or everytime you weigh yourself...and wearing the same thing or nothing at all.... I weigh my self in the morning after my workout....(habit from the Army) I weigh everyday to keep track and see if my diet and workouts are working... I measure every other day or so....
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I use to weigh myself constantly but then it started to effect my emotions when I did. If I was slightly over what I was before I would be upset and hard on myself. However, now I weigh myself once a week as soon as I wake up without clothes on. Weighing with clothes on adds pounds just a tiny bit but it can make the difference :)
    That’s why I only weigh myself once a week. It could really make or break your day.

    I also do it with my clothes on because I know my clothes have some weight to them, so it a mental game with me. “Hey, that’s a good number WITH my clothes ON!”

    We all pretty much go to the bathroom first, BAHAHA!
  • ianfoster
    always on Fridays, heres why...I work out all week and and Friday will be my best day. I wait about an hour after I get up, no food no drinks......sorry but have to mention this also after bathroom! I NEVER NEVER WEIGH MYSELF ON A MONDAY NO NO NO NO! lmao!